Talk:Itorunt Informer/April '06

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Oh you dirty thieving sons of small woodland creatures! You stole our periodical setup! Well, I cant blame you for copying your betters! Vellos 1 April 2006 01:03 (CEST)

Actually, we got this off of Sirions failed paper. Which is presumably where you nicked yours from anyways. Watch us get more views now! --The1exile 1 April 2006 01:06 (CEST)

Oh now this is laughable! A haiku! I believe we mentioned something about "real poetry"! (OOC- Actually, I happen to like haikus, but Hireshmont doesnt, lol) Vellos 1 April 2006 16:50 (CEST)

I have added the small article mentioning our agreement to the IJARG. --The1exile 1 April 2006 22:37 (CEST)

You Itorunt Informing Idiots! This is no Cease Fire! This is just to stop spamming our newpapers [sic] !--Twinblade 1 April 2006 22:53 (CEST)

Oh really? What do you call stopping writing articles for the sake of taking the mick out of other papers then? I call it a ceasefire, but not peace. I added a [sic] tag to you misspelling here by the way, my discuss page, my privilege. --The1exile 2 April 2006 12:28 (CEST)

Its not a cease fire, merely an agreement on what weapons are legal(OOC- lol, no WMDs! :D )Vellos 2 April 2006 17:57 (CEST)

Where do you come up with this stuff?

Skirmish in Al Aquabah? Perdanese becoming more stupid?

Honestly, where do you come up with this stuff? When Ito and Ibby armies abandoned Al Aquabah, leaving behind 9 TLs to get slaughtered by the Perdanese and Ubent armies, resulting over well over 200 Ito/Ibby deaths accompanied by practically no Perdanese/Ubent deaths, we didn't mount personal attacks calling you stupid. When you did it again the very next turn, leaving 4 TLs behind in Ar Raqqah, resulting in around 60 or 70 deaths, we didn't mount personal attacks. When three Perdan nobles miss the turn and get caught by an invading army that wasn't there the turn before, you call them idiots. Is this what it's come down to? Should I go back through my history and post al the Ibby/Ito TLs that have suicided into our armies for the past month?

Running newspapers for opposing realms, and providing alternate viewpoints for the events is fun, and interesting. It can provide a lot of entertainment. Loading it up with insults and ad hominem attacks takes the fun out of it. Where's the mutual respect for other players?

Oh, loosen up a bit. Its just creative reporting. (OOC- I dont think they were insulting other players, but characters. Newspapers are IC, not OOC) Vellos 4 April 2006 00:52 (CEST)