Good Tidings

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Roleplay from Rising of the Reptiles
message to everyone in the vicinity of Itorunt - August 19th, 2020

Throughout the day, reptiles of all manner begin to be noticed in increased number. It starts simply enough, with a scullion shrieking in surprise at a snake sunbathing itself in the sink. Later, Lucius Poe almost steps on a pair of turtles seemingly engaged in a romantic excursion.

A portion of other reptile antics occurring includes:

A crocodile taking a swim inside Duke Eros Harte' swimming pool. A chef beginning to sell turtle soup. Whenever Alfrid Prunesqualleur sees a reptile, it immediately stops what it is doing and begins following him. Daizen Tideweaver, a chameleon, and a tortoise entering a bar... Geckos stealing small items from Maximilian Rea and delivering the trinkets to Adrianna Le Monte. A crocodile napping just outside a bar several nobility are patronizing at the time. King Germanico Mercator going about his business until suddenly noticing a chameleon nonchalantly staring him down. An iguana chasing people around the tournament grounds.

Lizards constantly landing upon people's heads and shoulders.
Rising of the Reptiles

Roleplay from Silent Nights
message to everyone on East Continent - August 19th, 2020

No one notices quite at first, yet there's an eerie sense that something is different. Even after becoming conscious of this unease, no one can quite put their finger on what's unusual, at first.

But soon someone finally hits upon the source of anxiety. Crickets, and any other bugs, have been silent tonight. The entire night has been eerily silent.

And so it would remain. As would following nights.
Silent Nights

Roleplay from Drinking Water Warmed
message to everyone in the vicinity of Itorunt - August 20th, 2020
The usually glacier-cold refreshing waters of Itorunt's wells have noticeably warmed over the last day. It wasn't immediately perceived, but now it was impossible to deny. The water was tepid and lukewarm, no longer nearly-freezing cold.
Drinking Water Warmed

Roleplay from Rotten Eggs
message to everyone in the vicinity of Chaos Temple - August 20th, 2020
Emanating from the Temple is a stench akin to as if the entire Temple of Chaos had been filled with rotten eggs.
Rotten Eggs

Roleplay from Egg Shortage
message to everyone on East Continent - August 21st, 2020

In markets across East Continent, an acute shortage of eggs is beginning after several days of chickens, and any other birds, failing to lay eggs. A run on eggs and subsequent egghoarding only amplifies the shortage.

Display, and especially consumption, of eggs has become a show of ostentatious wealth. Nobles talk not of the Wealth List, but of the Egg List.
Egg Shortage

Roleplay from Temperature Rises
message to everyone in the vicinity of Troyes - August 22nd, 2020
The temperature within Troyes suddenly spikes drastically within a matter of minutes.
Temperature Rises

Roleplay from Full, Warming Wells
message to everyone on East Continent - August 22nd, 2020
With everywhere's wells being unusually full, and the wellwater already warmed, the Ewerer's Guilds have been receiving many complaints from nobility of their ewerers lounging around from the lack of work.
Full, Warming Wells

Roleplay from Strange Tales
message to everyone in the vicinity of Perdan - August 23rd, 2020
Strangers mumble about a sea on the moon filled with flocks of grapes in the local bars.
Strange Tales

Roleplay from Current East Continent Event
message to everyone on East Continent - August 23rd, 2020

As heralded by the RP events around the island for the past several days, changes are coming to the East Continent. By the nature of such changes, some people will gain, and others will lose. This is, to some extent, intended, as the reason for the changes is to improve the balance and overall fun.

Any loud wailing that the admins are just trying to hurt Realm X, or help Realm Y, will result in temporary account locks, and potentially the loss of positions. Such accusations of corruption are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. If you are interested in the specific details of why we made the choices we did, please ask respectfully. If you have specific criticisms of the changes we made, please state them concisely and respectfully and we will seek to address them in the same spirit.

