Goldwater Family/Wolfram/Oath of Gold

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Letter from Dandro Goldhaart

Viscount Wolfram Goldwater,

My name is Lord Dandro GoldHaart,

I wish to meet you face to face and hear any stories you have of your brother Sir Jacelyn, I did not know him very well before his time upon this world came to an end.

Sir Jacelyn Goldwater's death was one of many tragic events that inspired me to make a force to combat the corruption of the nobles who I feel lead to his death.

That is why I formed The Golden Dawn Order, to help shine light on the corruption of some of the nobility.

Your Gold Hearted Champion.

Dandro GoldHaart Margrave of Mulhouse

Letter from Wolfram Goldwater

My Lord,

If that is what you desire, then I will be honoured to welcome you at my table. For now, I find myself in Perdan in the Black horse tavern, close to the King's gate.

Fame and Glory,

Wolfram Goldwater Viscount of Beziers

Dandro Goldhaart

Having arrived in the city a few days before Dandro was happy to have had a chance to find three new knights to join his men fine Perdan calvary men, after the brothers of the Golden Dawn before them, had been laid to rest. Completing his duties of informing their families of their fates Dandro made his way to the holy sites to think upon his own faith.

Upon receiving the letter back from Wolfram Goldwater and the place that he could be found Dandro makes his way to the Black horse tavern, in Perdan, close to the King's gate.

Dandro was wearing his white and gold-trimmed half-plate with the straps of his hunting knives making an ex across his chest and having two hunting knives under his armpits on both sides with his white and gold-trimmed riding cape covering them, made him feel safer in the city where close quarters can be a challenge with a full blade, Dandro also had his master-crafted bastard sword at his hip as all knights should do at all times.

Walking down to the King's gate only to be delayed by looking at the beautiful city that is Perdan, Thinking to himself this is the city that his beloved is looking after now, Thoughts of his beloved Duchess Delphine de Montigny warmed his mind as he walked as she had spoken to Dandro in letters about faith, He decided to see if he could visit the Duchess before he had to depart the city and return to Mulhouse to attend his Lords duties.

Wolfram Goldwater

The tavern's backyard, surrounded with a tall wall, resembled a military camp more than anything else. Although Wolfram had left most of his men outside the city walls, the yard was still filled with strong horses bred for war and black dressed soldiers either guarding the perimeter, or taking care of their equipment and mounts. The familiar black and golden banner of house Goldwater was raised above the inn, proudly fluttering in the wind.

No one else had been in the tavern besides them at the moment. Loud laughter and singing was leaking out of the main building, where Wolfram and his closest followers have set up, eating and drinking.

Dandro Goldhaart

Making his way to the Black horse tavern, close to the King's gate Dandro greeted the men on the door of the tavern and asked them to let their lord know that Lord Dandro GoldHaart has come to see him.

"Greetings, Inform your Lord that Lord Dandro GoldHaart has come to see him."

Wolfram Goldwater

"Aye. If you'd follow me, m'lord," responded the scarred guardsman without a sign of interest in his voice. His crude hauberk clinked as he made his way across the yard, holding the tavern's door open for the visitor.

Inside, two tables have been pushed together and surrounded with men of rough faces and rough times, scarred and grizzled, all dressed in black gambesons and jackets, all bearing their lord's coat of arms upon their coats. Wolfram sat at the front of the table, with the tavern girl in his lap and a cup of mead in his hand. As Dandro entered the room, all talking and singing stopped and the soldier's heads turned towards him. Two young mercenaries, who have been armwrestling for some time now, have frozen in the middle of their match.

"Leave us," Wolfram's stern voice cut through the air, ending the brief moment of silence.

"Welcome, Lord Dandro!" Wolfram rose from his seat to welcome his guest, making the girl lose her balance and nearly fall to the ground. As his comanions gathered their weapons and moved towards the door, he approached Dandro and offered him his hand. "Well met, honourable Sir."

His gold emroided gambeson and a knight's belt, decorated with silver and gems, was in stark contrast with the man who wore it - an ungroomed beard crowned the young man's face, making him appear older than he actually was, with hair falling down on his shoulders.

Dandro Goldhaart

Dandro nodded and followed the first man to the gathering room and then Dandro smiled and nodded warmly at the fun times Wolfram and his men were having before his arrival.

Holding his arm and hand out to Wolfram in a warriors handshake by the forearm.

"Well met, It is a shame to interrupt your fun so let us attend to our business swiftly so we can both relax again."

Dandro swiftly sits at the table and waves Wolfram to join him.

"I put in the letter to you the basics of why I am here, Let us start there."

