Kingsley Family/Alyssa/The War in the South

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Alyssa's diplomatic adventures in the North and the War with Yssrgard.


Alyssa nodded respectfully to the usher who motioned to her position at the high table. Alyssa found that curious, in Perdan she would be taken directly to her seat. Naturally she took no offense of another realm's customs but she did find the small differences in attitudes and practices fascinating. She had an escort upon her arm anyway in Isana Everlight, the woman who would likely soon be her wife. The lady flashed her the typical smile, which Alyssa could not help but return. She always enjoyed when Isana dressed formally, tonight in a gentle green cotehardie over a white kirtle and gloves. It matched Alyssa's own gown, white, with gold ornamentations, around her neck an emerald pendant, and on her left ring finger, the Ring of Autumn, the ring her beloved offered to her upon her proposal; on her left, the Turinqui Laimaril, the Ring of the Queen given to her by Lyanna herself. A loose belt of gold links and ornamented embossments hung on her waist, at her hip a scabbard holding a sword with a shimmering hilt, at the pommel a golden lion. Finally, atop her head a shining golden diadem, simpler and lighter than the heavy crown she wore in court, but with intricate ornate engravings of battling lions in place of the shimmering gems and sharp claws of Royal Crown of Perdan.

Arm in arm, the Queen and her partner crossed the great hall to the head table where their seats were prepared for them. She spotted Lynna already there who greeted her warmly. They made friendly conversation as the first course was served, Alyssa finding Isana's hand under the table, resting them casually on her knee as the pair conversed genially with the Chief Justice. It was a welcome distraction. She had received reports from the south earlier that day and the anxiety of war was ever present in the back of her mind. I should be there with them. She thought to herself, before being brought back to the conversation by a gentle squeeze of her hand below the table. Alyssa smiled reflexively as Lyanna repeated her question.

"Ah... of course. There are are a number of wonderful vintages throughout Perdan. There is actually a meadery run by the Belmont's in Dimwood that has been growing in popularity. I am not certain though whether it has made its way this far north though, I am afraid." She took a light drink from the cup in front of her, enjoying the taste of the sweet elven wine that had been provided. This seemed to satisfy Lyanna who nodded with interest as they continued their chat over the first course of the meal.

Between the courses, Lyanna gave Alyssa a nod and stood up to offer a welcoming speech before the assembled nobility of The Continent. Alyssa smiled as she talked of their friendship and the fond memories they had shared. As she spoke of the love between her and the man on her other side, Isana gave her hand a gentle squeeze and Alyssa shared a fond look with her own love. As she looked back, Monterys Valeryon was giving her a curious look, one which she returned with a slight raise in her brow. She had never met nor spoken to this Monterys, nor did he ever reach out to her during his tenure as Prime Minister. The Queen recalled his kinsman Jacerys who had arrived in Perdan some time ago, leaving nearly as quickly as he came.

Their eyes did not meet for long, as he turned away once more and raised his own toast to the assembly of nobles and dignitaries throughout the hall. Most of them cheered back, including the woman next to her who beamed with excitement as she finished a large drink of her wine. Alyssa smiled again fondly as the next course was served, and the nobles of the Continent feasted, and drank and swapped stories, the darkness of war lifting from all of their hearts and mind. The warmth of the room and fellowship came over her and she sighed contentedly before committing to emptying her own goblet and taking a deep drink which prompted a little giggle from her right as she shared a scandalous smirk with her betrothed partner.

"Contrary to what some might say, I am not, in fact, immune to cheer." Alyssa admitted.

"Entirely not. As I recall it was you who first invited me over for some bottled cheer, hm? Although," Isana tapped her chin in mock consideration, a smile still twitching at her lips, "sometimes encouragement is warranted."

"Hm... Perhaps you are right. I am certainly better for it myself."

Cheer came easily for the Queen of Perdan that night, with the love of her life at her side, and her dearest friend on the other, she had all the encouragement she could want.


The Queen felt all eyes watching her as she stepped forward towards the center table in the Hall of Alliances.  She had been in the chamber before, when the treaty now sat upon the center table was first discussed.  It was here this document was born, and here it would live, marking forever this moment of amity.  The moment felt heavy, and the room felt far smaller than it had the last time she was here, now diplomats and delegations from Perdan and Caligus filled the halls to watch as their realms re-establish the Old Alliance.  Across the table from her stood the High King, dressed regally, as was she in a dress of white and trimmed with gold.  Alongside him stood the man she recognized as the Caligan Ambassador, who she know knew was Ambrose Peregrine.

