Brennaborg Family/Journal of Meginhard

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Westgard in the year 63
Hierarchy of Westgard in the year 63

Year 63 (2022-08-01 to 2022-10-23)

Meginhard Brennaborg

Summer 9th

My lord, Marcus D Luffy, is appointed senator of Sabadell. His main assignment is to secure the food production in the north of Sabadell. He immediately gave an order to enforce archery training for every adult male. He has also tasked me to build a motte near Brennaford.

Fall 15th

The motte is completed! I built it on the junction of the Brenna and the Gelene. As a reward for my service, my lord has enfeoffed me with Northridge. Operating from the Brennaborg, I am responsible for the safety of the entire north.

Fall 16th

I have assembled a company of 20 men. Egil, Alafrid, Askold, Gelbold, Wolfgang, Hadubrand, Anselm Willemson, Anselm Gerbertson, Sigfried and Ingmar are from Brennaford. They are led by my brother Wikhman.

Leofwynn, Manfred and Herman Esquerian are from Esquery. Radegast, Herman Ardastian, Gudrun and Widukind are from Ardast. Detlef and Aethelstan are brothers from the Oldham farm near hill Sabadell. They are led by my advisor Gerulf.

Fall 18th

I have arrived at Gelene. I immediately went to the barracks to hire Silver Shields. My father always spoke highly of them and I got to speak to Lupold, a veteran from the Gold See Conflict. He looked puzzled when I told him I wanted to hire him to fight monsters. He nevertheless accepted and brought with him 10 more of his companions.

While we were training outside the walls, I received a message from the Lord Commander. I had sent him a question about the best tactics to fight monsters. As I was reading the letter, I came to understand why Lupold had looked so puzzled: close combat is not desirable.

I have decided to buy the best bows possible for my men. Lupold has immediately started training the men in proper tactics for archers.

Fall 19st

The High King informed us that an assassin from Luria Nova is at loose, named Seifer Tideweaver. Emperor Bruce Wilde refused to take action and this criminal has also acted against Avernor and even there federal partner, Swordfell.

Fall 20th

In the early morning I was outside the city walls, when two Silver Shields came running to me with bad news: Seifer had escaped!