Wolfram Goldwater

Wolfram patiently waited for the messenger to leave before speaking out again, silently offering his guest a cup of mead.

"You see, my lord, I naturally remember the content of your letter and your purpose here. However, I am not that certain that I'm able to fulfill this desire of yours. I haven't seen my brother in ten years."

Pouring himself another cup after finishing the last, he continued with a quiet and calm voice.

"And what I know and think of him would hardly fit the everlasting image of an exalted martyr he seems to have acquired here. A hero, defender of those who cannot defend themselves," Wolfram chuckled with a sad and ironical grin "It's wrong, all of it."

Dandro Goldhaart

Nodding to Wolfram Dandro accepts the mead and then encourages Wolfram to continue his thoughts.

"That is why I wanted to hear more about the man, can you continue with your thoughts on your brother? "

"I wanted to ask you, Wolfram, What does the Goldwater house stand for? I want you to join the Golden Dawn and help give your name more of a grounding in the order than the image of your brother."

Wolfram Goldwater

"The Order..."

Wolfram turned away, leaning himself against the wall, hiding his face.

"Why should I protect the lost and poor? I didn't have nobody to help me back in the time."

The knuckles of his right hand went white as he almost crushed the cup in his hand. He suddenly turned back towards Dandro, his piercing eyes cold and emotionless.

"Do you know how I made my living since I was sixteen?

I have fought for my masters. I have killed on command, I have stood my ground when ordered to. I have fought for anyone who would provide for me and the remnants of my men. I have faced the endless hordes of undead and monsters when guarding the wall of Westgard. I have sailed under the banners of Tol Godora, pillaging and burning in the lands of their enemies. I have put children as young as five to the sword personally and ordered even more!"

Wolfram began to lose control of himself and his temper, almost spitting out the last words.

"I have seen my best friend and mentor, my last only loyal friend from back home, get torn in half by a terrible monster when I was serving as steward to the future Queen of Westgard, just a few miles from some dirthole named Eidulb! And for what?"

A short pause and a deep breath. His eyes were clear again and his voice as calm as before, bearing the remnants of his wretched past.

"My brother would have gladly joined your Order. He has always been the one for empty gestures and promises. But when I needed help the most, when the damned neighbour's girl accused me, he turned his back to me, his own brother!

We had been together the whole night, he knew it wasn't possible. But if he spoke up, he would be punished as well and would lose his image of the "perfect" knight! So he just stood by and looked, as I was expelled from our home, as I had to leave with just a few of my father's men. I might be a brute and a killer, but I would never betray my own family."

As he reached out for the flask to pour himself another cup, he muttered his last words.

"Keep your Order, brave Sir. I am not the man I once was and have to take care of my men, first and foremost."

Dandro Goldhaart

Dandro nodded but did not react until Wolfram had said his peace.

"Here is the thing Wolfram, you are exactly the type of soul we wish to have in the order, our order not mine alone, we in the Golden Dawn aim to be there for the downtrodden, the ones who have been cast aside, to bring the light of understanding and compassion to all the places where corruption and horrors wait."

Dandro sips the mead before continuing. Watching Wolfram for any reaction and ready to defend himself if needed.

"From your own words, you have been to where the monsters live and so tell me, who better to bring the light of a new dawn to these places than a soul like yourself who has been through it all?"

Dandro takes another sip.

"What do you think is a true knight? Wolfram."

Dandro takes out a Gold coin and places it on the table.

"Tell me, Wolfram, have you heard the oath of gold? what do people do for gold? Tell me do you know why gold is so valuable?"

Wolfram Goldwater

"T'is some sort of trick? I have no idea what you're talking about. Gold brings power because warriors follow it, as do I."

Wolfram pushed the coin back towards Dandro, visibly confused.

"A true knight is the one who defends poor and lost, widows and orphans. A true knight is the one who kills said widows and orphans because he was told to. A true knight is the one who upholds his Liege and who strikes him down should he become a threat to the knight and his family. There is no such thing as a true knight, Sir Dandro. Only those that acknowledge their deeds and misdeeds and those that hide behind a curtain of righteousness and honour, refusing to see the truth. Your Liege and your service makes you a knight, service you must uphold with whatever means necessary."

Dandro Goldhaart

Dandro nods in the understanding of Wolframs, words.

"No tricks, Wolfram, It is a conversation to show you what we in the Golden Dawn aim to do, we go to where the dark is and we show it the light through knowledge, guidance and understanding."

Taking the gold coin from the table and holding it up at arm's length to the ceiling to make it a mini symbol of the sun.

"Tell me Wolfram, Who holds more power the one who holds the gold or the sword? You have had both in your life. What holds more power?"