Laszulii Family

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The House of Laszulii is kin to that of the House of Scipii, two old families spread over 2 continents. When Gaius Severus married Spuria Celleron their two families were united by a Marriage of which neither wholly approved of.

The Severii were a family of Military and Political significance and the Celerii of Wealth and Trade orientations. The likeness of the two family's names is possibly resultant of their genetic lineage - Cousins both sides had intermarried not 2 generations before - carrying the family names, slightly adapted by tongue and accent.

Gaius and Spuria had 4 sons - 2 sets of twins.

Scipio and Laszulio, Torenio and Lucilio.

Scipio Severus founded his family by marrying Lucia Vicia @ the age of 15 and thus the House of Scipii was born.

Laszulio Severus founded HIS family at the age of 16 marrying the ex-fiancée, Vara Ancillus, of his best friend Aquilla Gnaeus (Who died mysteriously, 5 weeks before he was due to wed, during a hunting 'accident').

The oldest brothers of the Severii line had a great dislike of each other after their 19th Birthday. It was rumoured that Laszulio had tried to kill his older twin 2 days before .. on a hunting trip. Neither brother ever wrote of what happened - but Laszulio rode home with a wound (Possibly due to an arrow) to his right wrist that would stop him from wielding a bow or weapon with that hand ever again.

The differences between the two families were continued for the next 2 generations until the rivalry suddenly died, along with 3 of the Scipii family boys and 4 of the Laszulii. It seems the family disputes were settled there - and with Junius Scipii and Romanus Laszulii both being slain in a battle against Norland 1 weeks later - the survival of both families was paramount - and the loses of their heirs the uniting factor.

The Laszulii currently has 2 twin brothers in the service of Minas Ithal, continuing the family revenge sworn by the boy's father for the death of his brother, Romanus, against Norland.

Remus Severus and Gnaeus Severus both have sworn to aid Minas Ithal in the destruction of Norland, though should peace arise between the two Nations the loyalties of the two brothers may be called into question ... loyalty to Minas Ithal, that is .. not that of their Family Oaths.