New Westmoor/Archives/February14

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 The Fog 27 February 1014

The strange events around the continent seem to be getting worse as ships are sunk and peasant folk go missing. This message came in yesterday:

The Coming of Winter The cold grows more biting now. Some animals have begun to hibernate, and game in the lands to the south is much more scarce now. Some sharp-eyed people on the southern coasts have also reported looking out to sea and seeing a strange fog bank sitting on the horizon. Ships sailing in that direction have stopped returning, and the peasants are really beginning to fear that something terrible is coming.

Followed by this message today:

A Foreboding Mist With the coming of dawn today, there are numerous reports from the areas on the coast that the fog bank a few had seen off-shore yesterday has now advanced so that it is clearly visible to all, and some parts of the land are now enveloped in it. Those who have gone into the fog (or who now live in it) report hearing strange sounds, like a terribly huge creaking and grinding coming from some distance offshore. Among this, there are occasional bloodcurdling howls and shrieks coming from the same direction.

The strangest and most disturbing reports come from those few sharp-eyed souls who have been able to look out on the fog from a high place. They report seeing the mists lie low along the sea at first, not rising much above the height of a tall house, but some distance out to sea, there seems to be a much taller fog bank rising out of the first.

There have been reports of peasants grabbed from out of the mist by strange tentacle looking appendages. Yorik's dog that was on a chain south in Perleone cried out with a shriek and what was left was a pile of blood and entrails where it used to be. Ships are being sunk and trade from the other continents has come to a halt although tales by sailors who have made it through have told of strange events abroad as well meaning that these strange occurrences are not necessarily just on the East Continent.

In other news Caligus has signed a peace with Perleone. News from the south has also revealed increasing tensions between Eponllyn and Perleone over further territory disputes relating to Norritor and the other surrounding regions which were never resolved since Armonia's destruction.

In regards to this dreadful mist in the south this newspaper would like to wish the best of luck to all of this continent especially those in the south who are suffering the worst of the fog.

 Strange things afoot 22 February 1014

Many apologies for the lack of new this month. Roughly at the beginning of February huge plagues of monsters appeared on all corners of the East continent and in every region forcing all realms to return home from war and focus on regional maintenance. Caligus has signed the peace agreement with the southern alliance. Although the southern alliance had outright won at this point the monster situation made it further impossible that they were able to fight on against Perdan, Fallangard and Perleone in the south.

Although the attacks from monsters were much more fierce in the first week of the month they are still ongoing and becoming more intense towards the end. In the church of humanity the priests and followers have also become concerned about a strange set of prophecies that seem to be coming to fruition:

These happenings have apparently been noticed across many realms:

A Breath of Cold As the sun sinks toward the horizon, a chill breeze blows up from the south. It bears with it an odd smell, and a feeling of great foreboding. Something is coming, and you're not the only one to feel it: dogs huddle closer to the fire, whimpering rather than barking or howling, and the animals in the woods and wilds seem to all be migrating north, even those that normally stay for the winter.

Other big news this month was Jameson Talratheon's banning from Caligus. Jameson was long time Judge of Caligus during the last year of King Dobromir's reign and the reign of King Actron. Jameson was banned after his vocal opposition of Caligus policy but also fell under suspicion after his brother George ceded the region of Mines of Isadril in to Fallangard during the ceding of Hamadan and all that chaos that I'm sure readers remember well from the end of last year.

James who is also an elder in the church of Humanity joined Westmoor briefly and then headed south to join Eponllyn.



Regional News
22 February 1014

Undead! Panic is spreading in Troyes after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde. The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.

Monsters! Monsters have been seen in the region of Hagley. The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.

Undead Activity Undead are still at large in Morshes: The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 3 %.

Battle in Evora (rogue) vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 50 men

Defender Victory!

Battle in Morshes Westmoor vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 80 men

Defender Victory!

A Breath of Cold As the sun sinks toward the horizon, a chill breeze blows up from the south. It bears with it an odd smell, and a feeling of great foreboding. Something is coming, and you're not the only one to feel it: dogs huddle closer to the fire, whimpering rather than barking or howling, and the animals in the woods and wilds seem to all be migrating north, even those that normally stay for the winter.
