Arnickles Renodin/Maura/The Captain

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Maura - The Captain

Tales of Maura as she was a captain to Lady Jarra Bennet. It was long before her noble claim was recognized.

Roleplay from Jarra Bennet

"Asset?! Asset?!" - Jarra shouted hysterically towards her captain who hadn't had the opportunity to explain that she's neither her chamber maid nor her scribe - "You believe this Maura? I may be young, I may be inexperienced, but I am a lady, you can't call a lady rear end names!"

"M'Lady" - Maura struggled to talk through the noble girl's most excited jabbering - "that word has nothing to do with your noble behind"

"It doesn't?" - Jarra paused suddenly calm.

"No m'Lady. It means something or someone of worth."

"Oh." - noble girl took a moment to think - "I take it you haven't sent the previous letter?" - Maura just shook her head, so Jarra continued - "Good! Burn it please. Now write another one."

"M'Lady I'm not a scri..." - Jarra didn't let her finish the sentence, dictating loudly: "Grandmistress, Noble Lords and Ladies..."

Letter from Goriad II Gabanus

Jarra, noone is good at their first attempt, but a willingness to learn is most important of all. Throughout my life I have hunted many things. Gold and slaves when I led one of Talerium's raiding armies into Minas Leon, men themselves, both on and off the battlefield. Many a fool in the colonies laid awake fearing I would hunt them, and for many that turned out to be true. Now on this island we have a lot of monsters and undead to hunt and target, and they posess a unique experience on their own as no single beast is perfectly the same, but they do often share similar flaws.

Join me in kjelegy and I assume we'll march north tonight. Although it will be a battle more in the open, I'll show you how hunting is applied even on and off the battlefield.

Goriad II Gabanus
Knight of Rines

Letter from Jarra Bennet

Sir Goriad,

I am on route to Cjelegy as I write this letter. I am most eager to meet you, from what I hear you're very... I can't even find a proper adjective.

I don't understand what you mean by hunting men, do you mean fighting them on battlefield or do you mean it literally?

Jarra Bennet Dame of Athol Margos

Roleplay from Jarra Bennet

"Mauuuuraaa..." - calls Dame Jarra - "Mauuura... eek!" - she exclaims startled as she turns around to see ebony black face of her captain.

"Yes m'Lady?" - Maura responds hiding annoyance as best she could.

"Maura, have you seen any loop snares when we were in Rines? Perhaps hidden on a crowded marketplace?" - young lady asks.

"m'Lady?" - puzzled look of the captain clearly sought for clarification, instead Jarra continued:

"Are there even human-sized loop snares?!"

Roleplay from Jarra Bennet

"So you're saying that when the Blue Fist smashes the Daimons or undead, or whatever we're fighting right in the face, they will already be scattered due to many volleys of arrows, and I will be behind the line anyway, so no need to worry, right? Do I follow?" - Jarra asked her captain curiously but then noticed that she's distracted with neighing sounds outside and soon shifts her attention above Jarra's shoulder to the entrance of their tent.

Young Lady swiftly turned around and scanned the visitor with her eyes. It was a cloaked man, roughly twice her age, dressed in dark colours. She then turned back to her captain and said:

"Maura! I told you already not to receive your scouts in my tent! I just had my boots cleaned. Do you know how hard it is to clean the mud off lamb leather?"

"But m'Lady, he's..." "Yes, I'm sure he's very capable scout, he certainly looks very imposing, but he would be equally capable outside, I believe?" - Jarra cut her off in mid-sentence, but Maura continued persistently:

"M'Lady, what I wanted to say is that he is a nobleman. Sir Goriad II Gabanus, I believe." - to that words Jarra suddenly envied her captain's strong, motionless, dark effigy of a face, for she felt the skin of her own face getting as red as the finest Nothoian wine, radiating heat in the process, and her eyebrows twitching uncontrollably.

"That's preposterous, how would you kn..." - now she didn't get to finish the sentence as her captain cut her off: "Our scouts don't use horses for the same reason bandits don't use horses - too expensive to purchase and too expensive in upkeep. And certainly neither our scouts not the ones of other Lords would use deception to get into our camp, common men get beheaded for such tricks. Altough not of the finest silk, the cloak of our guest is very well made and dark, inconspicuous clothes for a noble who wants to travel all by his lonesome are much better choice than a blue dress..." - saying that Maura looked at her lady making sure that she didn't caught the allusion and continued - "As for the precise identity of our noble guest - only Sir Gedrid and Sir Goriad are roughly that age, and Sir Gedrid is presently in Avengmil. It's all common knowledge to noble commanders and their captains." - saying that, Maura bowed slightly towards Sir Goriad II and finally let go of the hilt of her scimtar, making Jarra realise that she was ready to unsheathe it the second she heard the horse outside.

