Celestial Scales/Religious Debates & Councils Archive/Debate Between Tohrm Elrath & Solomon Greybrook

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Tohrm followed in the wake of Solomon's uncle. Still caked in the filth of his long ride to Dantooine, he was not a particularly welcoming, nor noble sight. It did not seem to bother the knight though, as he strode with purpose alongside the Earl's uncle. He noted that the man made no attempt to acknowledge him aside from directing him to the personal quarters of the Earl. Once he had arrived, Tohrm noticed the Earl and his drinks by the balcony and made his entrance clear, with a dutiful bow.

"Tohrm Elrath, knight of Earth Hall. We have met before Earl, though not quite in this capacity. I hope you will excuse my presentation, the haste of the road and my duties did not leave time to freshen up."

He regarded the room in its entirety as well as the Earl. Tohrm spent a few moments simply considering how he would begin, and made no motion to take the second glass of wine beside the Earl. Instead, he began his discourse in earnest.

"It may come as a surprise to you that I have taken the liberty to stake claim upon the borderlands of Dantooine. I do not do this to draw ire from the realm or from those who have rightfully been given this land. Given the time I have been considering my actions and the path of which I walk, I have had to act with a certain measure of... decisiveness. This is meant in no insult to your person or the realm at large. I sincerely believe the words I speak today will alleviate any transgressions I have made upon your household or Luria at large, as well as assauage any concerns you may have of my purpose."

Tohrm did not await a response from the Earl, yet he began to pace, from one end of the room to the other, briefly punctuating a point by stopping to face the Earl, with vigorous body language.

"The Celestial Scales. No doubt you have heard from the people that now dwell in that abandoned part of the region. Squatting amongst uninhabited houses and working diligently to construct that which I have instructed. A monastery to my faith. But why here? It is simple really. To bring the Empire to its significant borders. As far from the Civilized realm as possible, so that it may branch out to a greater demense. I know that Luria is predominantly split between the two parts of Sanguis Astroism, and its Ecclesial counterpart. And this has been the case for a very long time. So long as I have called Luria home, and long before that time. In truth, I do not wish to disrupt the faith of these people, but it has become clear to me due to the actions of some of the Astroist priests as well as my time in the realm that disruption is what I bring." "As soon as my faith was declared, more than one of the Astroist priests decided to pay a visit and try to sway the people back to the cause of the Bloodstars. I do not fault them in this endeavour, why would they do aught but that? However, I must admit... when was the last time the Astroist faith truly worked within the realm to aid its followers? Until the founding of my monastery, but one priest resided in these lands, and he was not even well received by the heads of his faith back in the northern realms. The man Turin is who I speak of, of course. But recently another priest landed on our borders, near Nid Tek. It appears that the Astroists fear what may become of my faith, yet I have heard no correspondence from them. Not one has attempted to approach me and only seek to undermine what I hope to achieve. And yet, as I say this, they are not even aware of what that is exactly. It speaks great deals to me, these actions. A certain Ignorance. One which Eliad would abhor. But I do not blame them. In their history, they have always ruled over all of Dwilight as the significant faith of many of the kingdoms. They have not known contest or debate for just as many years I imagine. What happens to a faith in this case? There is a reason they have been silent amongst Dwilight for this long, and it is because they have become idle in administering the faithful. It is likely that until provoked, the people merely followed them for traditions sake. I do not doubt this in the slightest. Yet my faith would not see them removed. There is nothing about the Astroist beliefs that openly warrant my faiths ire. They have done good and evil in the realms, but I truly believe the Astroists have worked for the bettermen of the realms over the years they have existed within Dwilight. Yet they are ancient and complacent. I wish to assure you, my faith would not bring bloodshed to these followers. If the Astroists wish to remain within Luria, I brook no quarrel with them. My followers will not treat them as enemies, not even as misguided. It is of their own perogative that they serve the Bloodstars. I for one, would have it no other way."

"It is best then that I explain what it is I am trying to achieve here, if not the removal of Astroism. Since that is not my goal inherently."

He took a deep breath and now face the Earl directly as he spoke.

