Larkspur Family

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"The Tal'Eri belief is this. The Creator created minor gods...I grew up knowing them as Aspects, and naming them by how they manifest themselves in us: Self-discipline, Compassion, Responsibility, Friendship, Courage, Perseverance, Honesty, Loyalty, Faith, et al. There are many, many others. I've heard foreigners refer to them as "Virtues"...the less desirable Aspects, they tend to label "Vices". Even so, many fall under neither category. We are all born with the god-sent purpose of learning from a particular Aspect...something our spirit lacks and has not yet learned to perfect. By the time we come of age, we are aware of the Aspect for which our current life was intended. Some believe that we have only one life and are intended to perfect all aspects in that time. Some believe the less desirable aspects are 'evil' and should not be allowed to temper the spirit. Through life's trials and experiences, the Aspects help to influence and guide us. They sieve imperfections from our spirit, and when all major Aspects dwell within us, we ascend to the Creator." -- Katheryn Larkspur

There once lived three brothers whose origins are unknown. The eldest made his home on the once meager camel stables of Maapan in Talerium; his only daughter was Katheryn. The middle brother made his home in a hamlet of An Najaf in Fontan; his wife bore twins, Riamh Aice and Kwisatz Haderach. The youngest brother was lost to the family...the details of his existence are known only through the tales of his siblings. All three brothers have passed into the afterlife. Their blood lives on...

Katheryn: The matriarch of the Larkspur family, ever the glue to keep the cousins together, and always ready and willing with an open heart to help in any way she was able (usually financially). She spent her entire life religiously devoted to Talerium through a myriad of roles from Countess, to Marshal, to Warlord, to Duchess, Banker and Judge. When she became a mother, Katheryn stepped away from the courtly scene to see to the raising of her children and the management of the Larkspur Warfighting Camel Stables. Katheryn passed away of natural causes at her family's mansion in Maapan. She was survived by her three children: Medea, Kheiron and an unnamed NPC daughter.

Medea: The eldest of Katheryn's three children, displayed great promise as a military mastermind and was tutored directly under her mother, then Warlady Katheryn, until entering the Quetli War College. Medea left the QWC before completing her education, as she had decided to take her career in a new direction with the desire to pioneer a name for herself rather than follow in her mother's footsteps. She has an affinity for money and tended to equate personal worth with personal wealth. She currently resides in Luria Nova, on Dwilight.

Kheiron: Spent a good chunk of his childhood growing up in the Mapaxilism priesthood, though it was always suspected that he belonged on a battlefield. He entered the courtly scene as something of a crusader, carrying his mother's healthy devotion for tribe and country, as well as her love of history. After a short time, he returned to Mapaxilism as a priest, and has not been heard from since.

Katheryn's youngest daughter married at a young age. She currently resides with her husband and their son in the city of Metemec.

Riamh Aice: The twin sister of Kwisatz, the cousin of Katheryn, aunt and adopted mother to Altheda. To be continued.

Kwisatz Haderach: The twin brother of Riamh Aice, the cousin of Katheryn. He got an itch to find his own glory at the age of 15 and, with his servant Merum, packed his bags for the Far East. He found a home in Soliferum where he swore an oath to Sol, the sun god, and to the torturous and mesmerisingly beautiful Justiciar Annwn, then Countess of Cutnipaniel. He left Soliferum for a brief crusade, only to return to a realm turned upside down; a government hijacked by a power-hungry dictator, Conan, and his council of puppets. Kwisatz died a hero's death in Soliferum's assault on Nighthelm's city of Alanurs.

Altheda: The bastard daughter of Kwisatz Haderach and a Fontan whore who died in childbirth. Kwizats left Fontan before learning of Altheda's existence. She was adopted and raised by Riamh Aice, who brought her to the Highland Empire (by accident) at the age of six. She was hidden from the knowledge of the mentally disturbed Highland nobles and educated in a secret coven of powerful women: Queen Indira, Zuni Ilwaukim, Dictator Arya, and others. "You can't claim to be good if you've never been tempted to be bad. You can't claim to be faithful if you have never had the opportunity to be unfaithful. Integrity is built by defeating the temptation to be dishonest; humility grows when we refuse to be prideful; and endurance develops every time you reject the temptation to give up!" To be continued.

Merum: Charlie Chaplin, in a Middle Ages context. No doubt, the cause of my "fun" medals. A wind-up, only played when I donate to the game for an extra noble slot. Even when he dies, he never really dies...

Ephemeros: The only one of the three original Larkspur brothers actively played as a noble (the other two being Katheryn's father, and Riamh/Kwisatz's father), and only for a brief time on the South War Island. Ephemeros was a crass, battle hungry, philandering alcoholic, who vanished from the history books after the conclusion of a bitter war, eventually dying in an unknown location on East Continent. There are two graves with headstones baring his name, and it is unknown whether his physical remains reside in the family mausoleum in Fontan or at the estate his shared with his wife in Sirion.

Sienna: Cinna's twin sister, daughter of Ephemeros and a Sirion noble woman. After an uneventful and mundane life on the East Continent, she sailed with her daughter, Cyrilla, to Atamara. They made a home in Coria, an unfamiliar land, in the service of Duke Merlin of Barad Falas; shortly after the move, Sienna died in a training accident at the academy there. She is survived by her daughter, Cyrilla.

Cinna: Sienna's twin brother, son of Ephemeros and a Sirion noble woman. After an uneventful and mundane life on the East Continent, he sailed to Atamara, where he made a home in the family's ancestral lands of Maapan in Talerium. His family association coupled with an unfortunate void of nobles quickly landed him the lordship of Chohua. He didn't mind this at all. Shortly after, he was elected Warlord by the Talerian Council. He didn't mind that too much, either.