Kingsley Family/Alyssa/The Gift

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This story ran from 10/12/2019 until 10/13/2019. Three player characters take part in the story: Alyssa Kingsley, Dustiria, Noire, and Nemean JeVondair Renodin. The story details Dustiria's joining Alyssa's unit, and a strange message from a foreign noble. Parts are listed by their characters



She has her horse trot up to the Imperatrix. With a hand movement she has her Calvary fall in behind. "I am glad to join you. These orders I was happy to receive. " she looks over at the woman in a white cloak she rides beside taking note of the dour expression. "Do not doubt yourself Imperatrix. You are doing well. Perdan stands with you. "



Alyssa watched as the cavalry approached, her Captain, Tanner, by her side. Looking at them, she realized that stature the youthful girl in the white cloak and battle-worn armour was not the image most would think of "Imperatrix"; and the weary now-bearded captain, his wolf-blazoned shield dented and chipped did not seem near as gallant as she knew he was. But she was the Imperatrix and he was her captain, and she sat proudly atop her Starlight as the other approached, the girl from Eponllyn and her horses. Tanner hailed them, and Dustiria Noire halted her unit before them.

"Do not doubt yourself Imperatrix." She offered sincerely, "You are doing well. Perdan stands with you. "

Alyssa nodded once and glanced behind the girl before her. The Noire Cavalry were not many in number but they seemed impressive with their lances held aloft and their glimmering mail shining in the sun.

"I've had a section of mine own camp set aside for your use." Alyssa said plainly, turning her horse towards the encampment. "Fall in order." She commanded as the company began to trot towards the Perdan camp. "The horses will be a bit more close quarters than they are used to. My company carries only a few. If you need anything see Cal Reed, my quartermaster. He's the short burly fellow. You've met my captain, I recall?" Alyssa asked motioning to Tanner at her side.


She offers a warm smile to the captain before responding to Alyssa"I do indeed Imperatrix. I am sure the space provided will be ample for my needs. The horses will be content with a good grooming and the grain we carry with us. Let me know if there is anything my men or I can do to assist you."a gauntlet covered hand pushes her orange bangs out of her eyes,"maybe we can share a pint of ale while we reassure the locals here?"

She rides closer and lowers her voice so none may overhear,"my lady I have received a kind letter from the only eppy noble that wrote me. From Nemean JeVondair Renodin. Would it be treason to respond? It held nothing but concern for my well being. Here you can see for yourself" she hand it over looking worried. It reads..

Dame Dustria,

It's been quite some time since last we had any contact and I simply wanted to ask you how you are.

Does the proverb: The grass on the other side is always greener hold true? I imagine it well might, Eponllyn has been exceptionally quiet. More so than before you left even. Hard to imagine perhaps. The latest needle that could be heard falling on the ground was the Talon, the General saying how he wanted to see the destruction of Perdan and the return to his homeland.

Quite a piece of propaganda I must admit. Many see it for what it is I suspect. However that doesn't inspire the Nobles to speak up though. I'm told you now lands in the Lorient these days. My mind conjures an unspoiled coastal region where stout bluffs defy the gentle waves of the ocean. Stands of trees blending into small pockets of woodland offering shelter and playground to a myriad of small creatures. In between all this I imagine rolling low hills dotted with craftsmen vineyards. Proudly tended and handed down the generations.

Perhaps I am entirely wrong but its a nice fantasy. Maybe you could tell me about it?

Wings unfurled,

Sir Nemean JeVondair Renodin Knight of Commonyr



"I'm afraid I am not a girl for the bitter taste of ale." Alyssa said as they finally arrived in her own camp. "There may be may be some wine amongst the supplies that we could share at some point. Speak to my quartermaster, if he hasn't drunk it yet," she said shaking her head once as they passed under the white banner with the Kingsley wolf standing proud. Alyssa could hear her men singing along to some tune she was unfamiliar with. As she glanced over to the mirthful men she spotted the singer Maron strumming along with a smile. He caught her gaze and gave her a mischievous smile before continuing his playing.

