Kingsley Family/Alyssa/The Royal

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Details the events following Alyssa's second coronation as Queen of Perdan.


Revilers danced and shouted in the streets below, in the grand square in front of the palace in Perdan City. The Duchess's call for celebration and cheer for her re-coronation was a relief to Alyssa, the Queen of Perdan. The uncertainty and tension of the past few weeks seemed to be released all at once in a few hours of drunken mirth for the citizens below. Alyssa herself only sipped wine from a palace balcony where many of the other nobles, courtiers, and clerks mingled. The music on the balcony was much more tame and elegant than that down below, and while typically common excitement would normally be absent from a gathering of nobles such as the one on the balcony, but the sight of the Queen seemed to inspire them. Or perhaps it was the ale, but whatever it was Alyssa felt relieved to see that if only for one evening things seemed to be relaxed. May there be many more. She thought, as a gentle summer breeze swept through the city. She heard the tap of wood against stone and turned around quickly, her regal white gown twirling around her in the breeze.

To most others Sir Graham Goldenfields was a monstrous sight, aged and wrinkled, his long white beard and mustache unkempt, the patch over his missing eye warn and faded and left side of his face mangled and scarred, but to Alyssa this old knight who had followed her loyally since her own knighting so long ago was welcome company. She knew they must seem odd companions, Queen Alyssa fair and strong and Sir Graham worn and torn. But he had served and stood with her through countless terrors, and he believed in her.

"Your Majesty." The elderly knight said, trying his best to bend his back into a bow, his wrinkled hand shaking upon the knob of his cane as he pushed his weight onto it. His lips turned upwards into a frightening smile, though Alyssa's typical stoic expression curled slightly downward, her eyes shifting in concern for her old friend.

"Sir." Alyssa replied in acknowledgement, readying herself to leap to his aid if he required. She knew this man would not be stopped from the courtesies he set his mind to, so she made no move, but watched him closely as he completed his respectful bow.

"I am glad you are wearing that crown again." He said, his voice croaking slightly.

"I wear it for the realm."

He gave a challenging look. "I think we both know the real reason you stepped forward, Your Majesty"

She met his gaze with a stern look of her own. Sir Graham held her stare for only a few moments before his lip curled upward again into an ugly smirk. "I think you believe it will impress a certain woman."

Alyssa's eyes softened slightly and she relaxed her shoulders, a very slight smile showed only for a second at the corners of her lips. "Perhaps the thought crossed my mind, but there were many reasons, you know."

The old knight nodded sagely. "I know." He paused for a moment and looked up at the sky, thinking about something briefly before turning his eyes back to the Queen. "You should go find her, I'm sure she'll want to dance with you."

"I think perhaps I will." She replied.

He nodded again, and leaned slightly against his sturdy black cane. "And I'm sure the other nobles may want a chance to mingle with their Queen as well."

"I shall be present for them." Alyssa noted. She raised an eyebrow, and continued with sincerity, seriousness, and concern coating her voice. "Please don't tell me you intend to dance, Sir?"

He croaked a laugh. "No, Your Majesty, I am old and this sort of thing is much more for people younger than me. I'll probably head back to my quarters shortly for bed. I don't have much time, here, I think."

"Alright, then please do be careful on your way back, my Sir." She said taking hold of her dress and moving a step to set off finding her wife among the crowd, or any other noble who wished to visit. She paused for a second before continuing. "And thank you for being here. For always being here."

"Of course Your Majesty."

Alyssa nodded and set off on her course, while Sir Graham Goldenfields watched proudly, his wrinkled hand shaking upon the knob of his cane.


The re-coronation of Alyssa Kingsley, the new Queen of Perdan. Earl Miles Guillotine sits in the courtyard waiting for the new Queen to indeed come down from her balcony. "Well this is the first party I have been introduce to with a new crowning, Lively indeed, lets hope the guest of honor makes it even more interesting." Sipping on some Shadowdale wine, the outfit to once pledge allegiance now ready to pledge loyalty to the new queen.


Isana sat uncharacteristically alone outside the Palace entrance in Perdan City. Tucked away from the bustle off to one side, perched up on the corner of a short stone wall, she sat with arms wrapped around one knee tucked up under her chin. Her sea-green eyes were unfocused, staring away above the boisterous crowds in the streets below.

The foot hanging down toward the ground swung slightly in time with the music, its enthusiasm unbeknownst to the newly-appointed Countess. Her thoughts were too far away to be aware of the tune--even as the rollicking music threw itself toward its well-known dancer, tempting her ears and feet to come down off the wall and celebrate. It may as well have been tempting the stone upon which she sat, for all she noticed it.

Back in the Palace. Her thoughts prowled back over the idea. She knew why. I'm worried. Worry that threatened to become anger. They had worked so hard, together, to come out the other side of the political turmoil, to find peace together. It had looked like there would be a new balance and harmony of life. And now it feels like we're being thrown by the tide, and Aly is the one calling the storm...

