Aetheris Pyrism/Ranks

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This is practical information on the religious hierarchy, shared by Ember Seekers and higher ranked members of the religion.

Rank Order

Name Level Purpose Fee Grant
Fire Prophet Founder Founder of the Faith 0 20
Vicar of Fire Head Exemplar of Simple and Theological Devotion. Priest. 0 15
Blaze Guide Elder Exemplar of Simple and Theological Devotion. Priest. 0 10
Blaze Keeper Elder Exemplar of Simple and Material Devotion. 30 0
Blaze Holder Elder Honorary Elder of the Faith. 0 0
Flame Guide Senior Member Exemplar of Simple devotion and Adept of Theological Devotion. Priest. 0 5
Flame Keeper Senior Member Exemplar of Simple Devotion and Adept of Material Devotion. 20 0
Flame Seeker Senior Member Exemplar of Simple Devotion. 0 0
Ember Keeper Full Member Adept of Simple and Material Devotion 10 0
Ember Seeker Full Member Adept of Simple Devotion. 0 0
Spark Seeker Aspirant Entrance rank 0 0


It is the responsibility of each Pyrist to ensure that the Elders are aware of their aspirations. Doing so allows the Elders to prepare the noble for advancement and to enact that advancement. In some situations, however, rank will be assigned based on need.

Each rank comes with certain expectations. These expectations are described in terms of devotions. There are three devotions and multiple levels of each devotion. All Pyrists are expected to display and excel in simple devotion. Every elder, and most senior members, are also expected to display and excel in either Material Devotion, or Theological Devotion.

Levels of Devotion

There are three levels of devotion within each category. An exemplar demonstrates the highest levels of accomplishment. A neophyte demonstrates a lack of accomplishment. Adepts fill the rather wide gape in between and show a moderate level of accomplishment. An individual can be an exemplar in one devotion and a neophyte in others.

Simple Devotion

Simple Devotion is the core of Aetheris Pyrism. It is a measure of one's understanding of the faith and application of that faith. Simple Devotion is living the tenets of the faith. It includes saying prayer, religious studying, and meditating regularly. It involves going to temple and demonstrating one's faith in action.

Material Devotion

Material devotion is defined as the use of financial resources and material power for the betterment of the church. It involves the giving of funds to finance the constriction of a new temple, or shrine, and the maintenance of existing facilities. It includes the use of one's political and military power to enable the expansion of the faith. This devotion is not focused on the acquisition of resources, but its use of said resources in service to the faith instead.

Theological Devotion

Theological Devotion is the dedication of one's life to religious studies and service. It is a measure of one's piety and priestly service to the faith. It includes preaching, giving sermons, and refining the church's stance on various theological studies. It is the complete dedication of one's life to the faith and to the gods.

Rank Descriptions

Fire Prophet

Expectations: None.
Description: Founder of the faith, first to be enlightened by the Gods. Though not infallible, his closer connection with the Holy Ones allows him to guide the Church and resolve polemic matters.
Duties: To provide guidance and leadership to all Pyrists in all matters. To be a living link between the Gods and humanity. To ensure the faith is spread as the Gods demand.

Vicar of Fire

Expectations: Simple Exemplar. Theological Exemplar. Priest.
Description: The Vicar is a true beacon of light, second only to the Prophet. This position requires advanced theological knowledge, a life dedicated to preaching, and a tangible connection to the Pantheon. Perhaps the most revered position in Aetheris Pyrism, as the Vicar is the head of Aetheria Pyrism in the absence of the prophet.
Duties: To administer, lead and develop the church. To promote oversee the spread of the faith. To oversee the maintenance and expansion of all church property. To oversee the progression of all Pyrists and ensure proper promotions and demotions. To convert non-believers. To establish official dogma and explore uncharted theological waters.

