Felsenbach Family/John the Bouncy Goat Kicker

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After searching the area for 3 hours, following trails and noises, you finally encounter an organized horde of militant, heavily armed undead. They are led by an undead champion, an evil creature with more power and intelligence than the usual lot. The battle rages, you against the undead. Your blows land true, shattering them to dust left and right. The champion makes you sweat; he is quite the opponent. But in the end, he is just a pile of bones, too. Among what is left of the champion, you find treasures worth a total of 4 gold, 4 silver. You search for common items among the loot:

  • A small and used lamp that can give a little light in dark nights.
  • A piece of Wootz - a mystic material used in the forging of the very best steel.
  • A patch of rough silk from a far away country. A valuable material for clothes, though not as expensive as fine silk.
  • A statuette carved from wood, depicting a local deity.
  • An expensive toy for the children of a noble or wealthy merchant.

After searching the area for 2 hours, following trails and noises, you finally encounter a warband of militant, heavily armed undead. They are led by an undead champion, an evil creature with more power and intelligence than the usual lot. The battle rages, you against the undead. Your blows land true, shattering them to dust left and right. The champion makes you sweat; he is quite the opponent. But in the end, he is just a pile of bones, too. Among what is left of the champion, you find treasures worth a total of 2 gold, 9 silver. You search for common items among the loot:

  • A small but clear and perfect diamond.
  • A well-sized piece of high-quality leather. Excellent material for armour.
  • A statuette carved from wood, depicting a local deity.
  • A bar of soap. You have no idea what that is for.
  • An old and rusty signet ring with an unknown (to you) insignia.
  • An expensive toy for the children of a noble or wealthy merchant.