Storme Family/Aila/A-break-in-the-Storme

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The Gala

Roleplay from Aila Storme
(message to all nobles of Perdan)

Aila took Kenneth's thanks heartily, giving him a genuine smile as she left him to soak up all the praise for his heartfelt performance. A poem then, honoring the Duke she took in from the deck with everyone else on her way to get through the crowd amassed near the performers and with them all she would clap cheerfully for the woman she had never met and secretly for Apollyon who supported her so gallantly through it.

There was a pause then between performers and Aila too the chance to reach the outside of the crown in time to see the Duke alone and slipping away into a part of the ship she hadn't found while exploring earlier. Interest piqued by the lone Duke Aila moved toward where he had disappeared and pretended not to be waiting for anyone, giving her best -fancy seeing you here- look as Smiddich re-emerged. Lady Storme studied the Duke before Copying Nemean's manners she greeted him with "Your grace" replacing his bow with a very proper curtsy, the kind little ladies are forced to practice since 2 years old. Her initial appraisal had been that he was 'old' but the word was far from her mind now, no up close he was much more then that. Of all the noble men her Father had ganged around with her whole life she had never seen one built quite like this- Tall, dark, broad- he was formidable. Is this why people refer to him as a pirate? It was all a bit disarming up close but in Aila's current state that was a very good thing.

"Everyones been showering you with gifts, all I have is this the Grey Exarchs Poems" she handed him a paper covered in beautiful, feminine handwriting. It was a handwritten collection of the poems she had received from Shadowdale, taunts, insults and all. In case that wasn't enough to tip him off she added "I'm Aila Storme, Dame of Aix" she did her best to help out the Duke who she imagined was wondering just who this teenager standing before him was. "I mean not to bother you, you've been surrounded all evening. I just wanted to give you that bit of entertainment to read." And then Aila did something that Aila pre-wine never would have "I came without a date in hopes you would too" A wry smile hid slight doubts currently being violently stamped down by rich alcohol. "Do you want to dance?"
Aila Storme

Roleplay from Smidditch Fontaine
(message to all nobles of Perdan)

Duke Smiddich turned away from having closed the doors to his private suites, and found Aila waiting for him. He hesitated for only a second before self-assured confidence returned. The ship gently rocked despite the hundred feet aboard her dancing and revelling, and he took her hand in greeting.

“Lady Aila”, said the swarthy Duke of Perdan, “It is my pleasure! I had hoped to make your acquaintance tonight, in fact, to hear a poem from your lips!”, he grinned. “It was your spirited prose that prompted tonights celebration of the arts, after all!”

Up close, and in the bright lantern light, Aila could see that Smiddich was finely dressed and everything tailored to size. The Duke was tall and broad, not so much in any particular direction to be awkward. His black shirt sleeves were rolled to the elbow; she could spy dark tattoos peeking out from swarthy skin at his collar, forearms and the back of one hand. A few loose buttons at the top hinted at more pictographs underneath; no doubt waves and anchors and other spirits of the sea. They were well into the night; the pirate knight of Perdan smelled of port and cigar smoke, fingers decked in heavy silver rings, a silken sash around his slim waist.

“I shall read these with interest!”, says Smiddich, taking the papers from her, “If they are as amusing as the first. Shall I return them to you when I am done? I admit, I have found the Shadowdhavians to be boorish and insular folk, I have not attracted their attention as you seem to have!”

He takes her arm and leads confidently back to the dance floor where one tune is ending and another beginning. The Duke bows low to his partner, and leads her through the steps of a gentle waltz. Aila can feel his warmth prickling through his back and shoulder where he leads her, deftly giving her no choice but to step confidently here and there among the crowd. More than once, he snatches her away from a stray elbow or from being trodden on by a clumsy knight, turning her finally into a slow dip as the music concludes.

He clears his throat as his face lingers near to hers, “Two in a row is customary…”, says the Duke, “Would you care for another?
Smidditch Fontaine

Roleplay from Aila Storme
(message to all nobles of Perdan)

The Sincerity with which Fontaine greeted her was a welcome surprise, he made it easy for her to look him up and down with a look of half awe and half amusement. His charming grin, the glimmering rings, the hint of tattoos all made the fine clothes seem like an afterthought. As he took her meager gift she couldn't help but match his smile as he commented.

