Serpentis Family/Henrich/Living by the Sea - Part II

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Living by the Sea
Part II

They finally arrived to the beaches and western shores. The whaling port was in full capacity and completely reformed. The activity was so intense there since the beginning of the settlement that the little-old fishermen village had grown to become an important center of trade with a lively market. It was almost as if they had traveled throughout the region until a completely new and totally different one. There the farmers and shepherds did their business; they exchanged their goods and returned to the interior with baskets full of fish. The wealthiest could already buy whale bones for ornaments, dresses and corset for their women. Although the meat also made part of their diet, the main product was the oil used for a myriad of things: it was the fuel to illuminate the houses in lamps and candles and used to help in the process of weaving and combing. Refined, the oil was used for frying and from specific kind of whales it’s possible to make perfumes with a hardened aromatic marble from a special substance. With the “sea ivory” they made jewelry, tools and even the teeth were used for artistic purposes.

The village was buzzing. The docks were receiving vessels and the naval trade was developing at a breakneck speed. A multitude of gulls were making a tremendous uproar, crowding the rooftops. Henrich saw a special group of hunters. They are used to dive almost naked only with a knife and a short spear. A reckless group of pearl hunters. The preciousness they brought from the sea was the dream of every Lady of Asylon and beyond. The young Viscount saw his seneschal sat lazily with his lips smeared, gorging himself with a bowl of fried shrimp. He wiped his hands on his pants and stood up in a jump.

Seneschal: “How are the things out there, M'Lord? We we're always concerned when you decide to leave us.”

Henrich Eyolf: “The famine is everywhere. It’s hard to see. Now it’s time to prove our importance and why Kid’s Rock stands while the other fall.”

Seneschal: “You raised this region, Sir. Right here where are we now, before there was nothing. This is just the result of your patience and hard work. Come with me, the last ship arrived with some gifts to you from important people!”

They jumped to the boardwalk until an impressive ship, the “Wet Dreams”. A personal possession of Duke Erik Eyolf Serpentis of the Holy City of Avamar, Lord of the Sirion River. The vessel had left the East Continent and traveled to the free ports of Beluaterra. There, Duke Yeux Serpentis and Great Maharshi of the Bloodspeakers had led the resistance of Melhed and protected the Capital Agyr until the demons were exterminated and sent back to their hell-hole. Two outstanding leaders whose titles and deeds could fill up a book. The family had a tradition since they have reached positions of power and increase their status and wealth: they sent these vessels with gifts and letters. This time the letters were mainly condolences for Lord Gregor Eyolf Serpentis, Legendary Hero who had died in the Far East. However, now he received greetings and gifts in his own name. As the son of a great hero, Henrich had fought good battles in Atamara and now ruled in Dwilight even assuming the favorite and most prominent position among his family: the Judgeship.

Captain: “What a good port do you have here, Sir Henrich. Whales! Duke Erik will be impressed. I'll send unload your gifts. I hope you understand that we need some days to supply before leave. It will be a long journey.”

Henrich Eyolf: “Of course. I will need some days to gather some gifts and write some letters. You’re my guest. My seneschal will take care of everything you need.”

Captain: “First you have to see it. We have a cargo that cannot wait…”

The young Viscount stands there while the perfume blew away the stench of fish. Three exotic female figures walked down the ramp dressed in fine silks, glowing in a beauty that could tempt the most tenacious among the men.

Captain: “A gift from my master, Duke Erik Eyolf, Sultan es-Selatin. Part of his personal spoil from the harems he conquered after the defeat of the Sultan’s lineage and the end of the Sultanate of Asena. The blonde one is from Fontan, another realm defeated by the Elven Republic, in his own words, the Elven Empire. To the youngest High Magistrate of the Serpentis House and son of a Legendary Hero.”

Henrich Eyolf: “By the Southern Winds. I'll need a larger bed...”