We know that these changes will result in temporary frustration and struggles as people adapt, but we firmly believe that for the long-term health of the East Continent, these changes are necessary—and have largely been in planning for months or years.
Current East Continent Event

Roleplay from Ground Rumbling
message to everyone in the vicinity of Chaos Temple - August 24th, 2020
A low vibration rumbles through the island of Chaos and Waste. The ground does not shake, but a barely perceptible movement occurs nonetheless.
Ground Rumbling

Roleplay from Rise of Prophets
message to everyone on East Continent - August 24th, 2020
In each religion, prophets arise bringing new teachings to their religion. Some talk of rebirth. Others talk of unity. Yet others talk of doom. These prophets have visions they share, but none of them make sense.
Rise of Prophets

Roleplay from Ground Rumbles
message to everyone in the vicinity of Chaos Temple - August 25th, 2020
The ground rumbles, knocking everyone to the ground. A popping noise is heard every so often, alongside ever-present hissing. Jets of steam are visible upon the mountain above Chaos Temple.
Ground Rumbles

Roleplay from Choking Smoke
message to everyone in the vicinity of Chaos Temple - August 25th, 2020
The island of Chaos is filled with choking smoke from the mountain, burning eyes and throats, causing constant coughing. All life on the island suffers.
Choking Smoke

Roleplay from Strange Tales
message to everyone on East Continent - August 25th, 2020
Weird stories and weird tales are being told in the bars.
Strange Tales

Roleplay from Chaos Priests
message to everyone in the vicinity of Chaos Temple - August 25th, 2020
The Priests of Chaos Temple preach warnings of Doom and the Rise of Flame. They are hostile to non-locals, by which they mean anyone not born in the region.
Chaos Priests

Roleplay from Landslide!
message to everyone in the vicinity of Bastad - August 25th, 2020
A landslide in Bastad destroys and blocks a vital roadway.

Roleplay from Choking Smoke
message to everyone in the vicinity of Kalmar - August 25th, 2020
The island of Kalmar is filled with choking smoke from the west, burning eyes and throats, causing constant coughing. All life on the island suffers.
Choking Smoke

Roleplay from Choking Smoke, Ground Rumbling, Peasants Fleeing
message to everyone in the vicinity of Chaos Temple - August 25th, 2020

The island of Chaos is filled with choking smoke from the mountain, reducing visibility. Everyone squints as its impossible to keep one's eyes open in the burning air. Many are leaving the island while others swear to never leave until their last day. Some emigrants are attacked by nativists.

The ground shakes, knocking everyone to the ground. This occurs every few hours.

Animals are rarely seen and domestic beasts are disobedient. Many household pets go missing.

Ferrymen are agitated, more curt and snappier than usual.
Choking Smoke, Ground Rumbling, Peasants Fleeing

Roleplay from Bulging Mountain
message to everyone in the vicinity of Chaos Temple - August 29th, 2020
You're not entirely certain with smoke reducing visibility, but others confirm what you seem to see. The mountain is swelling into a bulge of additional land.
Bulging Mountain

Roleplay from Choking Smoke
message to everyone in the vicinity of Bastad - August 29th, 2020
The island is filled with choking smoke from the north, burning eyes and throats, causing constant coughing. All life on the island suffers.
Choking Smoke

Roleplay from Rumbling Ground, Landslides
message to everyone in the vicinity of Venas - August 29th, 2020
The ground rumbles, causing landslides in Venas and surrounding regions.
Rumbling Ground, Landslides

Roleplay from Omens
message to everyone on East Continent - August 29th, 2020

Across the island, strange creatures and the living dead are seen more frequently. Animals everywhere appear to freak out. Horses are in panic, bovine look confused, even the sheep are edgy.

The tides have become erratic, no longer predictable by those annoying bureaucrats tasked to such mundane matters. Astromancers prophesy a rain of flaming stones. Some nobles receive letters from their mothers to seek safety. Court scholars urge gathering the realm together; perhaps even multiple realms. Minor religious prophets of all kinds implore everyone to unite. Madmen suggest cooperating with one another.