“I shall read these with interest!”, says Smiddich, taking the papers from her, “If they are as amusing as the first. Shall I return them to you when I am done? I admit, I have found the Shadowdhavians to be boorish and insular folk, I have not attracted their attention as you seem to have!” -Smiddich Fontaine

"They are yours to keep, I went through the letters and copied them all myself. You're quite right about their manner."

To her delight he did not linger on the subject long and instead lead her away with a confidence she herself would've loved to have. In the matter of dancing, much like her singing Aila was also painfully average and so when the Duke unexpectedly did take her up on her offer the fact that he made it easy for her to follow his lead was no small relief considering the social leap of faith she had just taken. -He can dance- she marveled, smiling through the number.

It felt like victory, she hadn't stepped on him once, nor tripped, nor said anything ridiculous. Reveling in her achievement didn't last long however.

He clears his throat as his face lingers near to hers, “Two in a row is customary…”, says the Duke, “Would you care for another?”

The easy to vex Aila had been totally disarmed of course she wouldn't refuse another dance. "Well we wouldn't want to breach etiquette" she would reply a bit too quickly, her dry sense of humor rearing it's ugly head. Despite the slip fate went easy on her as the next song began, a court song with a dance she knew well enough to hold her own.
Aila Storme

Roleplay from Smidditch Fontaine
(message to all nobles of Perdan)

The Duke of Blades caught a passing porter, and bade them clear the dining service, and set out dessert. In short order, the staff would roll aboard freshly baked pies and pastries from the cities bakeries which were employed for this evening task. The ship boasted a substantial kitchen, but nothing that could tolerate the needs of so many at such short notice. Fine crockery and tea sets were set up on tables and laden with cream, custard and compote, fresh fruit and other confections to be eaten with finest china and silverware.

The band struck up the next number; one had taken up a fiddle in Smiddich' stead. The number, while traditional, was slightly faster than the last, and several couples quit the dancefloor in submission. The pirate knight raised an eyebrow, giving Alia an easy out, and then grinned and clasped her hand and waist. This was a more rollicking number, a circular skipping dance of whirls and steps. Gratefully, this song was shorter, and before long the breathless couple bowed to one another as the music ended.

Dessert was shortly served as the band packed themselves away and settings were placed at the main table and on several other trestles. "Sit with me, won't you?", asked the Duke to Lady Alia, as fresh baked pies and strudels, crumbles and turnovers were delivered, "Sit with me and have something sweet!"
Smidditch Fontaine

Roleplay from Aila Storme
(message to all nobles of Perdan)

A strange soldier it would be to be too exhausted to continue after one dance, she had all the youth and energy one could expect from a teenager and danced this dance that she had before with far more comfort then the walts she had spent staring up at the man called pirate with eyes like saucers. She ended this dance with a genuine laugh this time, holding onto his arm moments after the music stopped to catch her breath.

Only two dances? she looked and realized that Fontaine had somewhere along the way had everything switch over again. The sound of tables hitting the deck reminded her of Luna- the bird of course. Aila looked up at the rigging, eyes darting around till she saw the shadow of a falcon still waiting above. It's level of training was getting irritating almost but as the Earl had advised her Aila tamped down her ire for the Grey Exarch and went along with the Duke as she was expect.

She sat when bid, arranging her long skirt out of the way trying not to think about all the eyes boring into her as she one of the lowest on the noble totem pole took a seat with a Duke. Easy to forget as a dainty dish of honey wafers was placed in arms reach as if meant just for her, her absolute favorite. Still she didn't touch it instead turning to the Duke- she had a thousand questions for him but found herself too nervous to ask any of them. Trying to reassure herself that it was /him/ who reached out to her first she just went for it. "In all my time serving I've not seen a get-together like this one, A deserved break to be sure. I must ask... what is the history of the Gambit for you to put so much care into her?" she asked, behind an only slightly clueless smile.
Aila Storme

Roleplay from Smidditch Fontaine
(message to all nobles of Perdan)

Duke Smiddich withdraws a chair for Alia and bades her sit, before he seats himself beside her. The King himself sits at this table surveying his knights at revelry but eating nothing for himself.

