Everlight Family/Isana/Closest

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Closest Combatant


"Touch!" Isana's ringing tenor calls the halt in a room crowded only by shushing footwork and staccato contact.

She falters backward to lean one-handed against the warm-toned wood wall, chest heaving. Standing firm in the middle of the floor Alyssa is similarly winded but seeks no support. Moments pass with pulse rushing in their ears covering the stillness of the training room. Isana feels heavy, more than the exhaustion of her twitching muscles that ache to rest. The floor fills her vision with paused history, years recorded in tree rings, oblivious to the feelings of the woman whose weight rests upon it.

When the spring floods of rhythmic sound have abated, Isana pushes the wall away and faces her love. A hint of sadness, of loss, flickers behind her eyes like darting fish in a green-blue river.

"You went easy on me."

The soft words are a blade, rushing again toward Aly, accusing and begging to be parried. You are still afraid, the echo of the words rings more clearly. Will you ever trust me, trust yourself, as you once did?


Alyssa was slightly startled by the accusation, but recovered quickly, standing tall at ease with the sword in her hands behind her.

"I... did indeed. We are training, Isana. I am not actually trying to hurt you." Like I did last time, went unsaid. The corner of her mouth twitched, but she said nothing else, instead returning the beautifully forged training blade Isana had given her upon her proposal to a fighting stance. Alyssa motioned to her partner who took her hand off the wall and took up her sword again as she approached, their eyes meeting again, as both readied themselves for another round. Alyssa stood calm and perfectly still, though her feet ready to spring in any direction. Their swords kissed once and Alyssa took a quick step back, her sword in a stance ready to parry any blow that might come. Isana's mouth fell into a line and her eyes focused on Alyssa's as she carefully stepped forward, a move which Alyssa mirrored as they worked around one another, neither taking the opportunity to take a strike.

Eventually, Isana made the first blow, which Alyssa parried instinctively. They each felt out the other some more, Isana carefully stepping forward, seeing what she could get away with. None of Isana's motions escaped Alyssa's notice, though she capitalized on few of them. A gentle shove or a modest deflection were her tools, and Isana led their dance without a strike while Alyssa reacted in ease step, foot for foot, until a sudden burst of speed burst forth from the dark-haired knight interrupted the easy flow between them. The sidestep came easy, automatic, but it was the extension of her arm that froze up as every muscle in Alyssa's body reached out to hit her target, while her heart demanded they cease. Her heart was victorious as she passed and pirouetted around to face Alyssa once more. Touch, love. She declared to herself.

Isana lowered her shoulders and her blade, sighing softly as Alyssa lowered her own.

"I was wide open."

"Yes. You... shouldn't do that."

"You didn't strike."

"No, I didn't."


The Queen sighed and squeezed the pommel of her sword reflexively.

"I'm sorry..." Alyssa said deflating. "I do want this to be fun as well as instructive." She met those sweet blue-green eyes again which looked at her with concern and a hint of sadness. "I just... I am trying. I want to dance with you like we did before. I just still need to work up to it." She hesitated for a moment, her eyes longing for some understanding. "You looked so scared, and confused... That image, that nightmare does not leave my dreams easily. I am trying, Isana... Please believe that I am. It is just... not an easy thing to forget."



   "You looked so scared, and confused...  That image, that nightmare does not leave my dreams easily.  I am trying, Isana...  Please believe that I am.  It is just... not an easy thing to forget."

“Nearly leaving this life is also not easy to forget.” Isana said flatly, the words leaving her mouth harsh as falling rocks to her own ears. Her brows collapsed inward, shuttering her eyes beneath them. The pain of her love across the floor ricocheted in her own heart. She stood wilted in the training floor, scraps of breath coming ragged to her lungs as her shining blade sagged against the silent wood.