Roleplay from Repent
message to everyone in The Pride of Leandra - August 29th, 2020
Lay priests are urging everyone to make right with the Goddess, confess where they have failed one another, and repent of their misdeeds.

Roleplay from Continental Grapevine
message to everyone on East Continent - August 29th, 2020

Rumours are spreading of a Scholarly Seer in Akesh Temple experiencing visions of the future. His prophecies are arcane and nearly nonsensical, but they attract many to gather around him. Hearing news of Akesh's Seer, Evora's Cultists grow angry at their Cult Leader and throw him off a cliff, then join the gathering and declare the Scholarly Seer their new Cult Leader.

Tales travel of a Redheaded Sibyl in Chaos Temple lamenting and weeping prophecies of doom, destruction, and the fall of discord. She is taken most gravely by passersby, who heed her impassioned cries, and share her dire warning with all they encounter.

News flies of an Insane Bard in Sir Temple singing prophetic epics about the island's history leading to its salvation. The legends mesmerize listeners, who memorize his words, repeating the good news to others as they travel onward.
Continental Grapevine

Roleplay from Redheaded Sibyl
Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (51 recipients) - August 29th, 2020
Dissolution! the Redheaded Sibyl wails.
Redheaded Sibyl

Roleplay from Redheaded Sibyl
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Chaos Temple (5 recipients) - August 29th, 2020
Redheaded Sibyl

Roleplay from Fiery Geyser
message to everyone in the vicinity of Chaos Temple - August 29th, 2020

Spurting red-hot lava a mile up into the sky, the mountain scattered fiery deposits across itself, Wasteland, Chaos Temple, and the waters surrounding the island. Even with the choking smoke, all were now certain that the mountain was bulging. Jets of steam regularly hissed from the summit.

Within Chaos Temple, those who had not already left now sought shelter, wherever it was nearest.

Upon the waters, volcanic bombs struck and killed the ferryman Daizen Tideweaver and the Water Weavers were relying upon. A fiery emission landed upon the ferry, tearing through the sails, burning the rudder before the fire could be put out. Now dependent upon nothing more than the current, the ferry began to drift out to sea.
Fiery Geyser

Roleplay from Redheaded Sibyl
Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (51 recipients) - August 29th, 2020
Darkness! she sobbed.
Redheaded Sibyl

Roleplay from Sky Darkening
message to everyone on East Continent - August 30th, 2020

Across the continent, what had first been a hazy sky over the last week has now darkened. Throughout the entirety of the last twelve hours of day, it has felt dusk. While not preventing vision, the gray has obscured the clarity of distant images, reducing visibility.

Fishermen report the sea being unusually low today.

Some nobility receive letters from their mothers urging them to take shelter and be safe, inquiring as to whether they are safe.

Peasants throughout East Continent have begun to migrate in increased numbers, whether out of fear of impending doom, or a desire to reconnect with family or old comrades, friends, and other close relationships.
Sky Darkening

Roleplay from Redheaded Sibyl
Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (51 recipients) - August 30th, 2020
Redheaded Sibyl

Roleplay from Redheaded Sibyl
Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (51 recipients) - August 30th, 2020
Redheaded Sibyl

Roleplay from Redheaded Sibyl
Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (51 recipients) - August 30th, 2020

As the retainer approached, the smoke was actively belching from the mountain above. No one was certain, but some thought the mountain might be moving towards them. Others insisted the mountain was breathing, that a god lived within it. Most were concerned with finding a way off the island while the ferries were still operational.

The question was asked by the retainer. The Sibyl whirled towards her, fire-red yet ashen, hair flowing amongst the smoke. Some might call what followed a hiss, but the retainer had no such interpretation when the Redheaded Sibyl whispered, "Destiny!", loudly enough for the entire crowd to hear, the Sibyl's tear-stained face inches from the retainer's.