She let her head fall back, dark hair cascading silently behind, and looked helplessly up at the sky. Oh, my Sky... she keened to herself. They would have to talk, she knew it, and she knew now was not the time. But it had to be soon.


The Queen scanned calmly through the crowd of nobles, many who passed by her offered her well-wishes or kind words. Alyssa exchanged polite words with those who spoke to her, but her attention was focused on the crowd, for the familiar long dark hair and sparkle of blue-green that had become her home. Several minutes of visitors and minor nobles shamelessly vying for favor, finally allowed her a little of freedom to set off once more on her search. She lightly bit the inside of her lip in concern having not seen a sign her Dawnstar in the crowd.

She was stopped again, by one of the minor though not unimportant city nobles, the Palace Castellan Andrew Davenport, who approached her with a knowing smile.

"Your Majesty, Congratulations on your return to the throne. I had always believed we would see you return."

Alyssa looked past him for a moment but met his eyes to address him. "Thank you, Lord Andrew, I do appreciate your support for our realm. I am afraid I cannot speak for long however, have you seen my wife?"

He thought for a moment and shook his head. "I'm afraid not your majesty, but I won't impede you any more in your quest." his smile widened and his eyes sparkled mysteriously. "We will have plenty of time in the coming week to discuss the important matters related to the palace. Best of luck in finding your lady, Your Majesty." He gave her a respectful bow.

"Thank you, Lord Andrew." She considered him skeptically as he disappeared into the crowd.

Alyssa continued her way through the party on the balcony, the crowd moving to let her pass as she stepped back into the palace, meandering alone through the halls. She waved off a lone guard at his post who offered to escort her as she made her way down to one of the palace courtyards in search of Isana. The courtyard was mostly empty, though a few mingled, and near one of the fountains sat a young man in lordly attire, sipping a glass of wine. Though she had never seen the man, a red wolf sigil identified him. He glanced up at her when she passed by him and she stopped and met his eyes.

"Lord Miles, I presume?" She said returning his gaze and glancing briefly at the noble crest. "I heard about your appointment to Clermont. You have my congratulations, and thank you again for your initiative with the treasury."


Seeing the Queen come down from her palisade, and slowly approach himself. Sir Miles gives a widen smile as he slowly sets his wine down on the table and gives full attention to the Queen. "Indeed, I am Lord Miles Guillotine." With introductions out of the way he stands up and then takes a lowered bow with his hand raised to mid chest extended outward. "Why thank you my Queen, while I am here I thought it necessary to show support for the new crown. I look forward to what you will do in the future, though as my brother would say in different land, those who rule, must watch out for the ravens as they watch the watcher."

Saying his peace, Lord Miles stands back and resumes pleasantries. "Tis our first meeting isn't it? Well it seems that from what little I saw you are dying of boredom or looking for something. If I can be assistance I would love to help in the matter"


Her arm twitched at the mention of ravens, as images of war and blood flashed briefly through her thoughts.

"Yes, my lord, I believe it is. I apologize for it not being sooner, but there has been quite a bit going on. I hope you'll forgive a less formal introduction." She thought of the ravens again and a line from a song she once heard popped into her head You'll be blinded by what you done.

She tried to recall where she had heard it and wondered if it was something her herald Maron played at his performances. Shaking the thought from her mind she returned her focus the conversation with the lord in front of her.

"Ah, no. The Duchess's festival is quite a welcome event, everyone seems to be in good spirits, and I count myself among them. I am actually looking for my wife, Isana, the Countess of Brive. Perhaps you've seen her? She is tall and fair, with strong arms and broad shoulders, beautiful long dark hair. Have you seen a woman like this pass by, Lord Miles?


"Your wife you say?" Thinking back on the various people he has greeted not a single one approached with the description. "I am afraid I have not seen the Countess though I will let her know that you are looking for her." Taking a few steps closer to Alyssa, Miles closes the distance to their to faces to almost kissing range before moving slightly ahead to beside her ear. "Though, do let me give you some friendly advice, those who watch are not in the sky but down bellow, I do not believe you will have another chance if you fail this time." Moving away from Alyssas ear he continues to walk past the queen before turning around. "It was a pleasure in seeing you my Queen, If you need any advice please come down to Clermont. Those who are in the guillotine family are avid dreamers and sometimes in the rare few can read your fortune if ever the chance was to come, may the white flames protect your soul." With his speaking done he takes a slight bow and walks off to enjoy the festivities and interact with more noble men.


Alyssa watched the Lord of Clermont with concern as he pulled away from her space and bowed an exit. His words were unexpected and sounded knowing, and sent a chill down Alyssa's spine. She gathered herself and walked out the courtyard towards the palace steps, hoping to find a guard who may have spotted her and at least narrow down to the palace grounds. On her way she spotted a black crow perched on one of the courtyard statues, but she focused instead on her quest, and did not hear the flapping of wings as it departed.