Aly would not attack until she was ready, she knew well. Beyond the reason of training. She was to be protected, always. Especially from Alyssa’s own demons. Why did that rankle now? Isana had sought all her years to find a place to be loved, kept safe, cherished… here it was. In the sphere of her betrothed was all of that and more. Aly would still not let herself play for fear she may hurt Isana, even after years of repairing that wound. She peered out from the dark bluff of her fallen brows to seek that precious visage and found it crestfallen, all the excitement and anticipation of the match blown out into shards on an echo of remembered tragedy, brilliant eyes clouded. They were both trapped by the memory, by the fear of losing each other. How could they ever get past it..?

Isana drew a long breath. The air felt thick. She wanted to pant aloud and gamely take guard again and smile as always, to dispel the gloom with the cheer she supplied from an endless wellspring in her heart. The light would not come. She shook her head. Loose downy filaments of dark hair fell in her eyes.

It was different because Aly did not trust herself with Isana. Not with a blade in her hand. Not yet… Bleak helplessness pulled at the knight. As dark as she felt, she knew her love plummeted faster and deeper into that well with guilt to drag her down, even now. There was nothing she could do to dispel it, could not turn back time, fervently as she wished to.

A taut feeling of yearning for their long-ago play and discovery sirened into Isana’s thoughts and twisted her throat. She swallowed hard against it. Yearn for the new joys you can find.

“Aly. Love.”

She looked up, found the pleading blue eyes looking her way, seeking understanding, as though Alyssa were about to speak. Isana squared her shoulders and lifted her chin, and dove into the vivid azure with her own unblinking gaze, swimming through the emotions with a lifeline of trust. Steadily, slowly, she closed the distance that yawned between them, her training blade trailing along the floor behind. Alyssa stood transfixed, waiting.

When her breath curled softly onto Alyssa’s cheek Isana stopped, and broke the spell with a soft blink. Her head tilted slightly to one side. It felt odd not to smile. But a smile would colour her words in jarring relief, and she wanted them to wash over her in earnest.

“I’m sorry." Soft and low, tight with sadness and sincerity. "I believe you, and I'm sorry. Sorry for pushing.”


   “Aly. Love.”

Alyssa glanced up at the beloved woman she knew she had hurt. This time, not with her carelessness, but with her guard. Can you not trust the her that trusts in you? Isana walked towards her with determined, sturdy gait. A castle in the storm that brewed up between them. Her castle. Without trust and bravery, there would be no kiss, no incredible dances, no sweet and perfect proposal. Why can you not do so now? She gulped as Isana stopped very close, their eyes lost in each others. Alyssa felt the gentle warmth of Isana's breath upon her cheek. Everything felt right in that little moment between them. All the concern and guilt and frustration fell away, and all that remained was the radiating purity of the love they had built together.

   “I’m sorry." Soft and low, tight with sadness and sincerity. "I believe you, and I'm sorry. Sorry for pushing.”

And then the guilt returned in a wave, first manifested with a single step into the space of the woman before her, then wrapping her arms gently around her, burying her face into her beloved's strong sturdy shoulder. Many tears had been shed upon that shoulder, from countless nights awoken in horror as the sights and sound of hellish warscapes raced through her unconscious mind. Tears wiped away as Isana held her closely comforting her with affection and gently spoken words. As she did now. Alyssa eased into her, the her sword arm relaxing as her dearest lady returned the embrace.

"No, Isana. You are right," Alyssa murmured into her shoulder. "You have since we met, been my strength at my weakest, and here you stand again." Still held close, feeling Isana's breath first in her chest and upon her cheek, Alyssa leaned back slightly to meet her partner's eyes. "I need your push. To move forward. Just... maybe a lighter one to start."

Alyssa tilted her head forward in a familiar gesture Isana mirrored without hesitation, as they touched their foreheads together, each accepting a nuzzle from the other. "Do you remember what I promised you when you woke?" Alyssa asked

Though her eyes were closed she thought she felt the smile that had kept her standing through war. "We will keep the darkness at bay." The gentle voice said quietly for the two of them only.

"Together." Alyssa said feeling confidence return. They parted, though without a word both of their free hands trailed down the other's arm to clasp together. Alyssa gave a gentle appreciative squeeze and sighed. "Though perhaps that should be enough for today. And we will... go again. Very soon." she finished nodding with determination as they walked together hand in hand towards the training equipment racks.

