Rane Family

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House Rane hails from the city of Ikalak. Acknowledged members of the family are in possession of a small sculpture of a rose, each rose having its own color and meaning.

Acknowledged nobility


  • Arren Rane - bearer of the White Rose. He remained at home to serve the city of Ikalak. His banner is white and blue, depicting a dragon saffron.
  • Lannard Rane - bearer of the Amber Rose. Golden-haired and fair, just and right. An adamant monarchist and a Kingsman ironically serving in a Republic. His banner is golden and yellow, depicting a lion gallant.
  • Grennan Rane - bearer of the Red Rose. A wandering knight in service to several monarchies, currently in Greater Xavax. His banner is blue and teal, depicting a raven black.
  • Lancion Rane - bearer of the Argent Rose. Silver hair and pale skin are the dominant features of his appearance. A devout man of piety and faith, blinded by the light that comes from the heavens. His banner is black and grey, depicting a silver rose in the middle.


  • Waylan Rane - bearer of the Sable Rose. Knight errant associated with service in several Kingdoms of Western Dwilight. He died whilst travelling to a tournament by the devious blade of his own squire.
  • Braddish Rane Rane - a vile hedonist in short service to the Kingdom of Oritolon. Killed by his own servants for having a silly name.


  • Almareen - assertive huntress of Madina. Spent her childhood with the pirates and smugglers and later joined the Royal Huntsmen of Madina. Rumored to have a Sapphire Rose with her.
  • Valerys - capable and cunning huntress of Greater Xavax. Rumored to have the Amethyst Rose with her. Eager to prove her lineage at all costs.
  • Braeden - master ranger of the north of Beluaterra. Actively helping the nobility during the Invasion.
  • Daemarrel - unknown. Dead.
  • Greylan - unknown adventurer. Dead.
  • Barris - bastard of one of the Rane Lords. Killed by undead in Jidington.