"The Celestial Scales are a means by which Man measures himself. In a balance of the Scales, one finds a true wisdom which would lead him to a greater life. Not one away from the earth itself. No. This Wisdom that has been provided us by the Divine Pentarchy, the Celestials of which we derive this Wisdom, wish us to lead better lives upon Dwilight, even all of Battleterra. Their goal is thus."


"They created this, in ages gone by. The Codexs speak of an ancient time when these beings walked amongst us, as mortal and tangible as we are. They created what it means to be Civilized. They built the first Civilization. Through our actions, our creeds, we still follow this same path. Though loosely, and misguided as that may be. There are parts of every realm which hold these teachings to be true. But they have been lost for this age and further. My family, often spoke proverbs to one another, words of the Celestial Scales, that I never truly understood where they came from or how they came to be. After searching the old archives tucked away in the University of Dwilight, I discovered lost tomes that illuminate this riddle. This Wisdom."

"From then, I shall always hold this to be true. This Wisdom guides me as it will others in the future. Of that I am sure."

"The purpose of it, is to help Man understand his place within the world. How he acts, how he should act, and why it is the way of things. Civilization has always been the goal of any kingdom, whether imagined or not, this is the case. Luria exemplifies it above all us. We are Civilized..."

Tohrm trailed off, pondering his next words as he added.

"But are we truly? In ways, yes, in others, not so much. But man is fallible. Man can err. But it is in Mans mistakes that he learns to do better. That he prospers and grows stronger. If he has the Wisdom to see his failings. That is the Wisdom of the Divine Pentarchy."

"It is all well and good I say that this is the case. How do we know this to be true though? I shall elaborate."

"The Five Codexs are the recorded teachings of the Five Aspects, though incomplete as I may hold them, many more will be recovered over the coming years, of that I am certain. From what scant pieces I have collected, one can begin to discern the true meaning of what Civilization is. How one can strive to make it greater."

"The Five Aspects are this."

"Bellator. The greatest warrior to have ever lived. It is said in proverb and storied legend that the man had the strength of a giant, the courage to face dragons. Yet he also held Humility in his heart. He knew that Man could not treat all of their foes with anger, rushing headlong into battle. He trained and tutored warriors to be more like him. He was the one who held the first Tournament, to decide who was the greatest fighters to take his place when he left the mortal world behind. He was the first to muster an army to drive back the Beast from the first Civilized realm. He was the first, to go delving into the depths of caves and catacombs to vanquish the Beast by his own hand. Yet he never boasted of his skill and strength. He always sought to find a better to replace him. He always sought peace with other Men if they meant no harm to his people. Bellator was Might. Bellator was Humility. Bellator, was Honour."

"Iuris was the mediator of this realm. A man who understood what would be needed to guide others in the ways of Civilization. Justice. He wrote the very first law codes that many realms have partially incorporated to this day. His was a mediation of Justice. Magistrate of the first Civilization, he knew what people should follow to help themselves and eachother. To keep the unruly in line and reward the obedient. Yet he never truly lorded over those who sought his counsel. Instead, he instilled within others a sense of Defiance. He wanted Man to understand that law and order is kept in place so all may prosper by it, but others would use it so that they could dictate the lives of others. He knew this would happen, as he could not rule the mortal worlds law forever. So he taught Loyalty and Defiance in equal measure. That is how Man finds Justice amidst the turmoil of politics and life."

"Eliad. A patron of sorts for our own University, she created the written word. Without Eliad, Man could never have done as we do today. Sign treaties with foreign realms, trade with far off lands. Record the Knowledge we hold so dear to our culture. Eliad made sure the history of Civilization was preserved by opening schools and teaching those mortals with the keenest of minds to write and record. She knew that even if a realm was to fall, the memory of it would forever be preserved. If ever a ruler made false judgement, it was by her invention that he would be held accountable. But writing was not simply good enough, if the ones writing the words did not pay attention to the page. She taught many to debate the written word. To sit in council and decide the validity of these statements penned to parchment. And thus education was brought to Civilization, Understanding of the world at large and the realms that lived within it. Clarity would be found between peoples and the realms would prosper."