The familiar look to him she noticed in their previous brief encounters had now made much more sense, knowing who he was.  The man was far different than her former King, Kay, but the resemblance was unmistakable.  Alyssa didn't know what to make of this other Peregrine.  She had worked closely with Kay for many years, but this new man she did not know.  She decided it best to interact with him as any other, she could not know whether he even knew Kay or was of close relation.  That would be something to find out as they went, and with the alliance being signed presently she had a feeling that they would be meeting often enough.

At her side was Kenneth MacArbin, standing proudly as he read the terms of the treaty he drafted to both parties.  The Queen was glad he was here, for he had proven invaluable during this long process.  Finally he had finished reading the terms and handed a silver quill to Alyssa.

Quill in hand Alyssa stood straight, her chin held up in noble expression, speaking to the room in a serious diplomatic tone.  "Caligus, with this signature, the Kingdom of Perdan recognizes the old alliance.  The friendship and mutual values shared by our realms, values which have held true for centuries continues even now.  As the oldest realms on The Continent, we have more shared history than any other.  Without Caligus, Perdan would have long been lost.  Without Perdan, Caligus would have been destroyed many times over.  It is these ancient ties that have bound our realms in history, and now once again in friendship.  I hearby agree, on behalf of the Kingdom of Perdan and all her subjects, to the terms of the proposed treaty, and will honour it upon my own word and the honour of our Kingdom."

Alyssa then stepped forward and signed her name to the document.  It was easier than Alyssa thought.  Though the atmosphere in the room felt serious, the act itself brought her no pressure.  It felt, in a way, safe.  The right thing to do.  Satisfied with her signature, precise and elegant Perdanese cursive as her aunt had drilled into her so many times as a girl, she took a step back as her ambassador picked up the document and presented it to the Caligans on the other side of the table.  The Caligan Ambassador signed on behalf of Caligus, and the agreement was sealed.

For good or ill, it is done.  You are their protector now as well. She told herself, though she said nothing, offering instead a courteous nod to the High King and his Ambassador.

My friends... She thought fondly to herself, the High King a true one for so many years, and one of House Peregrine she now felt certain she could trust.  As the rest of the witnesses verified the signatures Alyssa took a deep breath, satisfied with the months of effort now finally concluded, and looking forward, ready for the Continent's next steps, with new friends and old at her side.

The Grand Court


She waited taking a steadying breath, hands clasped before her. She nodded to the servants and the doors swung in silently. As she stepped forward the guardsmen parted falling back to clear her way, as the gates slid silently shut behind her.

The standards of the Paladins had been spotted several hours before and there was the slim possibility that they came for her Leige. Lucius had retreated to the inner sanctums of the Castle Nylucia. So it fell to her in the midnight blue brocade gown to host Queen, Imperatrix and Marshals.

Her fingers played across her ring seal as she walked forward. Eight standards drifted lazily on the breeze, held by a soldier of each unit as they flanked the far end of the bridge. They barely looked as she passed the whole army awaiting the attentions and accommodations of her Lord.

She had seen only Jace and the Laststar since her humiliation, but now they were on her territory and she took solace from the nearness of home.

She smiled a little to see both of her Vice Marshals ahorse. As Magrus grinned, Jace, the consumate professional nodded but made no other note of her passing. Christopher, Tsingu, Oliver and Delphine completed the honor guard, the Imperatrix relegated to guardsman by the presence of the Queen and her consort. Isana beamed one of her warm smiles, the Queen remained stalwart and silent.

To her knowledge this was Alyssas first visit to Aix since she ascemded the throne, and now it fell to her to offer the fealty of the Grand Court. There were... formalities. She took to her knee, head bowed.

"The city of Aix pledges her troth and that of the Grand Court to the beneficent and just rule of the Crown of Perdan." Alyssa extended a pale hand and Lorelai returned to her feet.

