Greenleaf Family

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Greenleaf family is young in their nobility. They originaly came from Wistir that lies on Atamara in the kingdom of Darka.

Even if young they have an old history in their region. For centuries they were a big family in Village in Wistir. Local noble was an old man with no children to succed after him. Then there was an appearance of monsters in the region, the nobleman was almost killed but the village people came to his aid, leading them was Alexander Greenleaf. He was appointed a succesor of the old noble for his deeds. For four generetions now Greenleafs have been a noble family. Their history was still full of mystery, all of their family members had an uniquie look at their faces and were always looking very young even in their eldest days, some folk said that centuries ago Cylia Ratengrof married someone from the elven race, and that she got the family name greenleaf from him, and also that was why they remained looking so young. TBut they still died like other mortals so usually when people heard those stories they were laughing and s aying that they don't belive in fairy tales. But as they say, in every legend there is a seed of truth hidden.

In the last 2 generations there was a strange thing in Greenleaf family. Patric Greenleaf who was son of Alexander got two sons, twins. One of them was Hegmont and the other Ronald. He firts thaought that it might become a problem later when it will come to succed the title so eh separated his wealth equally into two. But the sons as they grow became not only brothers but best friends. So they asked their father to put his wealth together again so that It will not lose it's strength and that they will lead the family for 2 years each of them. Their father was pleased with their decision and agreed to that. Ronald was the first one to lead the family, he got married after a year and soon became a father, and to everyones suprise he also got two sons. But those twins were diffrent from each other, one grew to become a strong man with agile body and great fighting skills. He had long black hair and taller than most of men. The other one was more like a bookworm, he studied tactics, mystic art and economics. He was taller then his brother but much weaker in his build, nobody knew why but from the day he got his hair it was first white like snow. But around his 14 birthday it started to take little bit of color, to everyone suprise it was green like leaves in spring. Many people told it was a sign that he is truly a Greenleaf, other said it was a curse or a sign of great disaster. Hegmont also got a son, but after 4 years after Ang and Fal were born, he named him Patric to honour his father. He also got a daughter after a year her name was Sara.

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