"Artis, a wily sort, took the forage of the earliest peoples and stored it aside. He seperated the good from the bad so that there was no spoil. The mediocre was left for consumption, much to the distaste of the people, but it was prudent of him to do so. The best of the grains he buried to preserve them. In this effort however, Artis learnt the art of agriculture. The very basis of all lives on Battleterra. Without the Frugality of Artis, we would likely still be grubbing around in bushes to find our next meal. Even the wine you sip at now Earl, would be but a figment of your imagination. But this was not enough. Artis knew that the harvests he reaped for the first Civilization would not be enough. There would always be more people flocking to their city and he would have to provide for them all. Thus he saved and planted in greater quantity. Through many years of careful management, the fields were ripe and full and the people still had plenty to go around. He took these grains to feed people, but realised that there was no way that they could be distributed to those that needed them most. Or those, that had the acumen to do best with them. And thus, Artis took a rock from the ground. Silvery in its hue. And next to it, he picked up another, more lustrous and golden. He chipped these rocks down and handed them out, as payment to those who worked hard, he gave the golden stones. To those that lazed in the fields, he gave the silver ones. Those who could buy more would work harder, or save it to one side in case of a failed harvest. Those who showed nothing but apathy, could barely afford to live. This, was the Wealth that he created, and by it, Prosperity came to this Civilization."

"Finally, Gloria came to this now bustling city, with craftsmen, warriors, scholars and merchants. Other cities had begun to rise up in its shadow and it was a glorious place. Gloria, last of the five brought with her a great Beast. The people were afraid of this giant monstrous dog, a three headed creature the size of ten men! Bellator was ready to smite it when the Beast came to heel. All looked on in awe. Gloria had tamed the Beast and used it for the betterment of Man. The dog stood at the gates of the great city and guarded it from any trespassers. Gloria knew that Civilization was what Man had strived for, and only when Man could conquer the Beast, would they truly find peace. So Gloria taught man how to control the Beast, and if the Beast would not listen, then she told them to put it to the sword. And Man cried, what if the other cities come to take all that we have gained? What should we do? Gloria knew that strife was unavoidable. Man always coveted more, not necessarily to its detriment, but it would be naive to believe that Man would never turn against one another, even with Beasts rampaging outside the walls. So she instructed that, strife must be quelled as swiftly and brutally as needs be. Man must be focussed on its true enemy. And if they did not, then it would not wait patiently at the gate any longer. If it was ignored for too long, the Beast would come for its next meal. And all it wished was Ruin. The mortals agreed with Gloria and understood now what Civilization was. It was in this moment, that the Five Aspects ascended to the heavens, at the peak of the Civilized world, so that they may always watch over Man. And Man would have to abide by this Wisdom, lest a great evil become of their kind."

Tohrm regarded the Earl for a moment, yet it was clear that the knight was determined to continue. Swiftly after he finished, he began to pace once more, talking all the while.

"So what does this mean for Luria? Are we the bastion of Civilization we claim to be? I think not. There are many parts of the Five Aspects we have faltered in. And that is the goal of the Celestial Scales, to identify, and then right our misgivings. Our failings. For if we ignore them for too long... only Ruin will be left for us."

"Us Lurians pride ourselves on Honour. Honour that is self granted. But this is not what Honour is. It is not us who bestow Honour on ourselves. It is others that must do it, or it is false. We say we are the Mightiest realm. By that, our armies are strong. Our warriors numerous. And yet the Beasts ravage our land even now. Even now, our knights are captured nearly daily by these creatures. Yet the hordes keep coming. Are we truly so Mighty? And of Humility. This is something Luria I believe has always lacked. Yes, we may be the bastion of Civilization to the rest of the realms, but we are so far from truly realising what Civilization really is, that are these claims not false? We have so much we need to repair, to rebuild. Once our lands are free of the Beast, no doubt the nobles of this realm will lord about, spouting nonsense about how powerful we are. Yet many were brought to their knees by the Beast. And yet we will claim so boldly that we swept them aside as if they were nothing. This arrogance, is detrimental to our realm, and will only cause a greater fall further down the line. Our armies, our Might, must be tempered by Humility. If we are to defeat the Beast, we must understand that they are always a threat. Why do we look to other kingdoms along our border, when our own is so out of shape? Our own lands burn and yet we think of doing the same to other realms. This is not Honour, that, is Dishonour. It is under the orders of our Suzerain Emperor that we sought to antagonize other realms even whilst ours was being beset upon. That, is Dishonour. And too many of us showed a level of arrogance that has cost Luria good men and women. We must realise our mistakes and seek to rectify them, if we can truly call ourselves Honourable."