Falling to her knees she sobbed, "Deluge!" with a piercing shriek.

Looking upward at the retainer with a look of desperation, fresh tears upon her face, "Draw! Den! Defense!"
Redheaded Sibyl

Roleplay from Rain of Flaming Stones
message to everyone on East Continent - September 1st, 2020
As the astromancers predicted, a meteor shower graces the night sky. Despite the smokey sky, the streaks of light are still somewhat visible due to their large number.
Rain of Flaming Stones

Roleplay from Oopsy-Daizen
message to all nobles of Perdan - September 1st, 2020

Daizen and his men had been drifting and paddling across the sea for a few hundred miles. Regardless, attempting to row, especially through stormy waters, had worn their energy levels low. Even with the wise leadership of Daizen breaking the work into shifts, ensuring rest, the rest was fitful under the conditions. Little food did not help, though the prospects of meat. Though the source of that meat might cause some to question if Daizen and his men had not started to become delusional after days of rowing under apocalyptic conditions on little food. Still, stranger tales had come from the sea before. Who could be certain what embodied the unknowns even if sailors were known for tall tales?

Daizen's condition was dreadful, but it wasn't the only problem the beast had inflicted upon the ship. Its weight was causing the pitiful ferry to list and take on water. And without Daizen's leadership, infighting was to break out amongst the stressed, poorly-slept about what actions to prioritize.

Fortunately, Daizen's captain was able to assert their leadership and keep the situation under control - for now. Setting some men to urgently attend to Daizen while others salvaged food from the beast before pushing it back into the depths, order on board the ferry resumed, and prospects were at least looking hopeful for most, if not Daizen.

A Weaver later spots the carcass still floating, at a short distance...

Roleplay from Black Clouds
message to everyone on East Continent -September 1st, 2020

Billowing, black clouds of smoke have filled the sky as far as anyone can see, blocking the sun, turning day into night, severely reducing visibility, and making travel more difficult. Across western and northwestern East Continent, the smoke is a thick black fog everywhere one goes.

Everywhere, most people are seeking safety, gathering together in large groups, and finding shelter.
Black Clouds

Roleplay from Whoopsie-Daizen
message to all nobles of Perdan - September 1st, 2020

One moment all is well. The next moment shrieking screams pierce the air around the ferry. The sound of thrashing. Surrounded by darkness, the sounds feed on fear.

A fin is spotted by the distant carcass. Another shriek pierces the air. Another. Thrashing. Another fin seen. A brush against the leg. Soon, there is a mad scramble for high ground on the ferry.

Circling the ferry and nearby carcass, sharks have arrived for a feast. In the chaos, the recently-acquired meat, and several Weavers, have been lost. Several others remain wounded. Morale plummets.

Roleplay from Tsunami!
message to all nobles of Perdan - September 1st, 2020
A floodwave has hit the western shores, extending from the south, and through the islands, even within Kalmar Bay to the sheltered interior of Bescanon River. A few hundred peasants in each coastal region are killed.

Roleplay from Darkness Falls
message to everyone on East Continent - September 1st, 2020
It is dark. There is black fog and dust everywhere severely reducing visibility. There is no sun. You have no idea whether it is day or night, or whether it matters. Travel is all but stopped.
Darkness Falls

Roleplay from Whoopsie-Daizen
message to all nobles of Perdan - September 1st, 2020

After the terror of the sharks had passed, the Weavers had begun to bicker over the lack of food. Daizen's captain did their best to ration and equitably parcel out the last morsels of foodstuffs preserved on-board, but this was insufficient for some desperate Weavers who soon formed a mutinous faction seeking to take possession of the remaining food.

After a confrontation and much laboured fighting, several Water Weavers lay dead or wounded, and the mutinous faction had taken the food. The corpses were pushed overboard and each faction settled in an opposite quarter of the ferry.

