Blint Family/Argon

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Argon is the eldest of the three brothers and he was always the most dedicated to warfare. As a boy he would watch as local swordsmen would fight. One day he asked one of the swordsmen to train him, the swordsmen scoffed at him saying a boy had no place wielding a sword in the world of men. Hearing that Argon became depressed for he thought that he was a worthy student.

Weeks later Argon watched that swordsmen lose a duel, the winner was an old man who was partially blind in both eyes. Argon asked this man to train him and the man accepted. He took Argon into the mountains and for 6 months conditioned his body in the most brutal ways. He forced Argon to climb the mountain until he could do it blindfolded. Argon was forced to hunt bears and wolves with nothing more than a sharpened stick. He was forced to spare with his tutor for hours each day, the tutor never screamed at him when he missed a block. His tutor never beat him or punished him. His tutor would how ever give him bruises when they sparred. His tutor made argon hurt exactly as much as he intended and never more.