The servants are busy clearing the dinner dishes and putting out the desserts, served with sticky wines sourced from all around the nation; ports, tokays, muscats and other fortified sips. Hot drinks of tea and other stimulants are also distributed in that same bone china from a far away civilisation.

"The tale of this vessel is an old one!", grins the Duke, withdrawing a thin cigar from a packet from the coat hung from this chair. He offers one to the lady before lighting his own, taking a few tentative puffs of fragrant dark smoke and a sup of sweet wine.

"You see, before... all of this", says the Blade Bladed Duke, indicating the fine party, "My men and I plied the sea with a letter of marque. We preyed upon enemy ships, warships mostly, but some armed traders. They'd typically flee or give up as soon as we raised the flag hoping we'd go easy on them, and we did, most times. It was long and treacherous days and nights at sea. This vessel belonged to a King, if you can believe it, of a nation no longer remembered. It was his pride and now mine. For two nights we toyed with one another at range before picking off each others support; we were very nearly outmaneuvered at the last!" He gives his date a keen glance, to make sure he's still keeping her interest.

"The enemy monarch was aboard, you see, and we had permission to do him harm as we were able! As you can imagine, neither the king or his men were content to let us have the ship nor her contents, and it came to blades. If you can imagine the rush of a battlefield, the thrill of a charge and the roar and cry of men nearing their last, then imagine the same at sea! The boats pitch and roll, the deck is treacherous and the fighting is fierce, for there is no retreat. The King's commander and I crossed blades there on the deck!", says the Duke, indicating upwards with his cigar.

"I'll admit, he was nearly the end of me!", says the Duke, with reminiscing in his eyes, "He was fast, but I was young and full of vigor; not half the swordsman I was today, of course, but daring and with my men behind me. I took a blade to the belly, in the end, and he took mine to the throat. The King surrendered the ship to my men, and that Commander left me with quite a scar."

The Duke of Perdan makes to dig into the tails of his shirt, as if to lift and reveal his abdomen, ".... maybe another time. But, before I must read it for myself, how did you ever happen to raise the ire of the Shadowdale council? I've badly wanted to bloody their nose, myself!"

Smiddich remembers a time not so long ago when he plied the Shadowdale Ambassador with gifts and got only snubs in return.
Smidditch Fontaine

Roleplay from Aila Storme
(message to all nobles of Perdan)

The offer of a cigar was politely waved off, secretly she did like the smell of tobacco but never dared to try it for herself. Immediately she knew she had asked the right question as he told his story easily- One he had told before she could tell probably a hundred times; He was good at it, enthralling in fact. A talented storyteller, she decided.

She listened to him leaning in slightly with both eyes glued on himself and the cigar he waved and waggled around as he spoke of naval battle. She had never seen a naval battle herself, but she was familiar with ships enough to appreciate the level of difficulty he was implying. A motion of his hand had and an implied fight with a commander on deck had Aila unwittingly sitting at attention waiting to hear what happened next.

He spoke of defeating an enemy commander, winning the day on his own merit, his prize... Aila felt truly jealous, secretly wishing that her daring attack on a commander had gone half as well. Luckily, that was quickly put aside as he threatened to reveal his scar; she held her breath not sure what to expect.

Thankfully he stopped before she felt her cheeks grow too hot- unthankfully it was replaced with talk of Luna...she would far rather the scar. Aila wavered, reaching for the nearest glass to by herself a few more seconds to cool herself off- remembering MacArbins advice. "The Grey Exarch wrote me out of the blue one day after a battle. She claimed to know /someone/" She paused again, wondering whether she should lie for her dignity or not...Surely not, for there was not much left to worry over after her last encounter with Shadowdale.

"A delinquent named Svari" She said with fake confidence but true ire. "An embarrassment to us, to House Storme" To her, she was essentially alone after all.

