Briarwood Family/Liliyana/Clearing Clermont

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<a name="#battle">Battle in Clermont</a>

message to all nobles participating in the battle in Clermont

1ABriarwood HeartseekersLilyanaPerdan23 Archline  326
2DMonsters(Monsters)(rogue)10 otherline  505

1 attackers (23 Arch)
1 defenders (10 other)
Total combat strengths: 326 vs. 505

The troops from (rogue) set up defenses because they control the battlefield.
The Perdan troops attack because they are at war with (rogue).

A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

 1 (23-A)
     2 (10-M)

Briarwood Heartseekers (1) move closer to get better shots.
Monsters (2) advance towards the enemy.

Total hits suffered: Attackers: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged)

Turn No. 2

  1 (23-A)
   2 (10-M)

Briarwood Heartseekers (1) move closer to get better shots.
Monsters (2) advance towards the enemy.

Total hits suffered: Attackers: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged)

Turn No. 3

   1 (23-A)
 2 (10-M)

Briarwood Heartseekers (1) fire on Monsters (2), scoring 236 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 236
Monsters (2) advance towards the enemy.

Monsters (2) take 236 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 236 (0 from close combat and 236 from ranged)
Total casualties: 0 attackers, 2 defenders

Turn No. 4

   1 (23-A)
2 (8-M)

Briarwood Heartseekers (1) fire on Monsters (2), scoring 158 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 0, Defenders: 158
Monsters (2) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 2):
2 Perdan banners are visible in the melee.
Briarwood Heartseekers (1) score 54 hits on Monsters (2).
Monsters (2) score 217 hits on Briarwood Heartseekers (1).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 217, Defenders: 54

Briarwood Heartseekers (1) take 217 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.
Monsters (2) take 212 hits (54 in close combat, 158 from archer fire), which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 217 (217 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 212 (54 from close combat and 158 from ranged)
Total casualties: 6 attackers, 2 defenders

Attacker Victory!

The locals are grateful for defeating the evil forces plaguing their region.

Battle Results

(Personal message)

Your unit participated in a battle in Clermont. Your scribe has written down a <a href="ShowScribeNote.php?noteId=884881" target="_blank">battle report</a>.

The battle lasted for 2 hours.

You have gained 3 Honour and 1 Prestige.
3 of your men were killed and 3 were wounded in this battle.
Your men's equipment suffers 7 % damage. Combat training increases by 4 points. Unit cohesion rises 5 points.

Roleplay from Lilyana Briarwood

Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (20 recipients)

Lilyana: Clearing Clermont PT 1

Lilyana stood on the crest of a hill overlooking the rolling fields of the Clermont region. Her attire was a suit of practical leather armour. Her presence exuded an air of tranquillity and authority, drawing the eyes of her fellow archers, the Heartseekers, who stood at the ready, bows in hand.

"They hide in the forest," Lilyana's voice, soft and mysterious, reached her younger brother, Malachi, who stood nearby with a focused intensity. His eyes, a mirror of determination, met hers briefly as they shared an unspoken understanding.

"I know how to make them charge," Malachi's response came quick and certain, a fire burning behind his words. Unsheathing his sword, he spurred his horse forward, charging into the depths of the woods with a fierce resolve.

Lilyana's lips curled into a bittersweet smile, a blend of pride and apprehension. With a soft, almost resigned sigh, she murmured to herself, "Always the hero."

Moments later, the forest spat forth Malachi, his blade glistening with the dark green blood of the beasts. Following him, a grotesque horde of furred and fanged creatures emerged, charging in blind fury. Lilyana raised her arm, a gesture that signalled her archers to advance.

The Heartseekers, visibly fearful but resolute, took hesitant steps forward. The ground beneath their feet seemed shaky, for this was their first true battle, a baptism of fire that had been whispered about in the campfires' glow. As Malachi got behind the Heartseekers, Lilyana motioned for her archers to halt. They obeyed, nervously nocking their arrows. She drew her own sword, a shimmering silver blade adorned with winding metal vines and thorns. Its brilliance caught the sunlight, sending glimmers dancing across the field.