"Welcome to my humble camp, my lady." Alyssa said turning back to Dustiria. "I am not certain what precisely the king wished for you to do but I have no commands for you, you are free to do as you like."

It was then a drab looking fellow in a black fur cloak approached the two. "My lady," the Lieutenant said glumly. "Welcome back."

"Thank you Gordon, you'll be taking our horses?"

He looked at Dustiria and then behind the two ladies at the Noire Cavalry. "All of em?" He said with a grimace. "I would draw horse duty tonight wouldn't I. Well I suppose I should be grateful it's not battle duty. Even with the extra ones it'll be less sh*t everywhere than battle duty. Err... Pardon my ladies." Sullen Gordon rambled. "I'll take care of em' don't ya worry My Lady."

Alyssa raised her eyebrow in warning towards him as she dismounted. "See that you do."

She gave Dustiria a weary, somewhat forced smile. "As I said, you are free to do as you like."



"how wonderful you have a bard" she listens appreciatively as they go by. "Wine would be lovely. You might like honey mead too.the king just told me to help protect you. That is what my men and I intend to do. You may get tired of me underfoot."she nods to Gordon,"nice to meet you. My men will care for their horses,"she dismounts ,"do becareful with Belmont. My stallion can be a bit...frisky" she smiles and motions her men to fall out of formation. She straightens her purple and black tabard and falls in slightly behind and to the left of Alyssa. "Lead on my lady"



Where it might've been highly unusual or at least against protocol it seems that one particularly well spoken man with a quiet disposition managed to get himself announced to the Imperatrix of Perdan. His style of dress wasn't local and not even regional of the south. The robe he wore cut in such a way that it both served to lend his posture grace and at the same time rendered functionality on the road. On which he surely must've been for some time before arriving. His eyes are of a dark oaken color and the words that emerge from his mouth are measured and often quite gentle. While clearly not a noble it'd be hard to dismiss his embedded affluence. He might not be decked in jewels and neither does he carry any particularly outlandish garb, the simple quality ingrained in every piece of his attire nudges any doubt of his means firmly out of mind.

Draped around his shoulders is a thick leather cape lined with the fur of ermines. Before the man was brought to a waiting room he was said to have taken the time to groom his horse himself. Insisting that he did not mind the task and preferred doing it himself. What stood out was that the man had brought a sturdy leather trunk. Its surface worked so finely and with such care that the material was transformed into a bright amber skin. Curiously, there were two finger sized holes in it, near the handle. The man very carefully handled said trunk, at least, so reckoned your servants.

Upon asking his business he offered two pieces of information. The first was that he came on behalf of a Noble party. The seal and paper he presented for this claim consisted of a single page with upon it a clear sigil of the Realm of Perdan. The second piece of information constituted a phrase. In case there might be more Troll Kin in the Perdan Mines.. Supposedly this would make sense to the Imperatrix the man suggested. Enough so that she might deign to receive him.

With that he was content to give it some time and wait it out. Politely asking for some spiced tea as he made himself comfortable in the waiting room.



"No tea."

The grim looking old man scowled at him, his old, dented armour barely reflecting the lantern light in one of the Imperatrix's pavilions. The noble sigil on his breastplate, a sheaf of wheat, was almost entirely faded. He glanced at the paper again and somehow his frown deepened. "She's the busiest girl in Perdan so don't hold your breath. Stay here." he growled, putting a hand on his sword and walking out, paper in hand.

Several minutes later, the old warrior returned, with him two young women in light armour neither of whom could be twenty. One with red hair and a tunic of black and purple was quiet and watched the envoy with an uncertain curiosity while the other with hair of gold tied back in a ponytail stood proudly at attention, her hand on a sword at her hip, a white cloak over her shoulders clasped with a brooch depicting a snarling wolf. She looked at him with a stern but weary gaze, the cold blue of her eyes searching him for answers.

"Alyssa Kingsley, Lady of the White Lodge, Imperatrix of Perdan." The old man announced a hint of pride in his gravely voice, motioning to the lady in white. She said nothing and the old warrior continued, motioning to the other girl. "Dustiria Noire, Dame of Lorient."