Young Lady exhaled, still facing away from Sir Goriad and after a couple long seconds turned to face him:

"Sir Goriad. How splendid to finally meet you in person. Your letters suggested that you'ra a rather extraordinary person, but I failed to imagine quite how extraordinary in fact. Please take a seat." Jarra waved around and shouted some commands, having wine, cheese and fresh fruits fetched, while Maura had guards posted outside the tent, leaving her lady and her guest to their privacy.

Roleplay from Jarra Bennet

Few were the books and scrolls but many were the faithfull. Scarce was the stained glass, statues and decorations - spirit and piety were abundant. How strange is this temple - Jarra thought - how unlike the ones I've seen before. She felt not the true calling, she was unsure if she'd recognise the true calling if she felt it but she was certain that the fiery zeal of the Inquisition and pious devotion of the Heralds were not what she felt. Neither could she compare the disposition of her heart with the blazing flames of extatic crowd she saw in front of the temple nor with the smoldering embers of those she noticed meditating silently in the corners. It may have been ambition that brought her to Beluaterra, it was apetite for adventure that brought her to Athol Margos; was it the need to fit in that led her inside this temple? Was it her purpose when she decided to join the Heralds? Certainly! But it wasn't her sole purpose. She did felt the need to define a cause and goal of her existence, and not just one of this hideously carneous plane but one of more etheral and perennial nature as well. And she felt it long before she entered the temple in Rines. "Feeling comes with understanding, not the other way around" - she recalled one of the very few lessons her cousin ever gave her.

Standing before the administrative clerk of the church with enormous tome of names in front of her certainly wasn't the way she dreamed of becoming a believer, yet her shy nature prevented her from asking for a private audience with the Oracle. Given name, family name, origin; given name, family name, origin; given name, family name, origin... Many rows had empty place in the middle column, those were mostly scribbled with crooked letters. The rows that had all position filled in were calligraphed beautifully.

"This is the register of faithfull, tome 11th, m'Lady. To officially become a Herald you need to have your name written in the register, though many nobles don't bother to do it personally. Then you will need to swear to serve Obeah, embrace her magic and renounce daimons and all things evil. Her Holiness haven't blessed us with official statement of faith yet, so you'll need to speak in your own words. It's intention that matters."

Jarra took the quill and wrote "Jarra Bennet, Flowrestown, Dwillight" then glanced as her captain scribbled clumsily "Maura, Desert of Sillhouettes, Dwillight" leaving the family name column empty.

"Now" - she said, looking at the tiny collection of scrolls she noticed in the temple - "where can I learn more of the Obeah?"

Roleplay from Jarra Bennet

Jarra sat in her room flipping a small blade in her fingers, less and less clumsily each time. The room was not much, as was the hut her captain requisitioned from some local peasants when she got injured. It was certainly better than the tent. She immediately rubbed the little star on the side of her forehead and went back to that battle in Avengmil with her memories - her first battle scar.

The seven feet tall beastman, covered in fur, limping from the vicious blow of Maura's scimtar, left behind the line of her infantry unit, assumed to be dying... she then felt so adventurous - what wrong could happen, he's facing away from me and is already dying - she took an enormous swing with her pernach, jumping a bit in the process and heard someone shouting "NO!" - whose voice was that? - she thought as she saw her mace flying right back at her face after bouncing off the thick hide of the beastman that apparently decided to posture up just as the pernach was about to hit him. Afterwards she only recalled blue sky, beastman's head flying somewhere above her, some arms picking her up and then darkness.

The reverie was interrupted by Maura entering the room. After some routine reports Jarra asked about Goriad II, who was now a Lord of Ajitmon and Marshal of Inquisition. Upon learning that he's still unconscious and reminding herself that it was her mistake that cause his injury she enquired:

"Do tell, dear Maura, are there any scattered groups of those beastmen still in Avengmil?"

"We've counted signs of presence of four small groups m'Lady, as soon as they stop hiding our army will dispatch them with easy." - Maura replied.

"That won't be neccessary. Ready our men, fetch my horse, we're moving out."

"M'Lady?" - Maura asked, looking at her lady's forehead as if trying to decide if she's still a bit shaken from the injury.

"Akkan's tongue Maura! It's not alchemy, we outnumber them ten to one. Have our scout track the beasts, we'll improvise from there."

"Yes m'Lady."

Maura departed as Jarra hid the small blade back in her hair-knot. It looked neither as neat nor as insconspicuous as the first time because the trick wasn't as easy to apply as it seemed but it was constantly improving.

Roleplay from Jarra Bennet

Jarra was just reading the scroll with Sermon in Keffa when a heavy knock on the doors was heard. She turned her attention to the entrance and when it opened two infantrymen could be seen, not ones of her own - this much she could tell by the lack of blue gauntlets. She turned her attention back to the reading at hand and after a short while her captain indicated that those men were Forest Hunters and forwarded a message that Lord Goriad II is requesting her presence.