As she turned around a corner in the courtyard on her way towards the main gate, she spotted the love of her life sitting on little stone wall a few feet off the steps towards the courtyard's main entrance. A light summer breeze blew long dark hair gently in the wind, and Alyssa felt the familiar flutter in her heart at the sight of her Dawnstar. She smiled softly, folding her hands in front of her and called out to her.

"Isana, my love?" She said her eyes watching the other fondly, though a hint of concern and curiosity touched her eyes and her voice as she stepped towards her beloved.


Ulric walked around the festival, taking in the sights and sounds. It was nice to feel like Perdan was healing again, the Queen had been reinstated, The Duchy of the Grand Court seemed to be in good hands with Duke Daario, and his men were in the process of preparing his caravan he would take to Az Zarqua after so long away from his home.

Ulric walked alone, watching the crowd celebrate, and saw a merchant selling pints of ale. As he strode towards the merchant to purchase a pint, he heard someone behind him.

"Lord Ulric, urgent news from Az Zarqua."

Ulric turned around and saw the young soldier. He recognized him as one of his scouts, a fast reliable man who has proven himself many times in gathering information from the most remote regions. "Monsters again? I will hire more militia as soon as I arrive in a few days time. I will work with the locals in perhaps donating some coin to help boost the infrastructure as well."

The young scout looked nervous, his eyes showing a hint of fear as if he was afraid to speak.

"No sir...the population rose up. They declared themselves a free people, no longer under your rule or Perdan rule."

Ulric froze. Anger, fear, sadness, all the emotions ran through him at once. How could this be? This is where the heroes of Perdan had been buried for years. Az Zarqua had always been a loyal region to the crown, and while it was a poor remote region, the people were hardy, and it was a stalwart part of the Grand Court.

He was at a loss of words, suddenly the celebration and happiness around him disappeared, and he felt very alone.

"Thank you, you're dismissed."

The scout handed a piece of parchment to Ulric with the details before he left. Ulric looked down at his hand holding the letter, trembling. How odd, so many battles, so many wars, and it was losing Az Zarqua which brought him to tremble.

Az Zarqua

Today was supposed to be the weekly festival day. The day that the inhabitants of all the nearby villages gathered and exchanged their goods and coins, shook hands, spoke with each other, shared meals, and enjoyed the graces and of community and each other's company. That's what she had been told by the last remaining officials who had joined the Perdan encampment upon the arrival of the Queen and her knights and lords.

The encampment stood in the edge a little valley that held some of the nearby villages, tents and soldiers spilling out from between two hills at the valley's entrance. A good place for a watch, to keep the people safe. She thought as she had given the order. She had taken a walk up one of the hills while her personal tent was being set up and to stretch her legs from the long ride from the Capital. Upon the hill, overlooking the valley and the villages beyond the Perdanese camp, she spotted a lone figure standing vigil at the top of the hill while the last lights of day began to cross over the horizon. As she approached she recognized him instantly as Ulric Hawk, the true lord of this place. He bowed respectfully as she approached and she allowed him the gesture. She joined him as together they watched the little figures move about in the village below. Like little bugs furiously building their own little colony in the dirt. They watched in silence as a banner pole was raised, a makeshift banner raising up humbly in the distance. Alyssa swallowed.

"There's a voice in my head, my lord." She said quietly.

In her periphery she could see Ulric Hawk turn his head as she read some concern in his eyes. Alyssa did not take her own from the scene down below, her face a mixture of somberness and determination as she continued.

"It says 'You did this'. The voice is a man's, from long ago. Words he said to a little girl as she cringed when he took a step towards her, bottle in hand." Her mouth twitched slightly as she hesitated before resuming. "Whenever I see tragedy or misfortune, I hear that voice in my head. Especially when I know it's right. But even when I know it's wrong, for some reason those words still come to my mind.

"I hear it right now, watching that meager pole being raised. It's yelling at me. Screaming. 'You did this'. And this time, I cannot tell if it is right or wrong."

Silence filled the air as she paused again and turned to look up at the lord beside her. Her voice raised a little bit as she continued on with a hint of determination.

"But I have come to realize that perhaps it does not matter if it is or not. It is just a ghost, after all. One that I have let haunt this realm for far too long. It is you, I must listen to, Lord Ulric." She nodded down to the Perdanese camp, nightfires beginning to be set. "And it is the lords and knights down there." Bright blue eyes wandered through the valley towards the nearby village. "And in some ways, even those poor folk who charge blindly and fearfully into the valley of darkness. Crying out for someone to protect them, where we could not." We are here now, frightened lambs.

She lifted her palm to show Lord Ulric, showing him a small well-healed and barely visible scar near the bottom. "Do you remember this? Before the eve of battle against the North? The ritual knife you gave me? I still have it in fact. I recall at the time that ritual seemed so strange to me, the mixing of blood. But I understand it now, I think. The connection, that our blood is not ours alone. That we are never alone in our fear of what could happen if we fail, or if we make a mistake. That we stand together as one people. One blood. One Lion. Perdan."

