Everlight Family/Elios/Fronepu

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His First Tournament in Fronepu

The burly sandy-haired knight dismounted just outside the tournament ground, admiring the banners and pennants caught high in the coastal breezes of Fronepu. It was comfortably warm here, the air smelled sweet and salted off the eastern sea. Stout was in fine spirits despite the long ride; the chestnut mare tossed her head and gave him a sidelong glance as though to say, "I know there's a stable in there with oats for me, get a move on!"

Elios led Stout through the gate on foot, presented his admission fee for the tournament to a clerk, and then stepped away confidently and looked about for a stablehand.

"You'll be wanting the stable boarding for your mount then, Sir?" came the reedy voice of the clerk just behind him.

Elios reddened, then straightened his shoulders and turned. "Why yes, of course."

The clerk stood by his small podium, and there was a finely-liveried stablehand in attendance. Elios didn't know how he could have missed the girl, and he stared at her for several moments.

"Cinda will be honoured to see your mount and tack well cared for, Sir." the clerk prompted.

"Ah, yes..." the blush of embarrassment was hot under his beard, and Elios handed--nearly threw--the reins to the girl. She caught them deftly and stood at attention, waiting for any instruction. The blonde knight's brows furrowed together at her silent behaviour and his eyes cast about, thinking hard. A tip? He shoved a hand into his pocket and retrieved a silver piece, and flipped it to her as well. The girl caught it without comment and maintained her stance calmly.

"There is no boarding charge nor tip requirement for tournament competitors, Sir," came the reedy voice again, this time with a tone of long trained patience and a hint of patronization. "She waits for the mount's name, and any instruction as to her care."

His mouth felt hot and dry, contrasting the palms sweaty with nerves.

"S-Stout. She eats whatever. Oats." The knight whirled on his heel and began to depart quickly. He'd gone several steps when another thought occurred. He stopped abruptly and called over his shoulder, "Uh, Thanks," then continued away at a brisk walk to find the nearest tavern.

If he hadn't felt the weight of thousands of imagined eyes on him, he would have run.


Elios sat at the end of the bar, back against the wall, mug of ale in both hands, and watched the busy tavern. It was packed with knights, ambassadors, nobles, and Royals, their retinues and many servants. He was glad he'd bought a round earlier when there were only half as many here, most still out practicing at the grounds.

This is twice as big as any of the feasts we've ever had at home, and there are Royals here! he thought, as he took another long swig of ale. He scanned the room looking for any familiar faces or tabards. There were two he thought he recognized... and then he abruptly wondered if that had been at the other end of his infantry's slings. His eyes widened and he looked into his mug, cheeks puffed out as he let out a slow breath. Hoo boy...

"A round on the house, courtesy of the generous Lady Mielba!" came a loud call from the head barkeep, to a raucous cheer.

His head snapped up to see who this lady was, and he found he could not spot her through the thronging crowd. Royals in taverns, and wealthy Dames buying rounds?

Anyone who looked at the young bearded knight would see a man with eyes unfocused, deep in thought, as though his world had just been turned on its head.