Moonsun Family/Lindow

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Childhood and education

Lindow is the firstborn son of Argos III of the Argorian Branch. He was born in Hamadan where the Moonsun family had their family home. Upon the death of his father, his uncle Tannis was appointed as guardian of his little brother Argos and him.

He was taught both in the arts of war (swordfighting, tactics, leadership) and in the intellectual arts (history, law, and religion).

After several disagreements with his uncle Tannis, Lindow left his Hamadan home to begin serving in a kingdom as a knight.

Knight of Shadowdale


He came to the kingdom of Shadowdale, where he went on to serve Spider Queen Luciferase Mayhem. It was a time of peace on the continent, so every day he invested it in improving his sword skills.

However, peace would not last long. After a month, war broke out between Sirion and his allies against First Oligarch. Lindow participated in several battles. With his great participation, the Spider Queen named him Margrave of Montijo.

Lord of Montijo

As Lord, he began to become familiar with the administration of a region, the effective division of estates, and the search for good recruiting centers. Meanwhile, in the war against First Oligarch, the allies had surrounded the kingdom in the city of Oligarch. After many attempts at siege, the city was impossible to conquer. Lindow learned tactics in battles between human armies and sieges.

Duke of Shadow's Edge and high merchant


First Oligarch threatened Shadowdale's borders and Spider Queen was missing, so an unknown nobleman who at the time was the Arachnid Commander of Shadowdale organized a rebellion to overthrow the Spider Queen Luciferase.

Lindow offered his help and that of some allies in the kingdom to name a new king in Shadowdale. After the victory of the rebellion, the new king named Lindow Duke of Shadow's Edge, having his lordship in Al amarah.

As a duke, Lindow was already tired of the war against Oligarch. They had been a year and had failed to enter the city. The young duke focused on other objectives such as commerce. Lindow focused on improving his trading skills by being able to sell food anywhere on the continent. Taking advantage of the period of chaos in both the North and the South, he managed to sell food at prices 5 times higher than the average.

Shadow King of Shadowdale


Several months after the successful rebellion, the unknown nobleman who became the new king left his crown and disappeared. Being the only duke and therefore, having the highest rank title, Lindow took the crown for himself. An action that was not well appreciated by some, who wanted a referendum, although Lindow calmed them down after having solved the administrative problems that had affected Shadowdale after the disappearance of the previous monarch.

Lindow had to face in his reign the war against First Oligarch and the Great War between the North and the South that ended after the imposition of the divine peace of the Titans.

After the peace, Lindow's reign was marked by an exponential increase in nobles in Shadowdale that necessitated the acquisition of new lands. Lindow entered into negotiations with Brock Ketchum, ruler of Nivemus, to negotiate the delivery of the Bruck region to Shadowdale as it had fewer nobles than territories. However, the negotiations never developed because of Nivemus' passivity, despite warnings that Perdan was to form a colony (Alexandria) on his lands.

When Shadowdale went to war with Nivemus, Lindow was surprised by the envy and toxicities of the other kingdoms who were his allies in the war against the southern kingdoms, despite their numerous justifications for Shadowdale's claims. Lindow ended up very upset with all the kingdoms of the North, the word ally no longer made sense to him after seeing that behavior.

Following the abrupt and disrespectful end of the war against Nivemus, where Eponllyn closed access to Shadowdale while diplomatic negotiations were taking place, Perdan declared war on Nivemus further demonstrating Shadowdale's just claims. Lindow focused on his kingdom, holding private tournaments for his nobles and relying on his advice for the legal improvement of the kingdom, ceasing to participate in the international framework. However, he swore that all of them the rulers who disrespected him would pay this wrong.