A gentle wind swept over the hill down into the valley, blowing the loose ponytail below her golden crown over her shoulder.

"You are not alone, Ulric. None of us are. And they down there are not abandoned from our thoughts and hearts either. Just as I was not alone. I only thought that for the whisper of a ghost. We will return."

Silence hung briefly between them as she finished and looked up at Ulric with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Exchanging a few more quiet words until the booming blast of a warhorn sounded from beyond the canyon. A single bellow marked the arrival of friendly troops, though with the sun setting, Alyssa could not make out the emblem in the night.

"Another lord has arrived, I am going to go to meet them." She turned to head back down the hill before pausing and holding out her hand, palm with the little scar at the bottom.

"Will you follow me, Ulric Hawk?"


"The royal knights, m'lord." The man at arms closest to Wolfram sat back down in his saddle, straightening his cloak.

Wolfram carefully overlooked the camp, sprawling across the valley about a mile in front of them. "The Queen."

"Aye. And a lot of them, too. Two, maybe three hundred judging by the campfires."

They have been travelling through the region through the past few days, sending out scouting parties and acting as a show of force. Searching for southern barbarians, that not even once came within their grasp, within their sight. All was quiet until this evening, when they came across the tracks of a large party, following them into this valley. Although the sun already set some time ago, the endless darkness still unsuccesfully battled with the day's last light, making the retinue clearly visible against the horizont. Distant sounds and commotion hinted that the soldiers, sitting around the fires, already noticed the group of armed riders towering against the darkening sky. 

"Orders, m'lord?"

"Follow me and raise the banner. Not that it would matter much, it will be dark before we get there. And sound the horn."

One by one, the riders spurred their horses and made their way to the waking up camp.


It was a somber affair as Ulric Hawk went to his private estate. It was a humble log cabin, surrounded by acres and acres of woods. It was simple, small, and where he came to escape the harsh reality. He had his men wait in the village, this was something he was going to have to do by himself. He opened the door, and looked at his home. The place he could escape the trials and tribulations of war, the weight of command, the horrors of war. It was here that he found peace, where he could listen to the birds, enjoy the animals, hunt the woods by himself, and think back to his childhood in Valldir. Maybe that was why he was so drawn to Az Zarqua and its people, they were hardy and survivors just like the harsh land he grew up.

He walked room to room, taking it in one last time. He only took his most personal belongings, everything else he would leave, and hope the place was not looted and ransacked, and that perhaps it would just be forgotten, another story lost to time.

As he left his residence, he looked back one last time.

Moving on, he headed back to the Perdan encampment where Queen Alyssa and the Perdan Knights who came south to defend the land from the scouting of Yssrgardian raiders.

Ulric was atop the hill, looking out upon Az Zarqua when he heard Queen Alyssa speak behind him.

He listened to her words, and smiled when she showed the scar on her palm. He remembered that night well, when he shared his tradition from Valldir. It was before Bescanon, which Ulric always considered Queen Alyssa's greatest military achievement and he was glad to have fought in that battle, for that was a story that would never die.

"Will you follow me, Ulric Hawk?"

"I will my Queen. Thank you for marching with me one last time to Az Zarqua. It means a lot to me, and I know it still means a lot to these people."

Ulric followed Queen Alyssa away from the hill.


Clinging of chainmail and iron hooves echoed through the camp as the riders passed through, the scarce light from campfires and torches bouncing off of their hauberks and helms, pinned to the saddles. Black cloaks and tabarts, decorated with small Goldwater coats of arms, gave a mysterious look to these rough men, often scarred and used to the hardships of soldiering and mercenary life. They rode through the amassing crowds of perdanite knights and soldiers until they found an emptier spot between the camps of the royal knights and soldiers of the young Baillivus. There the men dismounted their horses and raised the black and golden banner of Sir Wolfram,marking the spot where their camp would soon stand. Some soldiers exchanged a few words with the nearby standing squires of Her Majesty's knights, while the rest began to raise tents and prepare dinner. Fresh racks of lamb hanging off of their saddles, which until recently belonged to an unfortunate local farmer, would soon be roasted above their campfires.

Wolfram stood amidst all this, overlooking his men with a content smile in his tired face.


Alyssa allowed herself to be briefly escorted by the marshal down the hill, holding onto his arm as they stepped down the slope in the dark back towards the camp.  She released him upon reaching the bottom, where two Royal Whiteguards silently took up positions behind them, the only sound they gave the clanking of their plate armour as they followed The Queen and the Marshal back into the camp proper.  Knights and soldiers bowed respectfully to them as she passed, torchlight glimmering off the golden circlet of her position.

The two and her knights made their way back to the royal pavilion, surrounded by dozens of sturdy tents and sturdy knights.  As she led the marshal to the meeting tent and asked for some subtle wine and supper to be brought she spotted several of her staff and one of her knights speaking animatedly with some soldiers dressed in black with a familiar golden stripe upon their crest.  She knew this crest well, though not the man who brought it here.