"My Leige sends his deepest apologies, but he us indisposed currently. He has asked that I make suitable arrangements. "Your majesty and our Ladies Everlight and Mulhouse, will be housed in the Castle Nylucia." She cast her eyes to the men. "Sirs Goldwater, Dragonite, Laststar and Lords Stewart and Orobar. You would do me and my house great honor if you would join me at my estate in Cúirt na Baintrí. Your brave warriors will be treated to feasting and the pleasures of the Court in the barracks." She turned full attention back to the Queen. "I hope this meets your approval Your Majesty."


Starlight's hooves clopped loudly against the old cobblestone as the Queen of Perdan and her army crossed the bridge into the city proper. The lands of Aix were her home, but the city itself felt almost foreign. As a girl, she had never stepped foot in the Golden City, nor barely left the Hollow she grew up in in Bisciye. It was much smaller than she expected, a dwarf compared to the City of Perdan, which she now called home, but Banetal's enormous walls loomed over the royal party as the gate swung open for them. The sturdy sandstone captured the light of the setting sun, giving them a gentle golden glow that matched the light royal circlet that crowned her head. She had met Banetal only once and the soft shimmer she imagined would have been lost upon him. But to her it seemed appropriate, even if excess in scale.

As Alyssa and her army crossed the gate, the city lords and lesser knights of the Grand Court, each with their own cadre of soldiers stood at attention, banners waving gently in the cool seaside breeze. Alyssa sat high in her saddle, her typical stoic expression faced ever forward as her Starlight carried her before the array of soldiers who each saluted in the Perdanese style as she passed them. As she passed into the city she halted before a lone figure, a woman in a deep blue dress. Lorelai Chamberlain's fair features were not unfamiliar to her, as the Steward of Aix had served as the previous marshal of her army, and had been a fixture of the War Council for some time before the spiteful resignation a few months before.

As the steward of the Golden City, her presence was not unexpected, but what was curious was the absence of the duke, who by custom would typically be present as the host to meet his royal guest and her army gathered after their defense of his lands. It seemed to Alyssa unlike the proud duke to hide from her and even less like him to miss a chance for pomp and parade. A chill went up her spine as a breeze brushed past as she felt some unease, giving quick glances to the Aixan soldiery before her, glancing at their armour and weapons, and quickly counting each on either side of her as the steward approached, kneeling in reverence before her.

"The city of Aix pledges her troth and that of the Grand Court to the beneficent and just rule of the Crown of Perdan."

Alyssa held a customary open hand out in Lorelai's direction in acknowledgement of the knight's deference and her welcome. She had come to accept the importance of ceremony. Though her nature was typically much more practical and direct, she knew that it was not for her sake that she performed rites of authority, but for her subjects, for their comfort in the familiar, and the building of trust and acceptance in leadership. Something that Alyssa considered now seemingly even more important. A curiosity and concern about the Duke's absence scratched at her, but the ceremony she decided should not be interrupted, so she said nothing, maintaining her stalwart expression as the knight before her rose.

"My Leige sends his deepest apologies, but he us indisposed currently. He has asked that I make suitable arrangements. Your majesty and our Ladies Everlight and Mulhouse, will be housed in the Castle Nylucia. Sirs Goldwater, Dragonite, Laststar and Lords Stewart and Orobar. You would do me and my house great honor if you would join me at my estate in Cúirt na Baintrí. Your brave warriors will be treated to feasting and the pleasures of the Court in the barracks. I hope this meets your approval Your Majesty."

"It does." Alyssa accepted briefly as she glanced up at the tall narrow castle that loomed over the city, watching over it with a dark curiousity. In its face, Alyssa remained unmoved, still sat high and noble in her saddle.

"Mydame Lorelai. My betrothed, her Stormfront, and our staff shall accept and receive your hospitality at once in Castle Nylucia. As for myself, I should like to first visit the Temple to Our Lady here in the city. It is Leandra's Day, and she has seen fit to protect us on our journey. I wish to offer her my gratitude and ask for her continued favor in the battles to come."

Lorelai nodded and alyssa narrowed her eyes in curiousity.

"As well, Mydame Steward, I will need a knightly escort to the temple, for I know not where it is. I would request the Steward of Aix to accompany myself and my guard to the temple. I have been told escorting a queen is a great honour. I would wish that honour upon the foremost knight of this Grand Court."


