Kestrel Family

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Current troop leaders in the family are three sisters and their cousin.


The oldest sister, she is to take over the family estate when her parents pass on. She is loyal to Talerium and will fight to protect the realm and its allies. She received her first war camel when she was 7, named it Maude, and had called all of her camels Maude ever since. She often talks to Maude as though it had been the very same camel all these years. At a recent battle at Brackhead she lost her compact war bow that she received as gift from a desert nomad. She has vowed to return and find it again.


She was always interested in stories of far away lands, grabbing any books or news scrolls she could find hiding in the family stables to read them. Her favorite was scroll that had arrived from Ubent, detailing their revolution. As soon as she was old enough to travel, she set sail for the East Continent, eager to fight alongside her childhood heroes. She soon learned war is not all honor and glory. After seeing her troops slaughtered time and time again, she now seeks her own death in battle. She still carries the scroll, covered with old camel spit and fresh blood.


She grew up in the desert of Atamara and would often disappear into the sands, seeking to be alone with her camel and her thoughts. When she grew older her family pressured her with responsibilities and duties, so she slipped away on ship to Colonies. She has joined the peaceful realm of Wetham, for she does not desire battle, only solitude. Recently she has been doing civil work in Hulaferd and the contact with simple commoners has caused her to reconsider her views on life.


After hearing the glory of her cousins, she took 15 desert warriors and set sail for the south-west, hoping to make her own name there. The ship crashed on the shore of Segglin, and the small band found themselves in the midst of a brutal takeover by Ikalak. They tried to avoid combat, but the enemy had seen the ship crash, and easily slaughtered the dazzed and bewildered travellers. Kurewylle escaped into the trees with the ships captain. He had taken an arrow to the leg and could not travel, so she was forced to leave him behind. He gave her three items to take with her: a letter to send home to his family in Quetli, the papers for the ruined ship, and a brass horn with mysterious carvings on it.