Falasan Inquirer/September08

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September Edition
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Date of Issue: September 2008Letters from the readers Archived Editions

The Atamaran Misunderstandings

Date: September 1st 2008

By Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith

I take this time aside to explain a few misconceptions about the current War.

Falasan is obviously entirely to blame for this conflict, and I shall show you why.

First off. The beginning of the Conflict.

1. The Cagilan Empire merely brought their army to the border of Falasan. They wanted to show them our beautiful mountains. Whilst looking on our lands, they saw a few bureaucraticissues that could be fixed. So they chose to cross the border and help us. As our Army was busy heading toward the Ash Sea Islands, we obviously did not have time to correct such errors. When they set their movement, The Falasanis got offended for some reason. Harsh words were said, beginning with Falasan of course. Forcing the Empire to declare war due to "Heightened Tensions." When the Cagilan Empire reached our lands, the Dirty Falasani troops ATTACKED their peaceful envoy of Bureaucrats. Causing heavy casualties as well as a wounded feeling. How could the Falasani's attack the Cagilan Empire for trying to help. But, in their ever-giving kindness, the Cagilans decided to try yet again, this time bringing a personal guard with their diplomats. Again they were met with Hostility! But, as they were prepared, they eventually succeeding in staying in Falasani Land. Where they immediately began implementing their bureaucratic changes. Where they saw fat lazy local leaders idling around filling their coffers, they began replacing them. Obviously these men did not want to lose their source of easy income, and began resisting. They chose to ATTACK the Peaceful Cagilan envoy. Leading to a few deaths in the region. And the locals chose to misrepresent this, calling it BRUTAL, claiming the Cagilan's minor changes were TAKING OVER the region.

2. As this was happening, the Darkan Army on a return trip from Ash Sea Islands, got thirsty. They desired a drink, and happened to stop at a Falasani Tavern. (They meant for a Taran Tavern, but the new guy was Navigating.) Whilst there, a few drunken Falasani commoners would not leave them to their drinks, and kept insulting them. And after a few more drinks, some of the commoners began throwing things at the Darkan troops. (Often throwing themselves onto swords as well.) During the attack, as the Darkans tried to defend themselves, the commoners went so far as to break tables, and a few less honorable people used the opportunity to steal gold during the attack. Then, after the Darkans finally succeeding in getting away from the mob, the commoners told an outrageous lie. They claimed the Darkans had stolen their gold. Said they were being LOOTED. Filthy commoners. This led to the Darkans returning in order to explain the true situation, but before they could speak, the mob attacked again, and the Falasani troops, having only heard the commoners lies, joined in the attack, forcing the Darkans to fight for their lives. They have been returning time and time again to try to explain their case, to the same result.

3. Shortly after the Cagilan and Darkan misunderstanding, Talerium asked Falasan to grant it the same favor it had granted upon its enemies. Allowing a massive Army from the former Protectorate of Magnus to pass through uninterrupted to attack Talerium. So, in fair play, Talerium assumed the same privileges, and came into Falasan land, obviously to pass through to their Enemy of the Ash Sea Islands. And the Falasani Militia, without knowledge of the Agreement with Talerium, assaulted the unexpected guests. After taking Casualties, Talerium became offended and demanded to know why Falasan refused them the same privileges as the former PoM? When Falasan refused to give a timely response, Talerium felt the need to try again. And eventually a war declaration was issued. Talerium only declared war to encourage their men to defend themselves while trying to cross Falasan lands.

4. And finally, the Taran misunderstanding. As their allies fought the Falasanis, the Taran leadership realized the potential of an attack upon themselves. They realized how poorly defended their borders were. So, after a great deal of discussion, they came upon a plan to better defend their borders. They figured, if they had a buffer region between their borders and their enemies, they would have enough advanced warning to prepare for the Falasani hordes should they come calling. This plan was immediately put into motion, and the Taran army moved into the next region over to their border. Taking it over quickly. Too late they realized the flaw in their plan. When they took the new region, they noticed that the map-makers had made a mistake, and moved their border TO that region. Upon consulting them, they realized that it actually WAS their new border. They explained their intentions to the map-makers, as they had already created the maps it would be rather rude to ask them to change it, they decided to do so again, with the Map-makers understanding.

But, upon taking the next region, the traitorous Map-Maker's Guild again changed the borders on them. So they explained their position again, and repeated the process. To the same result. They could not understand why the borders kept moving. And they could not understand Falasan taking offense to them merely protecting their borders. The Blood-thirsty Falasanis kept attacking them for trying to protect themselves, as they were obviously the victims of the Falasani Aggression.

I do hope this helps to clear up some of the Misunderstandings involving the Atamaran war.

And I for one, would like to Apologize for Falasan Instigating this War with so many. I am sorry we misunderstood so much.

--Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith

This paper represents the views, investigations and opinions of its editor(s)
and is not necessarily representative of that of the leaders nor of the general nobility of Falasan