Kingsley Family/Alyssa/The War in the South

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Alyssa's diplomatic adventures in the North and the War with Yssrgard.


Alyssa nodded respectfully to the usher who motioned to her position at the high table. Alyssa found that curious, in Perdan she would be taken directly to her seat. Naturally she took no offense of another realm's customs but she did find the small differences in attitudes and practices fascinating. She had an escort upon her arm anyway in Isana Everlight, the woman who would likely soon be her wife. The lady flashed her the typical smile, which Alyssa could not help but return. She always enjoyed when Isana dressed formally, tonight in a gentle green cotehardie over a white kirtle and gloves. It matched Alyssa's own gown, white, with gold ornamentations, around her neck an emerald pendant, and on her left ring finger, the Ring of Autumn, the ring her beloved offered to her upon her proposal; on her left, the Turinqui Laimaril, the Ring of the Queen given to her by Lyanna herself. A loose belt of gold links and ornamented embossments hung on her waist, at her hip a scabbard holding a sword with a shimmering hilt, at the pommel a golden lion. Finally, atop her head a shining golden diadem, simpler and lighter than the heavy crown she wore in court, but with intricate ornate engravings of battling lions in place of the shimmering gems and sharp claws of Royal Crown of Perdan.

Arm in arm, the Queen and her partner crossed the great hall to the head table where their seats were prepared for them. She spotted Lynna already there who greeted her warmly. They made friendly conversation as the first course was served, Alyssa finding Isana's hand under the table, resting them casually on her knee as the pair conversed genially with the Chief Justice. It was a welcome distraction. She had received reports from the south earlier that day and the anxiety of war was ever present in the back of her mind. I should be there with them. She thought to herself, before being brought back to the conversation by a gentle squeeze of her hand below the table. Alyssa smiled reflexively as Lyanna repeated her question.

"Ah... of course. There are are a number of wonderful vintages throughout Perdan. There is actually a meadery run by the Belmont's in Dimwood that has been growing in popularity. I am not certain though whether it has made its way this far north though, I am afraid." She took a light drink from the cup in front of her, enjoying the taste of the sweet elven wine that had been provided. This seemed to satisfy Lyanna who nodded with interest as they continued their chat over the first course of the meal.

Between the courses, Lyanna gave Alyssa a nod and stood up to offer a welcoming speech before the assembled nobility of The Continent. Alyssa smiled as she talked of their friendship and the fond memories they had shared. As she spoke of the love between her and the man on her other side, Isana gave her hand a gentle squeeze and Alyssa shared a fond look with her own love. As she looked back, Monterys Valeryon was giving her a curious look, one which she returned with a slight raise in her brow. She had never met nor spoken to this Monterys, nor did he ever reach out to her during his tenure as Prime Minister. The Queen recalled his kinsman Jacerys who had arrived in Perdan some time ago, leaving nearly as quickly as he came.

Their eyes did not meet for long, as he turned away once more and raised his own toast to the assembly of nobles and dignitaries throughout the hall. Most of them cheered back, including the woman next to her who beamed with excitement as she finished a large drink of her wine. Alyssa smiled again fondly as the next course was served, and the nobles of the Continent feasted, and drank and swapped stories, the darkness of war lifting from all of their hearts and mind. The warmth of the room and fellowship came over her and she sighed contentedly before committing to emptying her own goblet and taking a deep drink which prompted a little giggle from her right as she shared a scandalous smirk with her betrothed partner.

"Contrary to what some might say, I am not, in fact, immune to cheer." Alyssa admitted.

"Entirely not. As I recall it was you who first invited me over for some bottled cheer, hm? Although," Isana tapped her chin in mock consideration, a smile still twitching at her lips, "sometimes encouragement is warranted."

"Hm... Perhaps you are right. I am certainly better for it myself."

Cheer came easily for the Queen of Perdan that night, with the love of her life at her side, and her dearest friend on the other, she had all the encouragement she could want.