Of Astora Family/Laurentius/Events

From BattleMaster Wiki
Roleplay from Laurentius Of Astora
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A slow dangling of the bells echoes across the harbor of Tower Fatmilak, slowly awakening the sleepy guards that watch over the harbor gates and signalizing that action is required of them. These two men are tasked with opening and closing of the gates so that ships may enter or leave the Tower's haven for the mariners and merchants. In the foggy air when vision is unclear the guards suspense their breath and focus their eyes on the fog in a fashion very similar to the eagle when he watches over his prey. From the murky waters of the Strait emerges a funny looking ship. Its masts are broken, its sails are torn and the only thing that oddly derails is one small banner on the front that depicts the face of a lion encircled by the gules red.

"What is that?" says the second guard, with a dumb looking expression on his face. "Let's find out." replies the first one, obviously more sharper of the former and clearly in command of this duo. After the funny looking ship almost touches the harbor gates, the two, with their spears held high, climb up on the tower of the harbor gate. The dumb one shouts: "State your business, stranger! Trespassing is not allowed here!" and starts to saw the air with his hands. The smart one proudly announces: "This is the land of Maritime Kingdom of Fissoa, and on His Majesty's command you're required to state your business before the admission is approved."

For a few minutes that seem like eternity to the overzealous guards, nothing happens. As if the ship is completely abandoned. Then, a small creaking of the ship's wooden door signalizes that someones is there. Slowly, but firmly, an odd looking fellow comes out. He looks as if he has only just awoken. He is obviously in a messy state, but his outfit, which is peculiar indeed, cannot mistake his identity. This man is clearly a noble, yet the guards can not guess from which part of Dwilight.

He comes out before them, stretches out and takes a good deep yawn. After spending a few seconds adjusting his feather-like hat, he forcefully grins into a smile, revealing immaculate white teeth. "Greetings, strange creatures!" he bursts into a laugh, but quickly controls it and continues: "I am Laurentius. Laurentius of Astora!" he pauses as if he expects a reaction, but none comes. "I guess you have never heard of me...which is not a surprise since I come from a different place and a different world altogether!" He continues, further confusing the already confused guards: "I bring a ship with a very interesting cargo. Fruits, vegetables, or what is left of them, a few kraken tentacles, myself, my personal possessions and Silas, my undying and loyal servant. Is this enough to let me in?" he grins even further.

"It is not, my Lord." the smart one firmly replies. "As I said, state your business and intentions here!" The obvious hostility that has risen between the three the strange looking noble tries to calm down with an explanation. "I come from the land that is sunken and destroyed. My beautiful Astora, home to my dynasty, has been brought down by the Kraken and his spawn. So many krakens, youngster, that you wouldn't believe your eyes! I, and a few others of my kin, were lucky enough to escape. Thus I found myself adrift on these shores and I am seeking entrance to the Maritime Kingdom and service to the King."

The guards, still nervous, counsel between each other for a few seconds and then reply back. "That is not enough. Please turn around and leave this place. We have no place for odd-looking people here that are fleeing from the Kraken!"

The noble, obviously annoyed by these two, screams. "Silas!!!" A shady figure jumps out of the deck and in a blurry motion jumps overboard and onto the tower. Before the guards can react, he brings out two curved daggers and places them on their necks. "Now....dear guardsmen. I am going in or am I going out???"

"You may come in...Sir Laurentius." the guards give up. "But watch your back becau...." were the last words Laurentius could hear as he was waving at them and entering the land of the Maritime Kingdom.
Laurentius Of Astora (Knight of Tower Fatmilak)
Roleplay from Laurentius Of Astora
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tok tok tok

"Who is it?" Laurentius asks from the cabin of his ship; a small galleon peculiarly called Krakenslayer.

"A food for my Lord." the servant replies.

"Bring it in, Silas..." Laurentius orders as he motions his silent companion to the door. As Silas's shadow rises over the servant the man shudders and holds his head down as he hands over the plate. Silas was no easy on the eyes. A man without a tongue and a scarred eye is not someone you wished to see very often. Especially once his sinister reputation of a skilled bladesman spilled over the streets of Fissoan cities. Silas takes the plate, shuts the door and sits to the opposite of his master. "Bravo, bravo!" Laurentius cheers. "My mute friend, your appearance is most brilliant. It scares away most of men and keeps my belly safe!" Laurentius grins. "One day you will be rewarded well for your service, Silas, but that day is not today." he winks as he teases his protector. "Now, let us finish this game of chess before we're called to sail out".

Laurentius and his crew were spending their time in the harbor of Madina as they were waiting for the order to venture to the east. Big happenings there, in the far east, where he has never been. The long caravan of Barcan troops he has observed during his stay here were all headed there, and now the Privateers themselves were being mobilized to follow in suit. Lastly, there were even rumors that D'Haran ships have been sighted in the Fissoan harbor obviously rallying with their allies. They were all preparing to head east, to crush the Lurians. Who were these Lurians Laurentius did not know, yet they obviously weren't gaining much sympathies from their neighbors.

"To hell with you Silas!" Laurentius mutters as he throws the chess board to the floor. "You won again!" Laurentius's infuriated eyes fall on the satisfactory face of his servant, who then burst back with laughter, heavily revealing his ugly toothless grin. "Ack!" Laurentius shouts as he storms out from the ship cabin and straight to the deck.

Few minutes later after he calmed down Laurentius resumes his earlier thoughts. "Lurians, and conquest! Pillage and loot for the braves!" he thinks to himself sarcastically. He didn't like war. Or better said he didn't like to be in the peril of war. Those arrows and swords seemed too dangerous. One could even hit him! However, he liked gold. Much of it. Perhaps this campaign was what he needed to start proving himself among other Fissoans. Elements know that he was starting to be bored with the lack of events in the Kings Court and the obvious aversion the majority of Fissoans have towards writing letters or chit chatting behind their Lord's backs. He even greeted several Lords who never wrote back. The audacity! Or perhaps they were all out of ink. "That must be it..." Laurentius amuses himself as he curls his long mustache. "I can't wait to sail out. Maybe there will be Kraken in Luria..." he smiles as he scans the horizon of the Fissoan Strait.
Laurentius Of Astora (Knight of Madina Gardens)