Blaze Guide

Expectations: Simple Exemplar. Theological Exemplar.
Description: Blaze Guides are those who have achieved enlightenment matching that of the Vicar, whose relationship with the divine surpass the holy spirits and begin to mingle with the subtlety of the gods themselves. Not only is the attunement of their immus flamma nearly pure, but all connections to the temporal world are severed through an additional ritual. They are the keepers of their purity, while upholding the duty of preserving those of their followers.
Duties: To promote the faith and support the church. To serve the faith as needed. To perform tasks given by Elders. To aid in the spiritual development of others. To convert non-believers. To study and advance church theology. To establish official dogma and explore uncharted theological waters.

Blaze Keeper

Expectations: Simple Exemplar. Material Exemplar.
Description: Blaze Keepers are role models and key benefactors of the church. They are the representatives of raw devotion, nobles who adhere to the Divine in their everyday actions. It is a position of great responsibility. Blaze Keepers are willing to abide by what is required of them, regardless of the monetary burden. They are the example, they have the will.
Duties: To promote the faith and support the church. To serve the faith as needed. To perform tasks given by the Vicar. To guide and aid other Pyrists. To provide financial aid to the Church.

Blaze Holder

Expectations: None.
Description: Blaze Holders are appointed by need and are honorary Elders. They assume the responsibilities of a Blaze keeper in the absence of a true Blaze.
Duties: To perform the duties of a Blaze Guide or Blaze Keeper as best they can.

Flame Guide

Expectations: Simple Exemplar. Theological Adept.
Description: Flame Guides are senior priests of the faith; they seek to enlighten, teach, and spread the word of our faith at home and abroad. Flame Guides wield an adept knowledge surrounding the rebirth of the immus flamma in former non-believers. With that, they begin rituals and meditations surrounding its preservation.
Duties: To promote the faith and support the church. To serve the faith as needed. To perform tasks given by Elders. To aid in the spiritual development of others. To convert non-believers. To study and advance church theology.

Flame Keeper

Expectations: Simple Exemplar. Material Adept.
Description: Flame Keepers are senior members who dedicate their lives to selflessly supporting the Church and set an example to all below them. They live the faith and have the means and willingness to provide material support.
Duties: To promote the faith and support the church. To serve the faith as needed. To perform tasks given by Elders. To guide and aid lower ranking members. To provide financial aid to the Church.

Flame Seeker

Expectations: Simple Exemplar.
Description: Flame Seekers are senior members of the faith. They are role models to those below them who live the tenets of the faith. They live Aetheris Pyrism.
Duties: To promote the faith and support the church. To serve the faith as needed. To perform tasks given by Elders. To guide and aid lower ranking members.

Ember Keeper

Expectations: Simple Adept. Material Adept.
Description: Ember Keepers are full members of the faith. They have a firm grasp of the faith and support the church with their financial and material resources.
Duties: To promote the faith and support the church. To serve the faith as needed. To perform tasks given by Elders. To continuously tend their Imus Flamma.To provide the church with needed funds.

Ember Seeker

Expectations: Simple Adept.
Description: Ember Seekers are full members of the faith with a working knowledge of the church. Standard rank for the common filigree.
Duties: To promote the faith and support the church. To serve the faith as needed. To perform tasks given by Elders. To continuously tend their Imus Flamma.

Spark Seeker

Expectations: None
Description: Those who seek enlightenment in Aetheris Pyrism but have not yet formally fully joined the ranks of the Church.
Duties: To learn of the faith and develop their Imus Flamma.

Old Rank Conversion

Fire Prophet --> Fire Prophet

Vicar of the Flames --> Vicar of Fire

Flame Keeper --> Blaze Guide

Ember Exemplar --> Blaze Keeper

Blaze Guide --> Blaze Guide

Pyre Protector --> Flame Keeper

Smokeless Guide --> Flame Guide

Smokeless Pyre --> Flame Keeper

Smokeless Fire --> Flame Seeker

Flame Guide --> Flame Guide

Pyre Builder --> Ember Keeper

Flame Seeker --> Ember Seeker

Spark Keeper --> Ember Seeker

Spark Seeker --> Spark Seeker

Former Elders

Pyrists that once held an Elder position in the Church.

Pyre Patrons

Shin Shenron

Blaze Guides

Caldric Tyr-Sog

Hendrick Madigan