The Heartseekers drew back their arrows as Lilyana pointed her sword towards the approaching beasts. Her voice, soft yet commanding, drifted through the air. "Steady, my Heartseekers." As the beasts drew near, a voice brimming with energy erupted from the heart of the fray. "Loose!" Malachi's command rang out, prompting the Heartseekers to release a volley of arrows that struck down some of the charging monsters.

Then, a new command echoed, swift and fierce. "Draw swords! Charge!" Malachi's mount surged forward, leading the Heartseekers in a headlong rush into the brutal melee. The clash of steel on fur, the scream of men and the roars of beasts, coalesced into a symphony of chaos.

Lilyana took a step back, her eyes wide and intense as she watched the two forces collide. The raw intensity of the melee enveloped them all, painting the fields in shades of red and green as blood flowed freely.

Roleplay from Lilyana Briarwood

Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (20 recipients)

Lilyana: Clearing Clermont PT 2

Time warped and stretched as the battle raged on, an endless flurry of blades and teeth. Malachi's prowess was evident as he cut down one of the beasts, his movements fluid and precise. The Heartseekers, their fear melting into fierce determination, swarmed another creature, bringing it down with a collective effort.

Almost half an hour passed, the air thick with the scent of sweat and the metallic tang of blood. And then, as abruptly as it had begun, the beasts retreated, their whimpers and yelps mixing with the sounds of their hurried escape.

Cheers erupted among the Heartseekers and Malachi, a moment of triumphant exultation. But it was short-lived, for the injured required attention. Amid the aftermath, Malachi's gaze darted around, seeking his sister. His worry intensified as he failed to spot her amongst the Heartseekers. His concern transformed into relief when he heard a soft, soothing melody in the distance. He found her sitting beside a dying Heartseeker. He recognised her. She was a newer recruit named Ebony. She was one of the miller's daughters, he noted.

Ebony's body bore the gruesome wounds of the battle, her pain etched into her every laboured breath. Her torn and injured form rested against Lilyana's lap as she sang softly, a soothing lullaby that mingled with the wind's gentle caress. Ebony's weak voice reached Malachi's ears, prompting him to approach her. Their hushed exchange held a mix of warmth and sorrow.

"Did we win, sir?" Ebony asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

A tear glistened in Malachi's eyes as he replied, "Yes, we did."

"Did... did I help...make a difference?" Her voice trembled.

"You did," Malachi assured her, his grip on her hand tightening. Ebony winced in pain but managed a weak smile.

"It much. I am scared," Ebony whispered, her voice laden with agony.

Malachi's tears fell freely as he held her hand, his voice breaking, "I know, it's ok, you won't die, Ebony. You'll be okay, I promise."

After a few moments, Lilyana's song faded, replaced by a sombre sigh. She sighed, her eyes meeting Malachi's, shaking her head ever so softly. She closed Ebony's eyes and tenderly moved her head from her lap, rising to her feet. Her gaze wandered over the battlefield.

Surveying the aftermath, Lilyana's gaze lingered on the fallen Heartseekers, her voice a low whisper of apology to the departed souls. She closed her eyes and clasped her hands. "May the winds of fate gift thee with kinder futures in thy next life," her words a soft-spoken prayer.

With a heavy heart, Lilyana turned to Malachi. "Perhaps, we should celebrate this victory. The men all fought well," she mused, her tone carrying a sense of uncertainty.

Malachi's response held a rare uncertainty, his voice quick and purposeful. "I don't doesn't feel like a victory."

Malachi's unsure response led them to stand in silent contemplation. Lilyana's arms enveloped Malachi in an unexpected hug, drawing him close. "I'm grateful thee art safe," she murmured, her voice filled with relief and concern. "But don't charge ahead carelessly next time. Thee art important to me, little brother."

Malachi nodded, his apology sincere as he returned the hug. Their embrace ended, and Lilyana's command resonated through the air. "Bury the fallen, tend to the wounded, and set up camp. Clermont won't be free of these creatures until we've cleared them all."

As the Heartseekers set to work, digging graves and erecting tents, Malachi slipped away to lend his hand. Lilyana watched him go, a subtle regret weighing on her heart as she noted his sorrow and distress.

Lilyana gazed into the woods, a determination etching itself into her otherwise calm expression. "We won't let such creatures slaughter unchallenged, not ever," she softly spoke, her voice a quiet vow that hung in the air, a promise made to the wind.