Tarcyn Family

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Revision as of 15:07, 13 January 2015 by MathiasBjarno (talk | contribs)


The House of Tarcyn is an old family from the Desert of Silhouettes. Unlike the rest of the Sandborn the Tarcyns dress and carry themselves as more appropriate nobility despite only recently becoming landed. Holding the Aelbourne Basin in the name of their liege Lord Martin Longbow the Tarcyns are a house holding their own above else, though remain loyal to those who do them no wrongs. Newly landed, yet old in name the Tarcyns have been feuding with the Koltens for a long time, a dislike on both sides has seemingly carried on the fighting for a long time and when the fires finally have died down in the past, something has made it flare up again reasonably short thereafter. As the firstborn son of Bradamar, Estion was expected to be an example of the house. Young, proud and brave he found himself knighted at the age of 17. He would have to wait for another 3 years before he would become a landed man, the first in his family to be so receiving an estate in the Desert of Silhouettes called the Aelbourne Basin from where his family hailed, though unlike most people from the Desert, Estion, much like most of his family members do consider themselves regular sandborn, having intermarried often outside of it and therefore become more like the noble houses from greener lands than the rugged nomads native to the desert. Not as dark skinned as others native to the area, nor do the black hair of the sandborn always appear in their genes as well as their eyes not always being brown.

The Family

  • Bradamar Tarcyn (Deceased)
  • Sir Estion Tarcyn[[1]] (Firstborn son of Bradamar and head of the House)
  • Halion Tarcyn (Second son of Bradamar, adventurer)
  • Mellara Tarcyn (Daughter of Bradamar, died in infancy)
  • Gerion Tarcyn (Third son of Bradamar, died in an accident)


The Aelbourne Basin, Desert of Silhouettes (Lord Martin Longbow) (formerly)