"Though..." she trailed off as Isana set her training blade down. "Perhaps a gentler push would do well in the meantime?" Alyssa stood straightly. "I have trained you in arms, Isana. Between our next bout of swordplay, maybe you could teach me to loose your bow." A little shift was the only indication of uncertainty Alyssa allowed herself. Perhaps a silly suggestion... It is still... war. But I would not be shooting at you, and perhaps a more cooperative experience would be a better first step than straight to lunging at one another. I think that would help make me more at ease going forward." She finished with her most confident nod.

"I believe. If you are willing."


 “We will keep the darkness at bay.”

Emotions, an echo from the misunderstanding and bleakness she’d felt on that long-ago day, sank into a deep gray cloud mass across her mind’s eye that was imposing as the hailing gust of arrows from her Stormfront. Alyssa’s words--soft, reassuring--pushed like spring winds at the weather mass that swirled insistently. Their hands found each others’, the trusting hold that felt so right.


Together. They were together still, and each others’ greatest joy and support through all that transpired. Why was it so difficult to accept the difference now, if it was only to keep them safe and together as they both wanted to be? It should be a little thing, such a little thing, why did it sit cold and writhing in the pit of her stomach like tragedy?

 "Perhaps a gentler push would do well in the meantime?"  

Alyssa’s tentative syllables swirled into her dark thoughts, flower petals on that spring breeze. Isana swallowed against the storm’s pressure and let herself hear the sweet timbre that asked for her grace.

"I have trained you in arms, Isana. Between our next bout of swordplay, maybe you could teach me to loose your bow. It is still... war. But I would not be shooting at you, and perhaps a more cooperative experience would be a better first step than straight to lunging at one another. I think that would help make me more at ease going forward." She finished with her most confident nod.

The storm broke in Isana’s thoughts as they moved toward the equipment rack, its weight released into a sheeting rain of futile questions that sparkled in a hint of sun glowing beyond. That can’t fix anything can it? How? Won’t we ever get to dance like we used to? Why is she diverting to this? Why does it sound like such an appealing idea?

 "I believe.  If you are willing."

Isana shook her head very slightly as excitement began to well up within her, and felt a familiar tug at the corner of her mouth. She turned and reached one arm around the curve of Alyssa’s lower back to pull her firmly close, hip to hip. Wetness still sparkled on her lashes, but the expression there was bright once again, open, as she sought the gaze of home. Her thoughts' lifting was echoed in her dark brows that arched up and dispelled the shadows from her eyes.

“If I’m willing?” her voice came out rough and she cleared her throat to try again. “If? Aly, I don’t know how you do that, drag me out of the dark when I find it… but…” A fond smile rose on the knight’s features. “That sounds fantastic. I’m more than willing, dearest, I’m eager, and excited!”

She rubbed the back of her free hand across her eyes and watched as Alyssa’s expression relaxed from its tentative concern to the sweet little smile that used to flit away so quickly. On impulse she darted in and kissed that little smile, catching it lovingly, her other arm circling to hold her darling close.

“Mmmm. So, my love. How soon do you want to start this foray into archery…?”


Alyssa sighed with relief as Isana's arm slide around her. Nuzzling against her neck Alyssa relaxed and wrapped her own arms around her partner. When the little kiss came her smile widened again.

 “Mmmm. So, my love. How soon do you want to start this foray into archery…?”

"Well... there is still daylight..."

The brilliance of Isana's own happy countenance was answer enough for the Queen.


Alyssa squinted slightly as they stepped into the courtyard, while busied staff rushed to set up an archery range for the queen and her partner to practice. While there was indeed still some good daylight left, Alyssa did not want to waste any of that time trekking to a suitable range, and the staff had performed admirably, quickly getting a remarkably suitable range set up, makeshift as it was.

She played with her fingers idly as the staff set the last of the arrows in their quivers and gave her a synchronous bow. She thanked them and turned to Isana. "Shall we?"