Jarra's reaction was ambivalent, on one hand Lord Goriad was trully extraordinary and after events in Melegra and on their way to Ajitmon she was certain that if there was adventure to be had in these wild lands, there's neither better nor safer place to have it than close to this inconspicuous noble hunter; on the other hand however she was certain that the man didn't became who he became by exercising forgiveness and mercy, and she did cost him a pound of flesh. Was it a misplaced letter or a misunderstood order? She couldn't recall, perhaps it was all because of her own injury - she pondered, rubbing the little red star on the left side of her forehead.

There's no point in guessing with that man, he could call me to rearrange my hairstyle for all I know - she thought to herself immediately moving her hand over to the "hairpins" in her hair-knot, even though fewer than originally they still weren't so neatly arranged.

After half an hour of dressing up and making arrangements she stormed out her hut and not a minute later she was already mounting her magnificent destrier. Silly choice - most would think - for someone so poorly armoured, courser would be much more suitable. But ever since her adolescence in Fatexna she had a way with beasts and whatever natural advantage she possessed she was never shy to use it, so she took the strongest, fiercest, most ferocious beast she could find.

On her way to Goriad's camp she encountered Maura and a dozen of her men escorting several peasants. Two of her men she noticed hauling firewood behind the squad, another two carrying big wooden logs. One of the captive peasants was shouting:

"No tribute to false idols! No tribute to false lords! The true lord comes from the portal to visit mortal plane true lord really is immortal his power never wanes! NO OBEAH, NO OBEAH!"

Jarra stopped to enquire about the scene:

"Heretics?" - she asked and Maura nodded in response - "What will happen to them?"

"They will be sternly reprimanded." - Maura replied - "Most of them will have to pay fine, double taxation. The most vocal one will be flogged."

Jarra seemed satisfied and continued towards Goriad's camp, deliberating - why would my men carry the firewood? Why wouldn't they have the peasants carry it for them as part of the punishment? Oh, nevermind, it's not even that cold tonight.

Upon arriving young Lady was met by Sigmund, who had apologetic face while motioning towards his Lord's quarters, she couldn't understand why untill she entered... whatever she was expecting, it wasn't that.

During the long silent seconds Jarra's eyes opened as wide as her facial features allowed. Her slightly opened mouth wanted to form a proper greeting but could only mutter out:

"L-Lord Goriad..."

Roleplay from Jarra Bennet

"Obeah guide us. Obeah teach us. Obeah protect us. Obeah deliver us. In your light we thrive. In your mercy we are sheltered. In your wisdom we are humbled. We live only to serve. Our lives are yours."

Jarra said the words over and over again. There, in the dark corner of her bedroom in Riverside Manor, dimly lit by withering embers of the hearth, Maura found her. She pondered getting her attention with her usual "M'lady", but hearing the whispered prayer she decided to touch her arm instead.

"Lady Jarra" - she said quietly, and took a step back noticing her lady's shining, watery eyes.

"I can't feel it Maura." - said young Margravine - "I believe it with my mind, but I can't force myself to believe it with my heart. I choose to believe it, but it should never be a matter of choice! How am I to take on priestly robes?! How am I to serve Obeah and fulfill my duty to the Holy Realm? We both know I am not a warrior. I'm neither as crafty as Goriad, nor as experienced as Lord Vahanian, neither as dutiful as Marshal Solomon, nor as Grandiose as Grand Templar." - she angrily motioned to the star-scar on her forehead - "I injured myself when hitting a half-dead beastman!"

She took a deep breath and Maura pounced on the occasion to speak:

"M'Lady, there are members of local minor gentry, as well as carftmasters of Rueffilo, leaders of stonemason guilds of Rii and representants of farmers of free lands of Bolkenia and Cagamir."

Jarra cleaned her eyes and asked what is the purpose of such colourful crowd visiting her estate, to which she received an explanation that the stonemasons refuse to deliver stone, making construction of the temple impossible; southern peasants inform that any attempts to invade their lands will be opposed; craftmasters have thousand ideas to spend the gold from Grand Templar's gift and local gentry still favours Angmar and Spearhold and demands that war be stopped. Jarra's eyes grew wider and wider with each sentence. Maura demanded some instructions with polite "M'Lady?". Jarra simply shook herself from all the noise she already envisaged in her mind and pointing at the set of stylish, hairpin-looking daggers on her dressing table she said:

"I think I will have to do my hair."


A couple of hours later the stone transports for the new temple were flowing, the craftsmen were leaving content and southern peasants reassured. Only the local gentry left still grumbling about the state of affairs. Jarra fell to her chair, exhausted.

"Quite a feat you've achieved here m'Lady." - Maura said, and hearing her lady muttering out confirmation, she continued - "And you haven't stabbed anyone."

"Just barely." - She replied.

"As if what you did you did by divine inspiration." - Maura continued.

"Obeah works in mysterious ways." - Margravine said absentmindedly, to which Maura smiled - a most rare occurance - and replied:

"Indeed she does, m'Lady..." - and to a realisation dawning on Jarra's face she reiterated - "Indeed she does."