"Tempest said she knew her, said she liked her, praised the- her and when I told her that only a do-nothing from Shadowdale would give that the time of day well- Seems she likes to pester. Many times I've thought not to reply yet" She cut herself off from that one "Yet it is so very fun to insult her" A wry smile crept onto her face finally.
Aila Storme
Roleplay from Smidditch Fontaine
(message to all nobles of Perdan)

"Yet it is so very fun to insult her" A wry smile crept onto her face finally. - Lady Aila Storm

Smiddich takes a long draft of his drink, a puff of his cigar, and blows out the dark smoke sideways away from his date. The Duke ate sparingly of dessert, though everything looked delicious; he saved room for cake, carving it himself and serving generous slices to those partaking. A nod of thanks to Sir Nemean for his speech and cheer; a queer glance at the Marshall and ex-Marshall sitting next to once another, seeming to be getting along better despite the redness to Nemeans cheeks.

"For all that I am, and have been the Ambassador for Perdan", says the Pirate Knight, "There is very little possible within the realms of diplomacy. I too, find myself frustrated with the boneheadedness of our enemies - and a few of our allies - and can't help but feel if either us or them were able to make a concerted effort, it would be an end to the entire fracas!", he takes his pie and custard and finishes it in hungry bites, rattling the spoon around in the fine china bowl. "It all comes down to jibes and insults in the end. Did you know, when Perdan were beset by five enemies, I begged them to finish us! We were buttoned up in the capital while their armies laid utter waste to the regions we have since reclaimed, and I bade them, for Titan's sake, just end it!". He drains the last of his plum brandy and licks his lips.

"But they didn't - and now they can't!", he grins at the last, "Because we held out, and now stronger than ever. There are cracks in the rock of the Northern alliance that we shatter with our boldness!". A cheer goes up nearby from some who overheard him.

He turns to Aila, then, and takes her hand in his, "Come on; let me show you the rest of the ship. The gala is nearly done and I shall not deprive this city of its knights for much longer!"
Smidditch Fontaine
Roleplay from Aila Storme
(message to all nobles of Perdan)

Wanting to seem more worldly then she was Aila avoided any mention of how she was far too young to remember those days he spoke of, having only joined the Golden lions less then two years ago. She listened close to his story however, soaking up any information she could about this Duke and what he had done for the realm she grew up in. Insulting Shadowdale was turning our to be the quickest way to her heart, as the eavesdropper cheered Aila raised her glass to them, the two of them sharing a drink in the name of the Duke.

As his large hand enclosed hers and offered a tour she resisted bragging that she already had and instead went very happily along with Smidditch to see anything he wanted to show her. Their time together was running short now as the evening stretched on, and after those inspiring tales Aila was determined to make a lasting impression now on who she thoughts must've been the most interesting man on earth.

In a smooth motion her hand slid from his up to his elbow so they could walk arm in arm as he lead her through the ship that had been polished to gleaming end to end before the Gala. Out of sight of the others Lady Storme not so Subtly tugged at his sleeve, peeking at the markings underneath- she was more interested in Smidditch right now then the ship he so loved yet Aila complimented the Wayfarer, because it was a fine ship but also because she could feel the love he had for it and the care he put into it as a result. He lead her through the fine rooms she hadn't had access to before, decked in a fashion most befitting the king who commissioned the Gambit. As a woman she had to appreciate the tidiness, apart from items left by guests it was tidier then she would expect a lone mans chamber to be. Aila made comments on the ship the whole way; How she must've been a terror to see on the horizon, what it must be like to have the freedom of a ship like her under his command.

The Duke soon lead her into a master suite which only momentarily raised the alert system all noble women seemed to have built in, another woman passed out on his bed dashed those thoughts immediately. He seemed not to notice the other girl at all as he leader her straight past and onto a balcony that stood at the back of the Gambit, facing the City of Perdan.

Outside the evening air tussled the loose blonde curls that hung over her shoulder, away from the braziers and activity the night air held a chill that made her skin prickle. Yet, like most nobles of Perdan she was a soldier and so hardly noticed such a small thing, instead focusing on Fontaine alone. "You've built such an amazing life for yourself with these hands" she said with sincere admiration, fingers brushing over fingers piled with large rings. "I'm willing to bet every one of these has a story to go with it, just as exciting as the last."
Aila Storme

Roleplay from Smidditch Fontaine
(message to all nobles of Perdan)

Smiddich gave a generous but abbreviated tour of the ship; it used to be crewed by a substantial host, and many of the interior rooms had since been merged and refitted to boast greater rooms. In fact, the gala would not have been possible in the original configuration. A great dining hall, luxurious gallery and a slew of private suites and dens were part of the Dukes great plan to turn the 'Gambit into a floating museum.

