Tempest Family/Amélie

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Queen Amélie Tempest

Amélie's Biography

Amélie is from a branch of the Tempest family that is now considered lost lineage. Amélie spent most of her childhood traveling with her priestess mother preaching ideals about karma and justice. As she became a teenager should would train with a sword to protect herself and mother while on the open road. Once an grown lady Amélie can be described athletic and tall woman standing around 5ft11. Her silvery skin stands out in contrast with her dark obsidian hair only broken by Amélie's ashen gaze from her eyes. 

At the age of 22 Amélie would be anointed Queen of Portion and look towards the future of her realm.

After a near fatal wound her once raven dark hair was entirely greyed by the fatigue of her injury. Steely grey eyes had faded to a such a cloudy white that one might assume she was blind. Lastly her skin, which had always been alabaster, was somehow even more pale.

Amélie's current estate is the Royal Palace of Portion.

Amélie's Characterizations

Amélie's Portraits
Amélie Tempest Square.jpg Amélie, 19 sets off on her own to bring ideals of justice and honour to the Colonies.
22 Queen Amelie SQ.jpg Queen Amélie, 22 looks entirely different after a savage warg bite nearly killed her.

Amélie's Diary

The Princess of Portion

Story of Queen Amélie's first daughter and the Princess of Portion

A Queen's Invitation

Queen Amélie invites the Portioneers to meet their "new" Queen

The Death of a Queen

Queen Amélie finds herself not only it a battle for her life but her soul

Brave as You Were

Amélie makes a new friend on the road to Alebad

Amélie's Pledge

Amélie's Pledge to the Highfather

Age 19

Work In Progress

Age 20

Amélie wasn't a part of Wetham very long before entrusted many duties. She was somewhat inexperienced but others must have seen potential in the young dame as she was appointed both Marshal of The Valentic Order and Baroness of Frundi. Wasting no time Amélie quickly whipped both the crusaders and her region into shape.

Along the way she made an effort to become a full member of the Valentic Order, pledging her service and life to the Highfather himself within his holy church.

With the realm secure and diplomacy completed Amélie would lead the crusaders on their first grand quest. A mission to protect the City of Alebad from the forces of Outer Tilog.

Age 21

The first grand quest would prove successful but very uneventful considering it was nothing more than a trip to Halycon and back. Upon returning to Wetham Amélie spent her time keeping the realm clear of monsters until a fateful day when the current general retired.

With Wetham's future uncertain Lady Tempest would change the allegiances of Frundi to the realm of Portion along with her fellow Lords Erik and John. The result would cause the end of Wetham and it realm effectively merged into Portion by her actions.

Age 22

Amélie would travel to Oritolon to join a tournament there with mostly low expectations. It seems she under-estimated her own skill as she went on to claim the title Champion of the Joust.

With former King Eraus ousted from his throne by protest, Amélie would claim the crown of Portion herself becoming the new Queen during turbulent times.

Shortly after coming to the throne and finding herself at war with Outer Tilog to assist Halycon Amélie would become severely wounded and in a battle for her life. See Death of a Queen.

After miraculous recovering Amélie would once again be reaffirmed as Queen of Portion by the nobility and would quickly introduce her reforms proclaiming the realm as the Aristocratic Monarchy of Portion.

Amelie would continue her reforms and create the new Duchy of Wetham and proclaim herself Duchess of Wetham. Loyal former Lords of Wetham quickly changed their allegiances

Diplomatic difficulties would quickly find their way to the struggling Queen as she found herself in an interesting relationship with Duke Garm of Outer Tilog while discussing politics with Chairthing 1 and 2.

Age 23

  • Battle in Asker
  • Romance with Erik
  • Raid in Hulaferd

Amélie Guerrière

Royal Sentinels

Queen Amélie's Royal Elite Guard. After her near death wounding the Queen of Portion would opt for a unit that would leave her more protected fighting from the back line. Captain Edgar sees to the units day to day duties.

Frundi's Finest

A small band of Crusading Knights Amélie led on various valiant charges until the unfortunate clash with Duke Garm's Wargs where the entire unit was wiped out and left Amélie wounded.

Tournament Ledger

Tourney at Oritolon

Amélie went to the Tourney at Oritolon for something to do while waiting for the next campaign. Going in with no expectations she was quite surprised when her skill carried her to the be Champion of the Joust.

Battle Journal

Portion's BBQ Revenge

Queen Amélie would lead the army of Portion to raid Outer Tilog in retaliation to their crimes.

  • Notable Battles:
    • Raids in Hulaferd

Outer Tilog's BBQ Outing

Queen Amélie would rally the Portioneers to defend her people from the atrocities of the Tilogians

  • Notable Battles:
    • Battle in Asker - Amélie leads the Portioneers in Defending Asker from the Tilogians

Portion's War to Assist Halycon

Queen Amélie would lead the army of Portion against Outer Tilog to distract them during the takeover of Alebad.

  • Notable Battles:
    • Battle of Vir el Mari Heights - Amélie would become near fatally wounded by a warg attack doing this battle in rogue lands.

Amélie's Crusader Quests

As Amélie is a Crusader of The Valentic Order she embarks on grand quest in the name of the Highfather

  • Notable Crusade:
    • Defense of Alebad