Redspan Revealer/21st April 2006

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Revision as of 16:17, 21 April 2006 by ScottSabin (talk | contribs)
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Banner-D.png RedSpan Revealer
Price: Free Editor: Tony, High Marhsal of Redspan Issue No6 21st April 2006
Printed In Stargard
Sullenport Given In Exchange for Peace
There is peace between ASI and Redspan. With months of negosiations and many letters exchanged between the two rulers of the involved parties, they havce come to an arrangement. ASI will hold sullenport and Rogeshore. This leaves Redspan ready to take on the NA without having to keep looking over its shoulder. Although this may be a major blow to Redspans funds, the peasents have tightened their belts and are preparing for the times ahead. This is not the worst situation they have been in. After a number of days a TO has been raging in the city, with the cities milita fighting every step of the way. Although no mobile force of Redspan tried to stop the TO, superb dicipline was seen amongst its ranks as there was a heated discussion wheather we should accept the deal.
Meldeen Under its rightful owner
Meldeen has returned to its rightfull owner and have thrown out the tyrants of Tara. Nagash was reinstated as the local lord. But right now Meldeen is being TO again. The peasents of Meldeen are a tough bunch and we feel sorry for them as the NA will not leave them alone and are destroying their homes. Some of the peasnts have took it upon them selves to fight the invading army but it was all in vain. The peasents will soon not have to worry much as the fighting in and around their homes will soon end, with the fighting moving further north.
New Laws from above
wod has passed into our ears that regions without Local lords will now collect half taxes. It must be these drunk peasents forgeting to pay their taxes on time. But our lords will make sure they do. We need every gold coin to make sure that they stay safe from the tryrants upnorth.
Welcome New Nobles
Lately we have ahad an influx of new nobles. We here at the Revealer would like to extend our hands to help you get your footing in our fine realm. Although we are slightly short on gold we welcome you into our ranks.
Daily Dose Of Da One
Yes that time is here ladies and gentlemen, you can now get your latest installment of Da One.

The Pillars of Da Way (also known as "Da Goat's Legs") Using soap is heresy; it hides a person's true odor like a mask hides a person's true identity. Plus, it tastes really bad.

  • Shiny metals & armors are like a peacock's feathers; they only serve to display your own conceit and vanity. Worn, beaten and rusty metals are prized by us; they have endured many trials and have been steadfast companions.

  • Ales & other such drinks are highly prized for their inebriating properties. They put you in a similar state of mind with Da Great Goat and should be enjoyed often and in as large a quantity as possible.

  • Dresses/robes/kilts are the only acceptable forms of clothing. Da Great One has no need of pants, and neither do his followers.

  • Beards are a must for devout followers of Da Way (including women). Shaving is forbidden. Da Hairy One would never shave his beard, so neither must his followers. A goat without a beard is a disgrace.