Alyssa's lips turned to a line and she furrowed her brow at what clearly seemed to be a dispute.  "Lord Marshal, I shall return shortly, please make yourself at home."

Resting her hand idly upon the pommel of the sword hanging at her hip, she crossed the campsite towards the white-caped knight of her royal company.

"Mydame." Alyssa said to the armoured knight as she approached.  "What is the issue here?"

"Your Majesty!" The knight replied with some surprise as she immediately fell to her knee.  "These mercenaries are setting their camp up too close to the royal encampment.  War Doctrine demands that additional campsites be constructed in outer rows extending from the middle, not in the middle of the greater encampment, and certainly not nearly overlapping with nobles of higher rank, and absolutely not with the Queen herself."

Alyssa watched the soldier in black who scratched his beard.  "Mydame is correct.  In the effort to maintain order and quick rallying or retreat lines, campsites should not be set up so haphazardly.  Your lord might want you to keep that in mind in the future, soldier."  She motioned for her knight to rise to her feet as she continued.  "But we are not at war today, and thus the War Doctrine, while followed generally out of habit and preparedness does not specifically apply.  The Peace Doctrine mentions only that camps should be set up neatly and separate from other troops.  So long as you do that, your company may set up where it is convenient.  Mydame, please organize any assistance Lord Goldwater's company may require.  And you soldier, please inform Lord Wolfram that I wish to meet with him in the meeting tent."

The knight saluted and the soldier returned to his camp as the Queen dismissed them both.  She made a quick stop to her personal pavilion, changing out of her riding leathers into a lighter white shirt and black trousers, and re-setting her crown before returning back to the meeting tent, the two guards out front saluting her with another clank of gauntlet to plate as she passed by them through the flap of the tent.

A staff member was pouring a glass of wine for Lord Ulric, who sat at the right side of the table's head, and setting the table for a light supper.

"Lord-Marshal, I am blessed with your patience, thank you.  Lord Wolfram Goldwater should be joining us soon, I hope that is alright.  Though I knew Lord Jacelyn, I have not yet met his brother.  I should be interested to find out what sort of man the younger Goldwater is."  Alyssa said gracefully as she took her seat next to the Marshal, and the two of them chatted as they awaited for the Queen's guest.

Golden Wheat and the State Visit


In Nascot it has been a time to renew old relationships between neighbors, and to pursue new flames, for the cold and lonely winter season soon coming to knock on the good people's doors. The vegetation that once glowed across the plains of Nascot has now been harvested, from the blowing fields of golden wheat, to the once forests of tall corn stalks, and the fruits from the beans; pumpkins; and everything else the people kept on their hearty acres.

Idle hands had not stayed bored for long, with the granaries full, villages have transformed into colorful little festivals. The peasants and craftsfolk have donned their flashiest finest of cloth to show off with their friends. Since the harvest had brought more than enough for everyone to eat, there was much cause to celebrate, to get fat and merry after a year long of hard work. It was time for one more final party before winter forced everyone to stay indoors. The villagers of Nascot laughed, drank, and danced all in no particular order throughout these few merrying days. Friendships were born. Love was found, strengthened, lost, and found all over again in all this time.

Though right now the Queen was passing through along with her retinue of bodyguards, and the people viewed her with great distrust. Spines would stiffen at the sight of the armored band on the road which was the royal procession. Their own lord's relationship with the Queen had been strained the people knew; and it was an easy dislike for them to share due to the intense love that they had for their own generous lord—where any time a malady fell on the people of Nascot, they'd grumble or sometimes dare to shout that it was due to Queen Alyssa's own mismanagement, or even failings. When the Queen's guards were not looking, they spat on the path they tread behind them, and other times in conversation when they thought no one else was nearby - they spit again anyway.

Laughter died down when the villagers turned to watch the Queen's band pass through.

Then at the Riverside Villa of the governing lord itself, its mason fence was a peculiarly decadent display of wealth in what would normally be a rustic countryside estate; you were more likely to see such tall stonework and iron fences in the city than out here. Guards were lazing at their post to the entrance of the villa, some had wreaths of flowers draped over them for the festive spirit, but even they were still cold at the sight of the Queen.

They let her through without issue and onto the courtyard. Where Captain Aldred, past the withering autumn gardens of the Villa's front, the old greying warrior—was sleeping at the door to the estate who was supposed to be ready to greet the Queen in place of Oliver. He was enjoying a snooze in one of the last good sunny days of the season.


Alyssa could feel the cold stares of the Nascotians as she and her knights crossed up the road from Water Town into the verdant Nascot Valley, now picked clean as winter began to set in. The Queen herself was bundled up in a large white cloak over the thick embroidered wool tunic and leggings, the tunic in the green of her wife's house. The stares were not new. While the people of Bescan adored her, she had never spent much time in Nascot and old Eponlli attitudes during the years-long occupation still influenced the people here. The mood was heavy despite the brightness of the sun as the Queen's retinue approached the Riverside Villa of Oliver Laststar.