"Do we have Justice in our realm? I truly believe that the Magistrate works with the best intentions in his heart, but it is the Loyalty the nobility shows towards the Emperor which is holding us back. We should not be Loyal to one man, as I think the Emperor is but a man, as I am. The violet smells to him as it does to me. The element shows to him as it does to me. All his senses have but human conditions. His ceremonies laid by, in his nakedness he appears but a man. So why do we put all our faith behind this figure, when truly, the figure of our Civilization is Luria. Not the Emperor of Luria. Our Loyalty is misplaced, this too we must seek to rectify. The Empire is where we should place our faith. Any man or woman could sit that throne and dictate our realms path, yet it is the realm itself that we serve, or should serve. We have lacked a sense of Defiance to the Emperor's orders, and it has cost us much. We have taken land from our allies, we have cast aside our diplomacy to insult other realms without reason. In this, our Justice has failed."

"It is without a doubt that our realm does not Prosper. Every day, our Panetier speaks of how the realm edges closer to a harsh winter, where people will have to scrimp to get by. But it is not their job to do this. As their leaders, we were the ones who should have shown Frugality when it was needed. We had the Wealth of the largest Empire on Dwilight with which to do that, and yet we still failed. There are those nobles amongst us that hoard this Wealth for their own personal gain. They sit inside our greatest cities and covet its riches. Nobles who do not deserve the Wealth of the Empire are given it freely to pursue their ambitions, when other knights who fight endlessly against the Beast are left with nothing to replenish their coffers. And yet we also sought war. We had a time, we had a chance to save for the worst, and we squandered it. We are not a realm of Prosperity, but Poverty. This too, must be recitfied. We need Peace."

"The matter of Clarity is a curious one. I believe it does not necessarily pertain to the Empire, but the faiths that sit within it. As I have said, I have not been approached by a single members of either branches of Astroist faith. And so, their clergy sits amongst the workers at the monastery and seek to convert them from the Celestial Scales. But why? They do not even know of our creed, they simply see it as wrong because they have no Knowledge, no Understanding. Many in the realm have come to speak to me regarding this, and for that, I do believe the nobility of the realm hold Clarity within their hearts, or at least seek it so. This I believe is commendable, but the realm will need time to be able to realise this. Time that we are not afforded by the Beast and Man alike."

At this, Tohrm let his words sink in further, a darker countenance taking hold of his person. He began to speak again in a far graver tone.

"Civilization. Are we truly a bastion of this most sacred thing? Of all the Aspects, we falter or are not given the opportunity to realise their potential. Can we truly claim this? We are still a Civilized realm, one that has the greatest potential of all. But we require reform to see this possible. Reform that has been halted and blocked for far too long. Reform, that must come, and soon. If not, then Ruin will continue to plague our lands, as the Beast already does. We slip further from this most sacred thing and we do not even see it happening. Civilization is faltering, and I will work until my last breath to see that it is not stolen from us. That it is not taken from the Lurian people."

"This is my goal. My quest. I will not rest until it is done. I hope you can truly understand what I wish to achieve here. It is not a detrimental thing. Many believe my stance on the political stage to be counteractive to the realm, but it is all with its glory in mind. I want our realm to prosper, above all else. I simply believe many do not understand how to achieve that. If we follow the Wisdom laid out by the Divine Pentarchy, we can see our realm thrive again. Luria will be brought back to the forefront of Dwilight, and we will know Civilization."

"I seek thusly, that you might pardon me for my transgressions. I have taken land upon your domain without your permission. But I do so for the good of the realm. I do not wish to act against your desires, and if you wish me to leave here then I will. I leave this decision to you, at your discretion. Please, I do not need an answer now if you wish time to deliberate on it. There is much to consider, of course."

At that, Tohrm bowed once more and awaited the response of the Earl. His eyes lingered on the glass of wine for a second. His mouth felt a little parched after his lengthy talk after all.