Swordfell/Spring Opener/Master of Ceremony

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Master of Ceremony

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Getting an estimate of the arrivals, Bowie figured everyone who was going to show up has done so already. Taking his cue from Sir Enoch's suggestion he decided to start his ceremony. Clapping his hands to get the party's attention, the nobles crowded around with him in the centre. He raised his hands up so they'd look at him.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Fellish Nobility! Before we begin our performance this evening I'd like to say a short speech. Just something to mark the occasion and share the reason as to why we are all here. I mean that in both why we are here at the party and why we are all here in Swordfell."

He swayed a bit to collect his words.

"For the small few of you who are unaware of my reputation, the really small minority of you who haven't heard of the Demon of Dwilight," he smiled coyly to compliment the joke, "you might not be aware that I have ventured far and wide on this great continent of Dwilight. You may not be aware that I have literally lived top to bottom on Toprak, have lived on the Tomb Isles, have lived in multiple realms on the Occidens and bounced back again to Toprak after escaping near death at the hands of those filthy daimon bastards! Particularly that bitch Haktoo the Horrible!" Another devil may care smile. "All the while I bounced here and there I was searching for something intangible, unquantifiable, sentimental. My roaming was fueled by the desire to seek the conditions I call 'sanctuary.' Another word to use that explains it just as well is, 'home.' I sought out my home. There is a saying that goes 'the grass is greener on the other side.' All of you have felt this in your past homes. This is why you have left your previous lives and have come with us here, to this new place. However, I am living proof that this is not true, not at all. It is a foolish belief probably held sacred and worshiped by illiterate peasants. It wasn't true in any of the patches of grass I beheld as I landed in realm after realm. And to tell you the truth it isn't now. Swordfell's grass is just as brown and unattractive as every other piece of dirt. And there's the thing. The truth behind that statement really is a converse point. What I learned is that the grass is never greener on the other side. Your grass will only be green if you tend to it. And so I desired for a great amount of my time to build my own realm and have my own patch of grass to tend to. All of this is the result of that lifetime pursuit."

He paused for effect.

"Fellish nobles, we now possess our very own patch of grass to tend to. It is not green, not yet, in fact it is still just a pile of dirt. Yet if we commit ourselves to tending to this dirt we can transform it into grass. If we commit our hearts and souls, our steel and our voices, we can improve this grass and transform that into a garden. Even better, if we commit our very lives to this garden we can transform it into a paradise! The land belongs to us, and we Fellish belong to the land! With this knowledge, together we shall raise Swordfell to such heights that all of Dwilight will be envious. It is possible! I believe to be so!"

Another pause to hold the audience's attention - skills of an orator.

"And so, my friends, if we believe we have the potential to create the greatest realm on the continent, if we hold the power to turn dirt into gold and gold into glory than we damn well better celebrate! Today's party marks several majestic occasions. First, I have recently learned that the Republic has conquered the North Divide! Glory to the Republic! Second, we celebrate the joyous election of Lady Abbigal Pike to be our very first Lady Imperatrice, who will lead us to our destiny. Glory to the Lady Imperatrice! And finally, we celebrate the two week anniversary of Swordfell - the first of many many parties in the realm's name! Glory to Swordfell!"

He raised his glass in toast to the Republic!

"Glory to Swordfell!"

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Bowie returned back to socializing after saying, "The performance will begin in a short while. Let us all warm up with snacks and drink while they set up."

A crew came and went between the back room and the stage of the main hall. A small stool was brought out and several other items one could not make out.

Bowie came back to the group and replied, "How was my speech? Enrapturing?"

Roleplay from Kiyth Ilyrians

Kiyth had almost exited when Bowie began to speak, so he paused for a moment listening and chuckling to himself as Bowie reeled in the crowd having them cling to his every word.

When Bowie had finished Kiyth raised his fist in the air and started a chant among the lesser nobles

"For Swordfell! For Swordfell! For Swordfell!"

He then quickly left in the chaos that ensued.

Roleplay from Abbigal Pike

Abbigal listened to Bowie's speeches half way as she enjoyed the wine and the company of good men. She had to admit she was a bit sad to see the Ice King leave so early. After Bowie's Speaches the daemon came back over.

"Your speeches where passable my friend about what we would come to expect from you. Yet I thought you promised entertainment and an exciting evening. After all, I thought the one of the standing principles of Swordfell is Deeds not Words."

Abbigal smiled a bit to make sure that her friend knew she was only joking.

Roleplay from Enoch Dishman

Enoch raised his glass, and cheered with his comrades, "To Swordfell, To the Republic, To Glory!"

He turned to Bowie, "It was well said. I do believe this to be the land of milk and honey, not because it flows in the streams, but because great men toil to raise cattle and tend bees. I may have not traveled as far and long as you, but I understand your sentiments."