Hynes Family/Johann/~PCW~ Mudfeet

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After the ProudBlades had been wiped out at Al Arab and his closest friend, confidant and Top Serjeant Vierzieger killed, Johann vowed he would make Ibladesh pay in corpses. And thus, the ~PCW~ Mudfeet were born.

They were a well trained, well disciplined and well armed group of men from a training battalion known as the Perdan Parliament Infantry. Johann was eager to command the men and paid for thirty-five of the best and brightest.

He chose the name, Mudfeet, from an old epitath used by the Cavalry to describe Infantrymen. Once again, they marched into Battle and went through the usual paces of attacking Al Aquabah. However, a different and somewhat unique order came from the General after a time; "Attack Ibladesh!"

The largest city on the continent and the most sacred of cities, a foreign army had never before set foot inside Ibladesh. Perdan was about to change that.

It was a bloody battle that ended in a draw as both sides agreed to a true to gather the wounded. the Mudfeet had taken quite a loss, but they vowed to stay and fight until the bitter end. And that night, the walls of Ibladesh were smashed and as the Perdan soldiers scrambled through the breech Ibladesh began to retreat.

For the next three days Ibladesh was routed as the pathetic army of Ibladesh tried to defend their capitol to no avail. The unit had lost twenty-seven men at the walls of the White City, but the eight survivors were fiercely loyal, well trained and committed hellions.

They returned home, richer than they had ever dreamed, and embarked on the third campaign. Again, they hit Ibladesh. Again, only a handful survived, all but one of them members of the original company.

The retreat through Ar Raqqah, into Castle Ubent and over the rocky hills of Eldoret into Partora was long and hard but once they reached the walls of their capitol Johann informed his men he would not be leading them into battle.

He had been appointed to Perdan's Ghost Riders, the Cavalry wing of Perdan. He had felt that the Mudfeet had fought hard and deserved a break and a cushy positions in the realm's capitol, so he accepted the position.

The Mudfeet, while saddened they would no longer be under Johann's command, appreciated what he had done for them. He had made them rich and guaranteed them a spot far away from the front-lines for the remainder of the war.