Her hand in his was not unwelcome; hers was smaller but not shaking with nerves as she inspected his forearms. They were strong, bristling with dark hair and darker tattoos of the sea and the creatures that dwelled within. Sigils of omen and proficiency; crossed cannons in the crook of one elbow signified military naval service, a knot of rope around the wrist, a nautical star by which he could always find his way home. The Duke seemed not to mind the attention at all.

The staff were rushing past the couple now; they were busy boxing up leftover treats and cake in waxed paper, gathering mugs and tankards, gingerly retrieving all the fine china. No-one was so deep in their cups that moving them on would prove too difficult, save for Reno who had not moved a muscle since she had been deposited on the bed. Duke Smiddich paid her little attention as he snatched up his fine jacket from the chair of his desk, and draped it over Aila's shoulders. The coat was darkly embroidered, and long on her to the knees, warmly lined with something soft. It smelled like him; smoke and metal.

The Duke of black blades allowed their fingers to wend together at the railing. The river was rushing fast towards the bay and the galleon tugged on her moorings. Though soft lights shone from his suite through a hardened wall of window bricks, the city was brighter from here despite the hour, illuminating their faces. "Rain tomorrow", he said, inspecting the clouds and breaking the silence.

"If you'd only known what these hands had done", said Smiddich, looking down at her, lit by moonlight, "You might not be so charitable. But what I do for Perdan is the greatest privilege. It is my honor to serve her.", he nodded. "Perhaps I'll tell you a tale or two when...."

There was a cough ahem from the cabin; a steward of the ship and one of the Dukes trusted men. "The King, your Grace....", he started, diverting his eyes from the scene with practiced decorum, and Smiddich dismissed with a gesture. The guests would be leaving soon, and so must the Duke of Perdan bid everyone fair well. The steward departed with a snap of his heels.. there would be only moments of privacy left.

Just like that, Aila felt his warm hand slide across her back; she gripped the railing to steady herself, at first. He was impossibly close, but not unwelcomely so. The once-pirate bent his neck to her as his other hand brushed fingers into her hair. Her hands took in the details of his strong back and shoulders as their lips met in a breathless, heady kiss. It seemed to linger for an eternity, their feet shifting slightly as the pressed against one another.

Finally parting, they took each a gasping breath, and Aila watched his eyes inspecting hers for doubts.
Smidditch Fontaine

Roleplay from Aila Storme
(message to all nobles of Perdan)

For a short moment she thought the moment had gone, the troubles of fighting men were not something new to her nor any woman of Perdan after so long at war. A stewards arrival interrupted the Duke, and she tore her eyes away from him to observe this new man, actively avoiding her gaze. As he revealed that she was taking the time of a man who the king wanted personally, Aila tugged the borrowed jacket shut tight to block the breeze in a silent protest against this Steward.

Expecting that they would leave at once, Aila was caught off guard by the sensation of a hand across her back, reaching thoughtlessly for the polished rail behind her. Strong hands steadied her and as their lips met fleetingly she thought; He kisses like he dances. Without time for nervousness Aila's hands acted on a whim after wrapping her arms around broad shoulders taking the chance to explore a sailors physique up close.

Once they parted she could tell he was studying her face- something inside her wondered if he felt as nervous about her intentions as she was about his. For once the heat in her cheeks wasn't for embarrassment and her expression was one of daring...Yet she knew what had to be done in the end, as their time together grew so short.

Saying nothing yet Aila brushed her hair to the side, reaching into her hair and deftly pulling a comb free from it. A silver Falcon similar the one on her necklace yet this one was mid-flight rather then sitting at attention pressed into his palm, the metal cold in his palm as she moved close to him again purring "If you tell anyone I let you kiss me tonight..." She left another kiss on his jaw, daringly close to the neck before continuing "I'll strike you down myself".