The first to pay was Rowan MacGregor, ruler of Caligus, a man who had been very disrespectful to Lindow and Shadowdale. From the beginning he had been very critical of Lindow and Shadowdale, denying that thanks to Shadowdale, the city of Fontan and the kingdom of Caligus did not fall against Highmarch, he threatened to destroy Shadowdale and even proposed to ally himself with Perdan against Shadowdale a month after. having ended the Great War. Finally his punishment came, Rowan lost his position as ruler and the regions of Fontan, An Najaf and Viseu were conquered.

Eponllyn joined the war in defense of Caligus, showing that the political movement to take over the Bruck region did so to harm Shadowdale rather than for the general good.

It should be noted that in the war against Caligus and Eponllyn, the kingdom of Perleone and its former king Gaheris Camlann supported Shadowdale with such enthusiasm that Lindow, after a long time without believing in that word, once again trusted the meaning of ally.

This was also demonstrated after the "defensive" war of Sirion. Sirion's war was a great challenge for Lindow as his first demands were the prohibition of Shadowdale to expand and pay a cuat fine or the abdication of Lindow. However, those early claims became even worse after the arrival of former ruler Monterys Velaryon, a former Shadowdale nobleman, who understood that the only negotiations Shadowdale could accept were those that he himself proposed. Such was the case that Monterys Velaryon only offered the expansion ban and the abdication of Lindow just because he did not understand that a negotiation is a search for an agreement between the two parties.

Lindow was relieved after meeting the Pirmer Minister Micah Smallwood of Sirion, someone with an open mind and great negotiating skills, who enabled the signing of peace in the North.

After the peace, Lindow has devoted to cultural, diplomatic, administrative and social affairs. It is known that he has a large corps of heralds spread throughout the world and with great abilities to recruit young noblemen.


Appearance Name Description
Moonsun guard.jpg Old Moonsun Guard They are the units with which Lindow arrived at Shadowdale. They are warriors wearing halberds and plate armor who have served the Moonsun House for years. They accompanied Lindow from his arrival until his appointment as Duke of Shadow's Edge. Thanks to them, Lindow acquired a great amount of honor and prestige, which allowed him to rise in rank. They have participated in the Oligarch War.
TraderBody guard.jpg Trader Bodyguards Technically it was a bodyguard instead of a unit for an army. It was used in the days when Lindow was a Merchant-Duke. Shadowdale's paths are safe, but bandits or beasts could always appear that could leave him without gold. They hardly had action, some bandits and beasts who dared to enter Shadowdale.
Grey Guard.jpg The Grey Guard Lindow's most famous unit. She was recruited once she was crowned Shadow King. They are Shadow King's royal guard. Unlike other guards, the Grey Guard has enough power to consider itself a small exercise on its own. This unit is made up of men from Karbala and Greatbridge. People say they wear gray clothes for several reasons: to protect the Grey Palace, because grey is the color of the shadow, because it is an expensive color to obtain. They have participated in the Oligarch War and the Great War between South and North.
Los 100custodios.jpg The Hundred Custodians A unique unit, created at the personal request of Lindow. They are formed by nobles of minor families of the kingdom, but being only one hundred the requirements to enter were very strict and demanding. Once selected, they were armed with the best weapons and armor of the kingdom, their horses were big and robust, these horses wore a metal barding from which a caparisons with the Moonsum house emblem fell while the riders wore the Shadowdale emblem on the shield and banner. They have participated in the Oligarch War and the Great War between South and North.
Champions of the Grey Guard.jpg Champions of the Grey Guard They are veterans of the Northern wars. Brave warriors of the Gray Guard who improved their skills with bow and halberd after cavalry charges and long-range shooting. They have been outfitted with plate armor and golden chainmail, longbows, and halberds.


Appearance Name Type Prestige Bonus
Glowing Sabre of Little Ogre.gif Glowing Sabre of Little Ogre Weapon 14 +15% Leadership
Bizarre Helm of the East Continent.jpg Bizarre Helm of the East Continent Armour 7
Ancient Book of War.jpg Ancient Book of War Book 9 +15% Spellcasting