The Veiled Inquirer/Issue 2

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Revision as of 01:39, 23 April 2019 by AbstractLogic (talk | contribs) (Right side articles filled ; recent events completed ; authors added for all planned articles)
Obiabanner.png The Veiled Inquirer Obiabanner.png
Date: April 21st, 2019 2nd Issue Cost: 1 Gold
Events of the Week Milleniday: Obia Gone Wild! Note from the Editor
April 14th
  • Our Beloved Realm puts an end to the Oppressive Takeover of Bym by Rogue!

April 15th

  • Rogues in Thromegor have been cleansed by our Beloved Realm, praise Obeah!
  • Gotland finishes their takeover of Baqua.

April 16th

  • It is Milleniday! Our Sacred Realm has been around for 1000 days and all celebrate as they prepare for another 1000 days. Viva la Obia!
  • Shattered Vales has elected Templar Astrida Shepard as its new Empress. Obeah must be pleased to see another of her children take the helm of a realm!

April 17th

  • Thalmarkin and Gotland (500 men) successfully attack Caelint's militia in Daisha (70 men).
  • Caelint declares war on Thalmarkin!

April 18th

  • Dreadful rogues (180 men) attack our Beloved Realm in Elloranaal but were easily defeated by our great army (410 men)! Viva la Obia!
  • The people of Elloranaal have been liberated from their anarchy by our Beloved Realm, another region added to Obeah's Haven!
  • Gotland and Thalmarkin (520 men) attack Caelint (580 men) in Haji (Caelint), Obeah did not allow the Daimon Worshipers victory on this day!
  • Marshal Antonia begins the takeover of Epinotke, another region will soon belong to Obeah's Haven!

April 19th

  • La Maestra Eva accepts Caelint's offer of peace. Viva la Obia!

April 20th

  • Rhaelar Velaryon, Baron of Bym, has gone missing leaving Bym without a Baron.
  • Virgil Nowack becomes Lord of Elloranaal.
As Obeah's Haven celebrates one thousand days in existence, all sorts of wild events have taken place inside the Sacred Realm.
~~Nepotian Retzner
Obia'Syela: Peace with Caelint.
~~Scyllias Navarra
First Major Battle: Caelint Victory!
~~Scyllias Navarra
We have the Veiled Inquirer have heard you readers complaining about the price of the paper. Do not be so cheap, do you think all this lovely blue dye for the papers are free? You should be happy we don't charge more! This amazing paper is a tremendous bargain at only one gold. Fret not, the price will remain the same so that all in Obeah's Haven may stay informed at a low low price. Viva la Obia!
~~Clara Pipin, Editor-in-Chief
Who attacked who?
On the 17th Caelint's region, Daisha, came under attack by the forces of Gotland and Thalmarkin. The militia was quickly over run giving Gotland free reign in the area. Gotland and Thalmarkin are claiming that the militia of Daisha crossed the border into Sniika attacking their armies. Lemuria Alveron, Dame of Jedinchel (Thalmarkin), has confirmed that the Daisha militia did instigate the attack. No one from Caelint has disputed this claim but King Glynkar Plaraveen did declare war on Thalmarkin in response.
~~Barbara Eckhart
Mass Executions in the Northeast!
Vague rumors are spreading that many villages in remote areas in the Northeast have seen a sharp increase in people going missing, mangled bodies left in geometric patterns, and piles of ashes containing charred human bones. There is little doubt that this increase in death and terror is related to the Unholy Order of Mordok. May Obeah deliver humanity from this great plague.
~~Barbara Eckhart
Marshal Zebidiah Refuses to Respond!
After the entirely true article about the love affair between Marshal Zebidiah and Marshal Antonia was released last week, I reached out to Marshal Zebidiah to see if he had any response to his secret coming out into the light. It was not difficult to find him but it was impossible to get him to talk. Having been exposed for all to see he tucks his tail between his legs and avoids the truth! Make sure you pick up next week's article as we will be reaching out to Marshal Antonia next.
~~Nepotian Retzner