She had been spending more time in Aix recently, and as the outer gates closed, her natural flare for organisation told as ushers stepped forward bearing the pennants of the visiting nobility. In a matter of minutes soldiers were escorted to billets and the small group of nobles remaining were being escorted via the internal corridors within the walls by minor nobles to the respective estates of Castle Nylucia and Cúirt na Baintrí. She smiled to herself as she was strapped into the scale mail bodice and slid a pair of ceremonial short blades into her waist band. Clipping the bracers back into place as she turned back toward the Queen and Isana,. The armour was polished to a gleaming reflectivity that shone even in the dim ante chambers between doors.

"You do me great honour Your Majesty." She stepped to the doors watching as Alyssas guards fell in behind her with a well practiced efficiency, earning Lorelai's envy and admiration. As the doors opened and the gate was raised, the hubbub of the streets of Aix paused momentarily as curious onlookers noted their Lady stepping forward in her gleaming chrome. She stepped out, a bubbling pride making her feel a little giddy despite herself.

Striding forwards, arms theatrically thrown wide, she raised her voice: "Make way, for the Queen!"

The news spread like a ripple, quickly becoming a wave, from gate, to street, to taverns, and houses, rushing out, then bubbling back as a wall of sound, the cheers of welcome, as Aix, for the first time in a generation, welcomed her ruler.



Alyssa held her knees to her chest, her mouth pressed into her shoulder, trying not to look at the grim bucket next to the bed in her ship's quarters. She groaned slightly as the hulk shifted once again on the waves. Isana sat next to her on the bed, gently rubbing her back as the queen tensed, her stomach lurching with the waves. She had barely left the cabin the ship's captain had graciously offered her, only foraying out when the seas felt calm enough that she could stand without vertigo or sickness. The voyage south had not been her first sea trip, but it was certainly the longest, several days around the southern span of The Continent, and none of them were, for Alyssa, pleasant. She had stepped aboard the white-sailed hulk to a smiling captain and commander who bowed low in a foreign style, leading the Queen, her partner, and Perdanese soldiers of the Whiteguard and Stormfront aboard the grand vessel.

She gathered quickly from their accents that the crew of the Silver Pearl were Beluan, from the middle-lands fleeing from the encroaching hordes that slowly pushed northwards on the savage lands of the New World. The captain showed her the suite she would be staying in during the voyage as the sailors readied to leave port from Aix and the Perdenese soldiers found their places below deck. The room was quaint and while large for a ship, was still far from the wide rooms and corridors of the Ducal Palace she had come accustomed to. In away it felt familiar though, reminding the queen of her many years spent in a tent roaming across the realm. Alyssa slept as peacefully as she could, brave knight at her side through the easy night, waking only once. It was the last moment of real peace she had as the ship hoisted anchor early that morning.

Alyssa glanced over at the bucket again. A yeoman would be by soon to collect it, but in the meantime the only comfort she had was a pretty knight to hold on to as the rocking turned from turbulent to gentle, the seas calming slightly, though Alyssa had come to realize likely not for long. As she leaned her spinning head into Isana's shoulder she heard something muffled yet steady come from above. The Queen furrowed her brow as she and Isana shared a curious look. Alyssa tenderly stood up from the edge of the bed where she sat and steadied herself, stepping towards the cabin door.

"Are you alright darling?" Isana asked gently.

"Mhm. Does that sound like chanting to you?" Her partner considered this as Alyssa gently cracked open the door, as the raucous masculine voices of two dozen sailors harmonized into one, echoed through the wooden hallway and up the steps that led to the main deck.

Ho ro, the island's fog I won't be back ashore fer long Ho ro, a life at sea, There'll be no love fer me

Alyssa peered through the crack in the door, spotting at the top of the steps the man she recognized as the ship's first officer patrolling the main deck, sword and spyglass at his hip as he calmly supervised the crewman tugging some ropes or rigging, or some other seafaring business Alyssa had no idea about, when the crew had finished their chorus he called out a verse to accompany them

The lass all dressed up on the pier Her face it bore a soft pale fear She whispers out a gentle prayer Into the cloudy bay

And then on cue the chorus swell and rose dramatically in a unified voice heavy and melodic as their voices mixed together in a rhythmic harmony, in time to their task

Ho ro, the island's fog I won't be back ashore fer long Ho ro, a life at sea, There'll be no love fer me

Ho ro, the island's fog I won't be back ashore fer long Ho ro, a life at sea There'll be no love for me

Alyssa listened curiously as they completed their tune, a few moments of silence passed filled only by the tugging of rope and the grunting of sailors. Having no interest in either, she closed the door and returned to the bed, happy for at least a slight reprieve from the swaying.