The guards at the gate said nothing, but opened the gate for her party without hesitation. They dismounted in they courtyard where equally silent grooms saw to the Queen's horse and those of her guardians. She ensured her circlet was straight and followed alongside her cadre of mailed knights and standard-bearers, and as usual, Maron the royal herald as they passed through the autumnal courtyard up towards the front door, where an old man who reminded her of her own Graham, the nominal Captain of her Whiteguard, now permanently posted in Brive. Unlike Graham, the man was far from vigilant, as he sat asleep in a chair by the door, his head drooped forward and an obvious snore.

Alyssa caught Maron's smirk at the sight and shook her head disappointedly. Maron cleared his throat loudly and bellowed out the shortened version of her address that she had insisted he began using.

"Before you and the Lord of this fair land stands Her Royal Majesty, Queen Alyssa Everlight-Kingsley the First, Queen of Perdan, the Riverlands, and the Grand Court of Aix."

The old Captain jolted awake, his eyes widened with a start at the sudden rising. Maron's eyes glinted as the smirk turned to a smile. "Wake up good captain, for we each bear a duty here today."

Alyssa's expression, while not severe, was neither so light as her herald's, her countenance focused and saying nothing as she watched the scene unfold patiently.

"The Queen is here for a personal audience with your liege lord, good Captain." Maron began, "It is the request of you as the representative hereby, by the Royal Crown of Perdan that Queen Alyssa be presented to your liege, presently." He ended with a nod and a respectful, yet exaggerated flourish and a diplomatic smile.

Aldred came awake like an old oak that was just shaken by a rudely blowing wind; and no less noisy, with a half-groaning growl that one learns when their stiff spine reaches the age of near 60. His hands immediately start massaging at his joints, while he blinks the bleariness out of his eyes. He was well deep into the good part of his sunny side nap it seems. There was a faint memory of some dream sailing a ship deep into nameless oceans, but it was quickly forgotten.

With another grunt Aldred stood up, an effort spent with no thanks due to the paunch of ale that used to be his hard muscular warrior's stomach. He also gave the queen's herald, Maron, an unamused look at the man's flamboyant posturing. Clearly Aldred was not impressed.

"Ah. Of course." He hacks a loud cough behind his fist, and his eyes whip over to Alyssa on her horse. His expression softening as he punctually bowed with well enough respect. "My lord has been expecting you, Queen Alyssa." Never minding the fact he was fast asleep just moments ago.

"The land of Nascot and this court is overwhelmingly honored to have you grace us with your presence... I believe my Lord Oliver should be finishing up his own courtly duties just about now, so I will lead you personally inside myself." It was all said with experienced voice of years living a life alongside politics. Though Aldred still rubbed at the small of his back, he nodded towards the stables that lined the border of the perimeter wall; where the grooms, who were hidden inside, finally had broken away from their carousing of the festival day and came to do their duty. They had some stink of wine on them and were in enough of a hurry to get back to their gambling.

"You can leave your mounts with my Lord's trusted and loyal servants, your horses will be kept safe in their care. The House of Laststar is well-known back in their homeland for their horsemanship after all."

The old boar nodded again as he waited a moment for the Queen's entourage to situate themselves, then turned around himself and opened the doors to the Villa and its sprawling halls.


The interior of the manor was made up of finely sanded wood, and rustic halls. Every pathway to the great hall itself was bordered by rows upon rows of sunny mosaic windows, which filtered in variously colored light.

Quite a few of the Lord's staff were exceptionally pretty and easily handsome to the eyes, particularly to some taste. The maids nearly fell over themselves curtsying when they saw Alyssa, and whispered a frenzy over her now tale-proven beauty come to life before them, when the escort moved away from them.

It can be seen that indeed there were quite a few local personages that had apparently finished meeting with, or were hoping to see the governing lord. A few well-dressed bankers, notable heads of farming families and their sons and daughters who were standing out in the hallways now pressed to the sides with wide eyes at the sight of a royal entourage. They haven't seen anybody of note much more reputable than the Lord himself walk through these halls than the last time Duchess Aila was here, when she had her titles. They nearly all forgot how to bow.

Indeed the Queen passing through caused quite a stir in the manor, there were to be quite a few new rumors started today from the rare level of excitement this visit will cause.

Then after finally streaming past all the bright, sunlit corridors, the party makes it to the heart of the manor wherein lies the great hall itself. A once old dining room that has been expanded to fit a goodly sized court, a number of butlers and maids were streaming through or were waiting on the lord himself. Past all the rows of columns and bracketed torches along the sides of the room towards the elevated steps at the back, was the governor's own throne, where Oliver Laststar was now sitting and smiling at the sight of Queen Alyssa. His own personal retainer Brynja, the tall willow tree of a shieldmaiden, was behind his shoulder.

He stood up and gave a shortly clipped bow towards his royal patron. Barely not much of one at all really.

