Sanguis Astroism/Writings/On War

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Roleplay from Pierre von Genf
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in "Sanguis Astroism"
A sermon was given in the temple of Qubel Lighthouse by Luminary Pierre von Genf.

We are living in a time of strife. We see enemy soldiers come through our cities, dismantling our houses, burning our food supply, providing death left and right. Worst, many of these enemies profess faith in the Stars, just as we do. The faithful is justified in asking "Why is this happening? Why do the Stars tolerate our enemies?"

It is an easy response to say "The Stars work in mysterious ways and we must accept their action". It is true, of course, but it is also a cop-out. We do not know everything, but it does not follow that we know nothing - and there is a lesson to be learned from war.

Behind the question of why the Stars tolerate war between the faithful lies and unnamed and common assumption: that peace is inherently good. It is a natural thing to think. But is it true? I bring forth that it is not necessarily so.

The Stars have a plan, which is mostly hidden for us. We know this because while the Stars have always been there, they have not always called on us. The sky turned tens of thousands of times above the fixed Stars and the world without the existence of the church, and while we know it is better off from it, we are forced to admit that if the Church was necessary it would have appeared long before. It was only a generation ago that the first colonists fell the pull of the Stars.

The Prophet did not appear at a random time in history, but he came exactly when he should. Why is this time special? As yet, I do not know, but it seems clear that we are being tested, we are being groomed, to a purpose. The Prophet's vision tell of a dark future, of an enemy. We are not yet string enough to withstand this enemy, and when he comes the Helmet, the Spear and the Shield will be crushed, but the Rock will remain.

War, I surmise, is spurred by the Stars to thoughen that rocks. None of us, individually, is necessary; no realm is protected from destruction even if it is weak. The Stars need a strong foundation for its rock, for all that hangs upon it will be destroyed in time. Only the core will remain.

We are being forged by fire. The strongest will remain. If we are not strong enough to remain in the end, then let us at least be strong enough to solidify those who will vanquish us, for that is the Stars' plan.
Pierre von Genf (Luminary of the Auspicious Star)