Alyssa received a confident nod in return and together they approached the pavilion that had been set up for their use. Several targets had been set up downrange at different intervals including one quite far that Alyssa winced at skeptically. Instead she approached the lane with the shortest distance to the target first, feeling it to be the natural place to start. She inspected the bows laid out for her carefully, though each had slight variations, Alyssa could not tell them apart. She turned uncertainly to Isana, who chuckled sweetly towards her concern. "They're the same, I think, my love. Or close enough to it."

"Right." the Queen replied nodding with some confidence, as she picked up a bow of treated white yew. She tried the string, which required a surprising amount of strength to pull back. Isana had always made it look somewhat easy, though Isana's arms, as Alyssa was well aware, were quite practiced in the art.

"So... what should I do then, Master Archer?"


Buoyed and bubbly with excitement, Isana directed the servants to her specifications for this first archery lesson. She noted Aly’s skeptical grimace at the far target and smiled to herself. That would be a surprise no doubt.

 "So... what should I do then, Master Archer?"

Isana grinned and stepped forward. The open uncertainty in her darling’s face made her heart warm with pride. They could be so easy with each other, and gaining that ease had been difficult for… well, for both of them in different ways. It felt good to find it again.

“First, my dear, you’re going to learn proper form.”

She slipped her dark braid back over one shoulder and came to stand close, nudging Alyssa’s feet into the proper stance with her own, and adjusting the arms that experimentally held the bow.

“Flat across the top of the front hand, that should feel natural on the grip. Not so tight, though. The power will come from the tension between, and the grip too tense can affect the aim. You’ll aim more with the back hand than the front. Turn your elbow out a bit… there, yes. And the back arm pulls straight, parallel, like the arrow itself and elbow pointing behind. That part is harder, but it will make your arrows fly true.”

Isana stepped back to inspect the pose critically.


“What?” Alyssa asked quickly with a glance to Isana.

The grin leapt back to Isana’s face, feigned solemnity too delicate to last, and she winked. “You look good as an archer, love. Try a draw, as far back as you can. Your full power.”

Alyssa obliged, pulling until the bow started to tremble with effort in her strong hands. Isana saw her focus into the pose and steady it, showing her warrior’s resolve in the unfamiliar. She took several steps around to check the arrow’s position.

“Good. Now aim the point a finger’s width above the closest target, and loose!”


Alyssa took a deep breath, her shoulders tensing as the bow pulled back far as far as the bow and her strength would allow.  She bit her lip slightly as she aimed carefully, following Isana's advice and aiming slightly above.  Unaccustomed to the heavy bow in her hands, the tension caused her hands to shake slightly as she tried to carefully focus down the arrow shaft towards the target downrange. Letting loose she watched expectantly as the arrow soared through the air, ending with a light thud as it landed directly into the straw target.

Specifically it landed far in the outermost ring, nearly at the target's edge at the left side.  The Queen grimaced at this and gave a little hm.

"It is difficult to steady my hand and focus upon the target at once.  You make it seem so easy with each pull."  With a look of determination she took another arrow from the quiver and quickly nocked it in place.  She tried to focus again as she pulled the bow back, broken only by quick glance to see where Isana's own eyes lay.  Turning her attention once again to the target she watched down the arrow shaft trying to aim, the arrow seemingly swaying back and forth very slightly as she held the bow as still as possible.  Biting her lip slightly once more, she let the arrow loose, and aiming a little to the right of where she did before, she let the arrow loose, and it landed once again with a little thud into the straw, a little below where the first had struck.

The Queen exhaled and reached for another arrow, hesitating when she caught Isana's eye. "The aiming is much more difficult than I expected.  I see what you mean about pointing above... it is the other axis that is seeming to give me trouble."

She took the arrow and set it in the bow, pulling back once again and attempting to adjust from her previous attempt, moving the arrow slightly to the right of where she aimed for her prior shot.  When this shot loosed, it flew straight and direct, and into the ground to the right and beyond the target some distance away.

"Damn." She muttered disappointedly, realizing her overcorrection.  Still tense from the draw, she lowered the bow for a moment as she reached for another arrow.