"Welcome to Nascot, Queen Alyssa. My people are overjoyed to have royalty visit our vibrant little corner of the world for a change..." He waves lazily off to the side of the room where some staff were waiting with pitchers in hand. "Would you like something to non-poisonous to drink after your journey here?" He asks with another sardonic smile.


Alyssa pointedly ignored the stares and whispers through the Nascotian court as she strode purposefully through the great hall. Sunlight glinted off the royal golden circlet atop blonde locks and the gilded hilt of the sword at her hip. She consciously avoided the stares from local courtiers vying for her eyes, desperately curtsying and bowing, instead her own icy blue eyes stuck forward with clear focus towards her objective at the end of the hall. He smiled at her knowingly as she approached and gave half a bow as the Queen and her escort stopped before the lordly throne. Alyssa met his smile with a neutral expression, her eyes still focused on the man in front of her, breaking only to glance for a moment at the warrior standing behind him before returning her gaze to Oliver.

"Welcome to Nascot, Queen Alyssa. My people are overjoyed to have royalty visit our vibrant little corner of the world for a change..." He waves lazily off to the side of the room where some staff were waiting with pitchers in hand. "Would you like something to non-poisonous to drink after your journey here?" He asks with another sardonic smile.

She blinked at that, but did not smile, her expression remained calm and focused. "Yes, something non-poisonous is my preference." She answered in acknowledgement of the joke though without a hint of humor. "Lord Oliver," She continued, "Thank you for hosting us. I have not had the pleasure of visiting Nascot since its liberation from the Alliance. I'm glad to see a prosperous court."

She took the time to look around at the merry local nobles dressed finely for the royal visit, falling over themselves for the opportunity to earn her favor. Her eyes scanned over them expression unmoved as she recalled the grim and gloomy faces of the common people along her way to the Lord's Manor. And only a prosperous court, it seems. She thought to herself.

As she looked back to Oliver, he stood before her proudly, smug smile still worn openly across his face. Though she made no sign of it, she felt a sudden sadness come over her at the sight of his contempt. In his eyes, her own failures watched back at her playfully, waiting eagerly for the next opportunity to pierce her defenses and open a wound. She would not let him. This visit is as much for him as it is for me. She reminded herself. Her wounds had healed, many of them at least.

"My Lord." She spoke in a gentler tone into the full and silent room, all eyes in the hall still watching her closely and unbroken. "We should find somewhere to talk, as there is a lot to discuss, I think." For the first time since she had entered the hall, her expression softened in sincerity. "Is there a nice place to walk near the manor?"


Standing in front of his lordly throne, Oliver had dressed in such a way for his clothes to fit tightly to his physique. His silken shirt was a deep blue and slashed over with diagonal stripes of grey, and his dark thin waistcoat held snug over his shoulders. The frilly collar of his shirt was left unbutton to reveal the fair, unblemished skin at his neck. Combined all with a handsome sneer kept on his lips.

She blinked at that, but did not smile, her expression remained calm and focused. "Yes, something non-poisonous is my preference." She answered in acknowledgement of the joke though without a hint of humor. "Lord Oliver," She continued, "Thank you for hosting us. I have not had the pleasure of visiting Nascot since its liberation from the Alliance. I'm glad to see a prosperous court."

It was disappointing that the queen did not fall into his joke. He covered his annoyance with a bored look, and waved a servant forward who was standing beneath one of the tall windows at the side of the hall, scurrying as gracefully as can be with a pitcher and goblet of diluted wine for Alyssa.

At the same time. Taller than even he, Brynja touched Oliver's shoulder and leaned forward to whisper into his ear; barely did the warrior break her suspicious gaze on the queen standing before them. A look as much as one would trust a rattlesnake that made its home in your bed. Without so much a look Oliver gave a nod to whatever it is she said, her fingers lingered familiarly, but that was enough for Brynja to stride away towards some other new task out of the hall.

"Very well." The lord's voice suddenly rasped louder to all in the hall, marked by a clap of his hands. He looked to Captain Aldred standing quietly by the hall's entrance. "The court is dismissed for today, Aldred I shall leave it to you to clear out our visitors so they can go enjoy the holiday."

Then as servants bustled into motion once more, accentuated by the growling of the old captain, Oliver walked down the steps from his seat towards Queen Alyssa with his expression staying carefully neutral. Despite the pity he had sensed in her gaze before, Earl Oliver was not going to let himself be riled just yet, though the condescension Oliver felt of her gaze did much to fan his own irritation.

"I shall lead you from hereon forth My queen. Alone as you wish." He said as he drew closer, and Oliver then nodded towards another exit on the side of the hall. "We can take a walk through my estate and out towards the river, there's a trail my servants had made from all the time they spend walking down to the shoreline."

It could be a mistake of hearing, perhaps even a ploy of Oliver's, but there was a touch of boredom in his voice as he spoke. He flourished a little bow and led the Queen and he's way out into the hallways of the Villa oncemore, through the gardens and past the the stout fences, and towards the beautiful green bluffs that marked the border just near to the northside of the estate.