"Did you hear their tune, my love?"


"I'm quite happy I don't have a life at sea, I am not sure that it suits me" Alyssa noted laying her head in Isana's lap.

That comment earned her a little giggle from the knight, which fluttered Alyssa's heart as it often did. "I'd noticed." she replied with a wry grin a knock came at the door that drew Alyssa up instantly and alert.

"Your majesty...? I... am here to collect your bucket, if you wish?"

Alyssa grimaced as the ship broke over a wave.


The day was an uneasy age spent in the confines of the grand cabin. While Isana read stories aloud and used her hands to comfort her love curled in agony and wretchedness, there was little she could do about the sea’s enthusiasm. What a choice of cabin! It's not even that rough along the Narrows…

It was time to try something else.

“Think you’ll be alright a few minutes, love?”

Alyssa murmured a reluctant affirmative and nodded against her lap. Isana slid gently out from the wide bunk and settled the tousled blonde head onto a cushion with a soft touch along her hair.

“I won’t be long.”

Latching the door behind her with a soft click, Isana strode boldly out on deck. The salted wind slapped her cheeks with a playful spray and she grinned. In stark contrast to her landlocked love, Isana found sea travel exhilarating. The trip to Perdan from her home in Beluaterra had been one of the great adventures of her life thus far. Sparkling diamonds on deep teal, or the plumbless black depths glowing under moonlight; the sea was a beautiful mystery. She was well acquainted with ships that travelled the glittering expanse, and had a few questions for the Silver Pearl’s Captain. One in particular.

Across the deck she was pleased to see the singers at it again: rather than a working shanty, now that the sails were trimmed a handful of the Beluan sailors had draped themselves about the upper foredeck in the cool early evening giving enthusiastic voice to a wistful sea song. The Captain was aft, squinting at the distant shore with his spyglass forgotten in one hand. She climbed the stair-ladder to join him, trying to catch strains of melody as she climbed. A brief nod was all she gave for greeting before launching straight into her concern.

“There’s a better choice of cabin coulda been made, Captain,” she commented pointedly, eyes narrowed slightly as she held his gaze. “Or didya not know her Majesty has no sea legs?”

The man’s face fell. “Ah do now,” he admitted with some chagrin. “Tha’s the only cabin suitable for royalty though, ye ken? Aught else is crew and cooks’, else where the soldiers are and they’re packed in double... s’more common for landfolk to have a problem with th’close quarters than the sea…” he trailed off apologetically.

Isana’s mouth pressed into a line. “Midships’d still be better fer her, though, it jus’ moves less. There must be somewhere I can settle her in for a spell, or a time when there’s fewer on deck?” Isana doggedly pursued a solution, and let her Beluan accent colour the words.

He caught the idea, eyes widening and looking about almost comically. He tapped the spyglass to his chin.

“Well, well now… my own quarters ‘n the first mate’s are same as yours, aft, but lower… fer more midships… ah, mess is empty ‘twixt meals! ...but the smell of vittles won’t be helping. Hey! That’s the ticket. There’s only a skelly crew on deck during sup, what’s about then?”

Isana’s nose wrinkled and one hand fiddled with her sabre’s pommel as she considered. It wasn’t a lengthy time… but it was soon, and outdoors in the fresh breeze.

“We’ll try it.” She gave a nod. “Mind you keep the meal crew belowdecks for a half candlemark at least. Tempt ‘em with a dessert if need be, we’ve got provision to share. I don’t want my Lady embarrassed on deck looking ill.”

Already eager to please, the sea-tanned captain of no apparent age brightened at the offer of sweets and guaranteed the timing.

Isana made her way back down to the main deck carefully and paused to listen to the next song as it was lifted to the breeze. The tune was a familiar one. She listened for a few moments, leaning on the rail to catch a glimpse of the other southward-drifting white sails that kept company with theirs. As the notes drifted into her ears words arose from memory and she hummed along, carrying the tune back to her darling with a wide smile.

We'll rant and we'll roar like true Beluan sailors We'll rant and we'll roar on deck and below Until we strikes bottom inside the two sunkers When straight through the channel to Agyr we'll go~