Auru'in Family/Sigrid Gudrun

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Sigrid Gudrun
Character Portrait
Continent East Continent
Family Auru'in Family
Class Warrior
Age 77 years
Honour 41
Prestige 43
Rank Knight
Region [[]]
Duchy [[]]
Realm Eponllyn
Character Description
Ashen waves scatter upon deep sea azure, lapping gently at the golden shores of verdant isles upon which shine twin obelisks of polished onyx. Hetero-chromatic paradise mirrored amidst an ocean of fire, freckled beacons bestrewn across a vast archipelago of milk and honey. Like a moth unto flame, many have sought exile before the curtain-call of living flame - yet no colony survives upon her fertile shores. Flesh a cosmic canvas; the eyes a gateway to the whispered secrets of the soul...Trust: a spiritual currency she was taught to cautiously horde for optimal investment. Hers was a faithfulness of boundless depths - a profound sense of wholehearted loyalty whose traumatic costs she learned at an early age. With pain comes cynicism, of course, and with it a certain tendency toward secretive doubt and subtle manipulation. A necessary evil in a world full of thieves and murderers, predators and traitors...Sigrid absentmindedly brushes a wayward lock from atop her left eye with a grin as wisps of ginger dance upon mottled ivory skin. Blinding light glides across multi-hued iris heralding a wince of surprise as dilated onyx pupil struggles to accompany its vigilant companion - a blinding procession of fluttering lashes as fleeting as the glow from whence discomfort dawned. Slender fingers and elegant toes curl in the hidden confines of well-worn leather as a casual shake of the head banishes the remnant spots of polarization occluding her vision. With a grin turned grimace and back again - therianthropic flickers of pleasure and pain bound to a beautiful sky - she nods to her escort and they embark upon a not-so-simple traipse along the histrionic ruins of ancient folly. If consciousness is a river then her mind's cosmic eye looks upon a subconscious ocean of history writ in mud, blood, and ashen glory.

"Ýmirs frosteistna... Now that's a bloody army..."

– Dame Sigrid looks upon the army camped in Krimml

Lady Sigrid Gudrun the Noble

Hunting for a Cause

Age:25 Date: 10/27/2017

Sigrid Gudrun the Ranger

Veil of the Phoenix

Ashen waves scatter upon deep sea azure, lapping gently at the golden shores of verdant isles upon which shine twin obelisks of polished onyx. Hetero-chromatic paradise mirrored amidst an ocean of fire, freckled beacons bestrewn across a vast archipelago of milk and honey. Like a moth unto flame, many have sought exile before the curtain-call of living flame - yet no colony survives upon her fertile shores. Flesh a cosmic canvas; the eyes a gateway to the whispered secrets of the soul...

Phoenix and the Raven

Princess Sigrid,

I stand here before the nobles of Redhaven to fulfill my oath. My life is yours to take. -Hrafn

The Binding of Hrafn

Hrafn Skovgaard, Son of Serpentis, Bastard in Exile;

By order of Ehrendill Eyolf Serpentis, heir of the Eye, your life is hereby forfeit.

By Fate our pact is bound - in blood thy oath manifest.

Whence flies the gilded Phoenix, a brooding Raven shall follow - my Will thy willing cage.

By light of embers a shadows is cast - and within it you shall always tread.

You belong to me now, and forevermore.

...Forgive me. It was the only way I could save you.

Unsorted Miscellanea

Trust: a spiritual currency she was taught to cautiously horde for optimal investment. Hers was a faithfulness of boundless depths - a profound sense of wholehearted loyalty whose traumatic costs she learned at an early age. With pain comes cynicism, of course, and with it a certain tendency toward secretive doubt and subtle manipulation. A necessary evil in a world full of thieves and murderers, predators and traitors...

Sigrid absentmindedly brushes a wayward lock from atop her left eye with a grin as wisps of ginger dance upon mottled ivory skin. Blinding light glides across multi-hued iris heralding a wince of surprise as dilated onyx pupil struggles to accompany its vigilant companion - a blinding procession of fluttering lashes as fleeting as the glow from whence discomfort dawned. Slender fingers and elegant toes curl in the hidden confines of well-worn leather as a casual shake of the head banishes the remnant spots of polarization occluding her vision. With a grin turned grimace and back again - therianthropic flickers of pleasure and pain bound to a beautiful sky - she nods to her escort and they embark upon a not-so-simple traipse along the histrionic ruins of ancient folly. If consciousness is a river then her mind's cosmic eye looks upon subconscious ocean.

Placeholder Notes: central heterochromia of both eyes ("blue-gray, gold-green inner rim w/ flecks"); redhead w/ freckles; 5'10" (5ft-10in / 178 cm); lithe, lightly toned muscles; prefers ranged skirmish or up-close single combat; believes in the rule of best-fit meritocracy and jealously despises those who complacently hold titles for which they are unfit; fervent adherent in pre- and early-Xavax Phoenix, whose many parallels fall in line with the Path of the Paragons; believes in pragmatic humility and dislikes excessive pride; down-to-earth, prefers "real people" over fabricated political identities; sincere by nature but secretive by necessity; faithful to the virtuous and humble but resentful toward the haughty and dishonorable; ambitious within the scope of her passions, yet content to follow those best-fit to lead; prefers to listen before speaking, doing so only when the situation demands it; aims to leave a mark with the severity of her words and actions, as opposed to frivolous superficiality. Does not cower in the face of challenge or danger, instead facing them bravely and selflessly for the good of those she respects. Highly intuitive, which sometimes translates to manipulative behavior in order to lead the way. (Scorpio template: Focused, Brave, Balanced, Faithful, Ambitious, Intuitive / Jealous, Secretive, Resentful, Manipulative);

Has possessed the following artifacts:

Cursed Shield of the White Guardians ; Scorching Gauntlets of Louis-Joseph ; Shouting Club of Battle - 05-27-20

Sister of Magnus Aurea (First Xerarch / founding member of Greater Xavax) ; Bastard daughter of Alura Aurea (Marshal, Ruler of Terran-DW) & [Rumored] Rynn JeVondair (Ruler of D'hara-DW); Valorous Hero of the Path of the Paragons ; Baroness of Sermbar [Redhaven] (Elected 2018-01-27)

--CryptCypher (talk) 06:31, 23 November 2017 (CET)