Soon, a cry went out as someone spotted a fin and thrashing was heard at a distance. Terror resumed.

Roleplay from Insane Bard
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Sir Temple (12 recipients) - September 1st, 2020
Salvation! Oh salvation is upon us! Flame rises and Chaos sinks! We are blessed!
Insane Bard

Roleplay from Redheaded Sibyl
Roleplaying Event

Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (50 recipients) - September 1st, 2020

Redheaded Sibyl

Roleplay from Whoopsie-Daizen
message to all nobles of Perdan - September 1st, 2020

Even with the sharks circling and feeding on the corpses, friction remains on-board. In a desperate attempt to regain control of the ferry, Daizen's captain leads the loyalists against the mutineers. But all that is accomplished are more dead and wounded, the very last food lost overboard, and the sharks feeding opportunistically. Losing the last of the food only causes further anger and fighting, until both sides retreat, having wasted precious energy on combat. Each side rapidly deteriorates in well-being.

A few Water Weavers, too tired, hungry, demoralized, and fatigued to resist, slide into the ocean, drowning. The energy to stay aboard the ferry amongst the tossing ocean waves is too much for them.

Hunger results in increasing desperation. It isn't much longer, and a few muffled cries later, that no wounded men are left alive, save for Daizen. But bellies are full.

Roleplay from Ghostly Ships
message to everyone on East Continent - September 2nd, 2020
Across the land, nobles are experiencing various dreams of ghostly, gray ships leaving for distant shores.
Ghostly Ships

Roleplay from Redheaded Sibyl
Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (50 recipients) - September 2nd, 2020
Redheaded Sibyl

Roleplay from Complete Darkness
message to everyone on East Continent - September 2nd, 2020

You can barely see a few feet. Travel or other activities are impossible in this darkness. There is no sun. You have no idea whether it is day or night, or whether it matters.

You are engulfed in darkness. There is nothing you can do but wait.
Complete Darkness

Roleplay from Redheaded Sibyl
Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (50 recipients) - September 2nd, 2020
Redheaded Sibyl

Roleplay from Redheaded Sibyl
Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (49 recipients) - September 2nd, 2020
Redheaded Sibyl

Roleplay from Complete Darkness
message to everyone on East Continent - September 2nd, 2020
There is still thick, black dust everywhere. Dark clouds cover the sky and even at noon the sun does not penetrate the cloud cover. You wish for rain, washing away the black dust that covers everything.
Complete Darkness

Roleplay from Ground Rumbles
message to everyone on East Continent - September 2nd, 2020

The air smells...unfamiliar.

The ground rumbles.
Ground Rumbles

Roleplay from Redheaded Sibyl
Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (49 recipients) - September 2nd, 2020
Redheaded Sibyl

Roleplay from Whoopsie-Daizen
message to all nobles of Perdan - September 2nd, 2020

Large, ominous birds circled above the ferry. Or was that their imagination? One was never certain anymore.

What was certain was that some Weavers had overstuffed themselves upon human flesh when they were starving. They now felt sick and were puking over the side of the raft, amidst the dark. Or on the raft when thrashing was heard in the water. The sailors felt seasick in a way they never had before.

Daizen, having consumed food with more temperance, did not suffer so.

Roleplay from Bulge Blows
message to everyone on East Continent - September 2nd, 2020

Having grown into a mountainous tumour, the bulge has finally reached its limits and the pressure blows, forming a lateral blast in Chaos Temple's direction. Fiery rain descends upon the Temple. One such fiery ball caves in the roof. Another incinerates the Redheaded Sibyl.

Many are able to find safety, but not always without injury. Even those outside the region suffer the occasional wound
Bulge Blows

Roleplay from Whoopsie-Daizen
message to all nobles of Perdan - September 2nd, 2020

The sound of thrashing is different this time. A sailor attempts to investigate, but slips on the vomit, sliding into the ocean, never to be seen again.