He would only get a glance of her smile as she masked her glee with a swift retreat, intending to disappear in the crowd with her prize, a wonderful smelling jacket that clearly marked her favor with a dashing Duke.
Aila Storme

Roleplay from Smidditch Fontaine
(message to all nobles of Perdan)

"If you tell anyone I let you kiss me tonight...I'll strike you down myself" Lady Aila Storme

"I daresay I'd never see it coming", said the Duke with a slow smile, as Aila turned and left, his jacket about her shoulders. He heard tell that Lady Storme was adept at placing sharp missiles in sensitive places at extreme distances; something he was not yet keen to experience.

The Gala was winding down. Some of the diehards were still eating and drinking, but the rest were waiting for King Kay to leave first so that they too could head home. Smiddich made special considerations with the stewards to _disembark_ Lady Reno before it was time for him to retire.

At the first lantern extinguished - a sign that it was time to clear out - the pirate knight stationed himself on the deck by the gangplank, so that he could wish each reveler a good night. Wax paper parcels of carved cake and bakery treats were offered on departure; a silversmith had minted a silver medallion to commemorate the event. On the one side, a remarkable likeness of the 'Gambit at sea, and the other the Perdan coat of arms. Though small, they gleamed fresh from the forge and high with polish. The Duke shook or took the hands of each guest as they left; genuine hugs and back slaps were given and received by his closest compatriots.

Smiddich sighed with satisfaction; despite the proximity to the 'Stump (where he maintained a generous suite), he'd stay here tonight. There was something about the way the river shone in the morning sun, and glittered in through the aft window that was comforting. Besides, he'd always felt more comfortable sleeping on the water than the land.

A successful Gala, then. Spirits were raised and a good time had by all. Skills were showcased and not a little drama. His thoughts went wistfully back to a certain Lady Knight, who revealed not a smirk of their tryst on departure. His fingers sought the silver falcon pinned inside his collar; he'd have to follow that intrigue, in time....

Not least of all, to get his jacket back.
Smidditch Fontaine


Roleplay from Aila Storme
(Message to Smiddich Fontaine)

Letter writing was something she had been taught from a young age, normally she found it effortless yet this one stuck with her. Aila had held it close since the battle, resolving now in Castle Ubent that she would sent it with the others toward the capital. There was little comfort her in the damp stones, hunched over a writing desk his coat hung over her shoulders teasing her with the occasional warm waft of his scent and fighting off the damp for her ... She stared down at this letter, the words complete but still missing something she couldn't work out. In the margins had grown a garden of flowers and falcons and stags and she knew then that she had made it achingly clear how long she had stared at this page. Perhaps in the end that was what it was missing all the time.

The letter arrives in a state that implies it's harrowing journey, corners slightly bent and some of the wax from the azure seal of house Storme rubbed away by the other letters it traveled with arriving from the front. Within the handwriting was neat and pretty, easily practiced and evidently written by someone who had spent time in a proper school. Even so it would be obvious that it was written by the Lady herself, and that she had spent some time with it as the edges of her text were filled with romantic swirls of flowers, falcons and stags with wings in a way only a young lady would think to do. My Duke

I write to you hoping you are well, what has it been like in Perdan? It is raining again as I leave Ubent. By now I am sure you know the details of the battles that went on. Three bouts altogether, Only eleven of my men live... I leave you three reports if you've not seen them in person; More cheerfully, we have finally been given the order to return to Perdan. I have to thank you as compared to others I daresay this coat of yours had gifted me some small form of luck in a very unlucky situation.

With my own bow I shot down the Lord Maccio Aurelle with a volley, three shots, all hits and yet his men were able to retrieve him and as far as I can tell by the shouting he did he will live. Even so, short of seeing Luna herself it was a personal victory if I do say so. On top of that the damp has yet to give me any bother at all.

Our time on the Gambit has given me much to think about on the long roads, not least of all of the comforts of home. A bed, a bath, a day without armor, and you of course. I admit at first I was not sure, I had some doubts, I lay at night after a long day of travel thinking about you and I have decided at last that it was strange feeling but one I do very much like. Your beard is in no danger of my blade this day.

With Affection,

Aila Storme

Letter from Smiddich Fontaine
(Message to Aila Storme )

Knight Aila,

Perdan city is drenched with perennial rain, the cobbles slick and the mood dour. I find it suits me well, after the grandiosity of the gala. Don't get me wrong - it was a fine event - but the fun and frivolity is too few and too far apart to have a lasting satisfaction.