Oliver stayed quiet, almost expectant, or even bored as he personally walked with the Queen on dirt packed paths and past wilting autumn flowers down to the full sight of the river. He would allow her to speak first, as he strolled with hands kept linked behind him.

Our Wintergreen


Alyssa slid the spectacles back up as she leaned over thumbing through the book beside her. Next to the book lay a sword sheathed in a royally engraved scabbard and various gardening implements; trowels, hoes and the like. She sat near one of the smaller flower beds in the courtyard garden of the Brivan Estate Isana had chosen as her seat and that Alyssa had happily joined her in during her time away from campaign and the capital.

She carefully ran her finger over the lines to keep her spot, flipping back to an earlier illustrated diagram to make sure she understood the tutorial. Deciding that she had, she reached carefully into the pot where the pansy plants had been stored and gingerly lifted one, supporting its roots with one hand and guiding it to its new home in the bed with the others. She packed the dirt tightly, securing it as she moved to the next one.

It was then she was interrupted from her work by a bark from across the yard. She looked up to see her loyal Shadow trotting briskly to her. The dog was much older in years now, slower in his age and his eyesight had clearly diminished, but he still rushed excitedly to her, running alongside the brisk pace of Isana, who smiled at Alyssa as their eyes met.

Alyssa smiled automatically as well, it was pure reaction upon the sight of her wife, though as the pair approached she was nearly bowled over as Shadow jumped into her lap and began to lick towards her face.

Alyssa giggled and tilted her head away as Shadow continued to express his excitement by licking the side of her chin. She wrapped her arms around the old dog and gently guided him off her lap to the ground in front of her, giving him an affectionate nuzzle in return and taking her glasses off to keep them safe from the bombardment of canine affection. "You like nuzzles don't you, my dear boy." She said giving the dog a squeeze and letting him. Isana joined them with a smile and Alyssa reflexively reached out to take her hand as Shadow settled down in front of Alyssa.

Alyssa looked up at Isana innocently and gave her hand a gentle tug. "If you sit with me darling I shall give you nuzzles too.". She smiled as her wife sat down next to her and ran her arm through Isana's, laying her head upon Isana's broad shoulder and keeping her promise.

"I'm planting the pansies today. It's a little late, but they should be in bloom by Wintergreen. I was hoping perhaps we could have a little celebration here? We'll have the large event in the city of course, but I want to do something... Just for us. For our family. You, me, Ced, Graham, the others."

"We can have a tree brought in and I'll have the chefs help prepare the taffy. What do you think my morning star?"


Isana grinned and hmm'd happily at the enthusiastic nuzzles from her wife. Married life looked good on them, she mused once again, admiring the relaxed feeling and earth-adorned hands of bespectacled Aly enjoying their country garden.

"I'm planting the pansies today. It's a little late, but they should be in bloom by Wintergreen. I was hoping perhaps we could have a little celebration here? We'll have the large event in the city of course, but I want to do something... Just for us. For our family. You, me, Ced, Graham, the others."

"We can have a tree brought in and I'll have the chefs help prepare the taffy. What do you think my morning star?"

A faraway look came to Isana's eyes at this as she gazed out across the yard. Our family.

She gathered Alyssa closer with arms around her waist and nuzzled into her love's golden hair, resting there to enjoy her scent. Happy tears prickled unseen in her eyes. "My love. That sounds wonderful. A happy little celebration with family, for our favourite holiday." She pulled back to meet Alyssa's gaze, smirked a little, and loosened one arm from its place to adjust the spectacles back up her nose before leaning in, slowly, for a kiss.


"Alyssa eagerly allowed herself to be pulled closer, smiling as the arm slid around her waist.  She lowered her own hand to meet her wife's, enjoying the proximity and warmth in the cool winter air.  She sighed contentedly as Isana agreed.

"Then it shall be done."  She tilted her head up to meet Isana's eyes glistening with happy tears, her own watching the other with open adoration.  Her breath caught at the sweet and sincere sight and the little smirk Isana gave her made her giggle, which only grew as Isana gently slid the spectacles back up her nose and leaned her head close.

"Oh!" Alyssa said pulling back quickly and removing the glasses from her face and rubbed the bridge of her nose against the back of her wrist.  "I have to wear these things so often for letters, I forget I have them on sometimes."  She set them down next to the book and leaned back into Isana, her head forwards to meet Isana's, placing a hand on her cheek.

"Now, my love..." She said brushing her lips against Isana's and wrapping her own arm around Isana's waist.  "A celebration..."  Her lips met Isana's, lingering for a few blessed moments before sliding up to her cheek, nuzzling lightly. Alyssa closed her eyes and lowered her head back down to Isana's shoulder.  The shoulder that had always been strong and steady for her, just as it was now.  The pair stayed like that for some time enjoying the time together and the warmth between them.

Finally, she looked over to the book and glanced over at the flower bed, still partially planted.  "Do you want to help me finish here?"