Luitolf Family/Edelyn/Confirmation of a Thunderborn

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Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (45 recipients)

Calypso's transport ship finally docked in the crowded harbor. It looked as if they were dozens, hundreds of ships in Golden Farrow and the city was abuzz with activity at a level Calypso had never seen. Where once she had been lost, not in her right mind, as she made landfall, now she stood proud before her men. Her hair had begun to blonde from her time spent in the sun on the island, and she had to admit she rather liked the look. Her pale blue hauberk swung in the breeze, she always preferred to wear her armor, even at sea. She was Thunderborn now, and felt she needed to provide a certain image to both the faithful...and non-faithful.

As they landed, Calypso bade her soldiers see to their various tasks, obtaining equipment and reinforcements. But Calypso was a woman with a purpose. She walked quickly, her steps long. Her sword clattered at her side as she walked toward the Church of the Tidemother, there to finally take the formal oath of loyalty to the Tidemother and assume her position as Thunderborn in actuality. Captain Xena followed close behind, carrying as she so now often did the holy text of the Church. She had taken to reading it often in the doldrum in Dizeddo. Calypso was excited and nervous at once. She looked forward to seeing Edelyn again, the woman to whom she owed so much. Perhaps she would even see the Autarch Solomon again. She thought back often and fondly to her dinner with the man. But in the back of her head she knew why she was here...the deamons were on the march, and surely meant no good to the world of men. They were the servants of the Void Gods, Edelyn had taught her, and no good could come of them. Calypso had heard tales and rumors that the leader of the Zuma, this Kettle was a terrifying yet beautiful creature...such beauty was a lie, she knew. No creature born of the evil void can create something beautiful, one would be more likely to find dry water or cold heat.

These were the thoughts Calypso thought on as she walked through the busy streets to the church.
Calypso Hwitt (Confirmation of a Thunderborn)

Roleplay from Kophyn D'Espana
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (45 recipients)

The two men marched away from the noisy repair shops and smiths, rerouting to avoid crossing the massive marketplace and the thousands of peasants, traders and artisans currently gathered there. Kophyn would've normally not considered taking the detour, but the figure of the Autarch attracted a lot of attention wherever he went, and neither of them wanted to deal with masses of commoners getting on their way, much less without their usual cohort of soldiers to push them away. Taking the main street after circling the marketplace, the soft glitter of the golden roofs under the gentle autumn afternoon sun was quite the spectacle and coupled together with the thousand smells (admittedly, not all of them pleasant) still coming from the marketplace, it greatly enhanced the mood of Kophyn and, judging by his smile, probably the Autarch himself.

The rest of the way to the small and humble temple of the Tidemother was just a brief and pleasant walk away, and once they got there, Kophyn took a moment to readjust mentally before heading for the entrance. He remembered it being larger, but perhaps it was just his mind playing some tricks on him. Oh, how much work was there still to do, how much gold required to turn the capital's temple into the true gem it should have been from the start...

But that would have to wait. The local priest and acolytes were already passing on the news about the arrival of the Stormsage and the Thunderborn, the word quickly spreading all over the small space.
Kophyn D'Espana (Confirmation of a Thunderborn)

Roleplay from Edelyn Luitolf
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (44 recipients)

Edelyn moved throughout the small temple, wondering why she had bothered to come back. She could have done the Thunderborn ceremony in Mozyr, and she so loathed leaving the region so soon. Dalmat was doing a fine job, but it was not the same. A good portion of the population were the families of her first unit whose husbands fell fighting to take Golden Farrow in the first place. As she returned to her office, she knew the answer already. The Viscountess returned because it was the most effective place, she could be to serve the realm, even after all the events in the recent past. The Tidespeaker had not even been present for a full ten minutes before one of the local priests entered her chambers.

"Madam, you have visitors in the sanctuary." The elderly gentlemen spoke, but had not one in toe, "Please come see to them at your earliest convivence."

Edelyn sat there, staring at him. This was all very odd, never before had the local priests or acolytes bid her come to a visitor, always they had been brought to her. She was expecting someone, Dame Calypso, so perhaps they wanted the short ceremony to be done in public. The Tidespeaker rose from her chair and started to make her way down the hallways back to the main entrance. When she arrived, surely there she was, Dame Calypso.

"Autarch, Stormsage, tell me what brings ones as esteemed as yourselves to our little temple. Did you come to see Dame Calypso be anointed personally? She should feel honored if so, it is not every day that the ruler and my own mentor graces us for the ceremonies." Her voice came out a bit faster than usual, her last meeting with Solomon hadn't gone so well.
Edelyn Luitolf (Confirmation of a Thunderborn)

Roleplay from Kophyn D'Espana
Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (44 recipients)

"Is that so?"

Kophyn looked at Calypso, trying to remember what he knew about the young dame. Not much, he decided, apart from sharing some battlefields with her back in Dizzedo. He had a keen eye for banners and heraldry and could certainly remember the lass standing her ground under the blacks, blues, and silvers of her family coat of arms. He then looked at Edelyn, who had succeeded him in the office of Tidespeaker. He didn't have an ounce of regret about that decision, for she had been doing a much better job than he did in a fraction of the time. He was a man of the road and action, vanquisher of rogues and commander of hundreds, and his time as a priest had been as uneventful as it had been underwhelming for the faith as a whole. One thing did bother him, though, for he could not quite remember the details of the ceremony to invest Edelyn as the new Tidespeaker. It hadn't even been that long ago, so it was clear that it was something else that was shrouding his memories.

But whatever it was, it was of no importance right now. He looked up to meet Edelyn's eyes, a grin growing in his face as he knew exactly what he had to do.

"Anointed, yes! That is certainly why we are here. After all, we have the time, and it is an honor to welcome Dame Calypso - he turned to look at the younger woman - amongst our brothers and sisters. I am Stormsage Kophyn D'Espana, former Tidespeaker and proud admirer of the legacy of my successor, Tidespeaker Edelyn. I am sure you already know Thunderborn Solomon Greybrook, our liege, and Autarch of Tol Goldora."

He glanced at Solomon, amused at the coincidence and intrigued about his response.
Kophyn D'Espana (Confirmation of a Thunderborn)