But soon the thrashing is obvious as the ferry crashes upon rocks. Breaking apart, everyone is forced to swim for survival. Yet the chaos of tossing wave, knocks Daizen and his captain unconscious...

Roleplay from Howling Wind
message to everyone on East Continent - September 2nd, 2020
A howling wind blows across the continent. Some claim to hear a wolf's howl in the wind, while others claim to hear a lion's roar.
Howling Wind

Roleplay from Returning to Normal
message to everyone on East Continent - September 2nd, 2020

The dust has lifted and the black fog cleared. Much of it has been blown away by the howling winds, though there are still pockets of black dust here and there, still lifting. Things are slowly returning to normal, though much life was lost.

Across the continent, mass migrations of people seeking to re-establish contact with family and friends, or find new, safer homes, result in shifted regional populations and wealth.

Everywhere, there have been hundreds of small disasters - people lost in the woods when the dust fell, floods, landslides, even earthquakes. Thousands of people have perished, but there have been no major catastrophes - or so it seems.
Returning to Normal

Roleplay from Geographic Rumours
message to everyone on East Continent - September 2nd, 2020

Eager for rumours of Chaos Temple's fate, you learn it was entirely destroyed. Where it once stood is a Flame said to originate in the bowels of the world. An Altar has been built, whose sacrifices are consumed by the Flame from the depths.

You have heard rumours that Kalmar Bay is now Kalmar River, with many people flocking to reside in Kalmar City, upon a large merged landmass of the former islands, wedged between the former Omsk Peninsula and Perdan Mines.

There is rejoicing as glaciers cannot be seen from any vantage point found. Yet floods have overtaken the Rancaguan plains, rendering them into the Rancaguan Shallows. Somehow, Oroya has managed to survive and remain a coastal city, but such is the confusion of sliding land that liquifies beneath one's feet.

An underground river, supporting tree life, has begun flowing from Herring's Howl to the Astrum Woods. Workers in Greatbridge have grown tired of their namesake being mocked and have erected an excessively large bridge over an aboveground section of the river.

Mountains and valleys have rumbled and shifted, resulting in Partora, Aix, and Al Arab finding themselves resituated. To the north, Parm and Sir Temple suffer a similar fate.

Avamar has slid slightly downriver along a new peninsula that has risen to Fontan's northeast. This peninsula forms a bay, but bitter fighting between Avamarian and Fontanese cartographer guilds upon what to name the bay has resulted in a contentiously split bay between the Firth of Fontan and Democracy Bay. A lighthouse now helps warn sailors of the dangerous waters of Sailors' Lament, if not the dangerous toponymical subject.
Geographic Rumours

Roleplay from Good Tidings
message to everyone on East Continent - September 2nd, 2020

New ferry routes are establishing themselves, but also harbour captains now claim they will finally take on passengers for sailing around the continent, after promising this for years. But who would believe those old crusty bastards?

In isolated hamlets across the northeast, elves, now able to see themselves more clearly for the first time in days, feel a bit shorter, not quite seeing the tops of humans' heads the same as before the Darkness. Looking at their reflection in a mirror, observe their ears have become rounded. Attempts to speak any but the most basic elven words result in formerly-elf humans stumbling across their words, no longer able to pronounce the language intelligibly. Soon it is realized that whatever inexplicable events have occurred, elves are no more. Only human nobility remain upon the continent.

The elven legacy is memorialized by the Elvenhome Sea, where new islands have risen to accompany Skezard, which itself has been abandoned to the wildlands.

While summer does remain in effect, astromancers warn that only 21 days remain before a period of decay arrives.

Upon Marinen's shores, Daizen and his small remaining band of Water Weavers wash ashore, coughing water out of their lungs, lucky to have survived, but having lost a few more men in the last calamities.

It appears a tsunami, volcano, and numerous earthquakes are responsible for everything, but you shrug these heretic ramblings off, as it is obvious that the gods caused it, not some unexpected natural disasters.
Good Tidings