The Kalmarian Chronicles/Edition:2

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Kalmar islands Emblem.JPGThe Kalmarian ChroniclesKalmar islands Emblem.JPG
Price: Free, though donations are greatly accepted ----- Printed In Kalmar City ----- Editor: Legatus DeSyrr ----- Late April '06 ----- The Kalmarian Chronicles is an IJARG paper.

Oligarch dying


There was a great battle today in Bruck, a region west of Oligarch City. This land was once a part of the large Oligarchian Republic. Now after being held by Sirion, it has rebelled into a rogue state. Oligarch now has been reduced to two uncoinnected cities and one rural region. In Bruck, forces fighting to keep Oligarch alive as the independant nation it has been, and allied forced from the great military power of Perdan in the south fought against the mass of Sirionite and Fontanese invaders. The Oligarchians and Perdanese were outnumbered, and the battle seems to be a fatal blow against Oligarch, may the Great Dragon give them strength to survive. Seige pic.JPG

Here is an artist's rendition of Oligarch City under seige from masses of Sirionite and Fontanese invaders

More rebellion in Old Rancagua


Another rebellion in happening in Old Rancagua. As is common knowledge, Old Rancangua has a powerful affect on Kalmar Islands. They have proven an effective enemy under the esteemed King Prometheus, and were the only ones to officially declare war on the islands after the hijacking. Old Rancagua though has also been seeing plenty of rebellions since the Operation Rubber Ducky event and the disappearance of some OR leaders. Thalanteus, Dictator of Old Rancagua had his rule uprooted by Fuiner, former Old Rancaguan king. Fuiner won the rebellion extremely quickly. Almost immediately after this victory, Thalanteus launched a counter-rebellion. This counter rebellion was sucessful and Thalenteus's rule was reinstated, the government was then reformed into a monarchy, like it was in Fuiners reign. This rebellion gives those in KI a bit of releif, as it gives us more time for military and economic development and defensive war has not occured yet on the islands. The Kalmarian military and economy continues to grow though, and we may be able to repel OR attacks successfully should they come. On the rebellion note, I also must mention many Pre-rebellion Kalmarians are exiled in Old Rancagua. May they survive the turmoil and eventually return to the land that once was ours, and may this war soon cease, may we have stable and well-supported governments in both nations.

The New Kalmar Islands


Well I have been allowed to return to my homeland in Kalmar Islands, after pledging an oath to always work for their prosperity, as I always have. To all former Kalmarians likely still in exile I shall tell you of El Cid's government. Currently there is not much uniformity in the islands. With old Avamarians, and El Cid's hijackers the realm hardly resembles home anymore. There is currently a vote in order on whether the realm should become a democracy or a republic. Gnaeus, who has been given command of Chaos Temple by El Cid (Spoils system here?) has laid out an extensive plan for government and election, and is based mainly around the old Avamarian consitution. In other news, a new troop leader, Domingo by name hasbeen banned for a crime he pleads innocent to. I was still in exile, and just returned in time to see accustions aginst him and the response, not the crime itself. Personally, I think the man deserved a trial of some sort. That would seem something resembling Avamar, but currently the tyranny is still in place and Domingo is not paid much attention to.

I urge all former Kalmarians to pledge to work for the prosperity of the islands, and begin to help form a new democratic government. I still beleive the monarhcy should have never been destroyed. The esteemed King Prometheus should still be in power, but we can still have some control in our country's affairs under this system. I see little chnace for the monarchy to return, and this democratic sysatem would atleast give we Kalmarians some control of our nation.