The man then took a step back, and Alyssa took a step forward. "I am told you were sent to give me something." She said, glancing at the trunk.



A gloved hand found perch over his heart and the envoy bowed. In the motion he carefully placed the trunk beside him on the ground. His cape veiling and unveiling the item as he rose again. Calm brown eyes passed from one of the young ladies to the other. I did indeed come here bearing a gift, Imperatrix Kingsley. Forgive me the time I steal as I take it to offer proper respect to Dame Noire. With that he made a second bow.

Turning his attention back to Alyssa. I must caution you however. This gift may require some time to fully appreciate. The rich delivery of the words laces them with a worldly quality. The man kneels down beside the trunk. His hands working on the straps. A leather flower emerging on the ground as his cape spills from him. Perhaps. A pensive pause that includes the motion of his hands. Perhaps this may ease the, shared hardship, you and my master at times feel. Lips formed a warm expression. He would have wanted me to say something along those lines. Although he didn't quite word it that way. Oaken eyes glanced up at Alyssa before they returned to the trunk at hand.

The straps became undone and the man turned the lid to face the Imperatrix. He whispered to the trunk. Coaxing almost, was it not for his seeming practiced paternal tone. As the lid rose the light revealed droopy and charcoal colored ears. A small hump holding the two together which ended in an even now, robust snout tipped with a broad black nose. Two dark anthracite, well spaced eyes looked up. Regarding the humans about the pup shook its tiny body and pawed the inside of the trunk.

Looking at the puppy for a brief moment the man stood up again and took a step back. I hope it.. The tiniest of barks fiercely interrupted the words, eliciting a a small chuckle from the man. I hope this gift may find your approval Imperatrix. It is a Cane Corso. With that he bowed again, awaiting her response.



She inclines her head to the envoy as he bows to her. Her hand does not leave her sword hilt as she stands ready slightly to the left and behind the Imperatrix. As he works to open the trunk her shoulders go back and she looks ready to spring forward. Confusion crosses her face as the dark brown puppy is revealed. Her stern warrior face melts into a smile she can't help. "A cane corso...I haven't seen one since I walked away," she says almost too quiet to hear. Louder she says , " if I may ask Imperatrix who sent this? Forgive me if that is to forward to ask. " her own brown eyes look curious from Alyssa to the envoy and back before resting on the puppy.



Alyssa took her eyes from the pup to glance at Dustiria. "It was your newest friend that is behind this my lady."

The puppy hopped from the trunk and sniffed around his new surrounding, following his nose to Alyssa's boots. She knelt down to pet the creature, taking off her glove as it sniffed her hand and licked her finger. She gave it a gentle stroke across its back, as it wagged its tail.

"Tell me messenger," she said looking up at the man with a eyebrow raised in challenge. "Was it Sir Nemean's idea or your own to carry this poor creature locked away in a dark trunk? The babe must have been frightened."

The puppy sniffed around again, curious of his new surroundings, bounding about as he explored the tent excitedly wagging his tail.

"Or perhaps not," she allowed, as the little dog pawed at a table set near the corner of the pavilion. "He seems quite brave."

As the puppy crossed by her as it wandered about the tent she pet it again as a slight smile crossed her face.

"You may stay under our protection for the evening" She said to messenger. "I will send you back with a letter to your Sir in the morning."



"oh," she looks at Alyssa surprised. "You must be close friends for him to send you such a special gift. " She smiles as the puppy explores the tent,"he sent you a companion for at least the next decade. A cure for loneliness on four paws. A confidant that will never leave your side. Priceless loyalty and total love," she laughs softly,"forgive me. Sometimes I think I understand animals better than people. Name him well my lady. " She heads to the tent opening,"by your leave Imperatrix. I think I will watch the moon for a bit before I rest"



With those words the envoy made his final bow before making his departure from the tent. Leaving both the pup and the trunk behind. Once outside he settled in beside one of the small campfires but not before producing a small lute from a saddlebag. Plucking away a lazy tune as he enjoyed the glowing warmth that emanated from the fire.