I write from my office, facing the ocean windows at the Ducal palace. My study faces out to sea, you understand, with spray so high on the cliffs that it wets the panes. It is quite spectacular, and styled as you might expect, in nautical motif. I should like for you to visit, when you are home, and if it pleases you. It is a fortress, foremost, but well appointed and comfortable, with far more stone than wood. You shall understand when you are here, why I often prefer the accommodations at the Stump and aboard the Gambit, being altogether cosier, more personable and substantially warmer.

Enclosed within the package;

- plum brandy in a silver hip flask, my favorite sip

- a pack of cigars in waxed paper, for you or to curry favor upon another

- a pot of balm to ease muscle aches where the straps of armor rub or to avoid chafing from being ahorse too long

- a trio of tasty preserves, being a spicy tomato chutney, fresh goats cheese marinated in oil and spices (potent!), and an orange marmalade. Spread them on frybread or a wholemeal cracker for a tasty flavor.

Do return safe with your men, and congratulations on your grouping! Continue to wear that jacket for as long as it brings you luck, and home to Perdan.


Smiddich Fontaine

Letter from Aila Storme
(Message to Smiddich Fontain)

My Duke,

Your gifts brighten the mood as well as the breaking of the sun through the rain clouds. I've made good time through Brive and will arrive in Perdan by the evening. Thank you for both the gifts and the invitation; of course it would please me to see your home. I have many hours to spend in Perdan waiting through equipment repairs and recruiting before I can leave again and I can think of nothing better to fill some of them than time spent with you.

On pins and needles,
Aila Storme

A palace meeting

Roleplay from Aila Storme
(Message to Perdan )

Perdan City felt more like home to Aila than Aix ever had, it was where she and every other Golden lion went to recover from whatever win or loss they had just experienced. She had a new job now in Nascot and a lot to do to prepare for it in the way of hiring smith and more men to fight for her.

With her equipment left with the smith the first order for herself was a bath; a dunk in clean water was just enough to make her feel human again after that march, some food that hadn't been sitting in a linen bag for a week helped a lot with that as well. She did all this within the Garrison, a place for all the soldiers of the king within the capital. She had no servants and no staff, she lit her own fires and cooked her own food, poured her own water and scrubbed the dust from her own hair. When done she looked the same as she had when she left, clean, tidy and dressed in her clean tunic emblazoned with the golden lion of Perdan. On her neck still hung a silver falcon she hadn't removed since first putting it on.

The morning had turned to afternoon in all this time and Aila packed her things onto her horse; Her new lucky jacket included yet hidden away. She couldn't have anyone thinking she was about to return it as nothing could be farther from the truth.

Everyone in Perdan knew where the Duke lived; a huge defensive fortress he called a palace, towers and buildings crowded together behind a massive curtain wall all placed on a jagged cliff at the edge of the Capital. For the first time Aila finally had a reason to make the trip through the entire city and take a look up close.
Aila Storme

Roleplay from Aila Storme
(Message to Smiddich Fontaine)

Every so often Aila got some stark reminders of her standing in this world and the approach to the "palace" was one of those moments. 'What am I getting myself involved in?' she thought to herself on the approach, eyes on all the people milling around that she knew worked for the Duke or the king in some capacity. Most of all it made her grow ever more suspicious why such a man even gave her a second look much less a second invitation... Slowly the possibilities were narrowing down in her mind when the sharp order of a guard shook her free of quickly darkening thoughts.


"State. Ye. Busi. Ness" the guard barked at her, annoyed at her inattentiveness the first time he approached her.

"The Duke summoned me, I'm one of Perdans Golden Lions" He gave her an incredulous look, clearly finding it amusing to consider this girl anything akin to a Lion.

"Aren't we all" he replied with a false kindness.

"Aila Storme" She snapped back.

He moved out of the way "Thank you for the cooperation; My lady shall I show you the way to the presence chamber?" She waved him off with annoyance as the groom took her horse.

"I'll find it myself" her tone sharp, she called after the groom to take care with her belongings. The Dukes staff were quick to let her find her own way inside the keep. Doormen hid their amusement as Aila strode past them and stood in the entrance as the doors shut; pretending to have a clue.
Aila Storme