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Greetings from the Austair family - The half-elf Veir, shadowed Demonte, and burly Thraymn. Though they've scattered across three continents, they retain the faith of their fathers in the Elder Gods and the tales of Valhala, and they yearn for nothing more than to toss themselves into battle to set their feet on the Paths to Asgard and the great Hall.

Thraymn - Thraymn is the eldest of the current generation, and took the true path of his father, the great viking Veir, who had seen the rise of Hid Coi and the forging of the tyranny called the Barony of Makar. Conserned with both the current path and leadership of his brethren though, Thraymn left the harsh tundra for the Far East, where he came to a small realm by the name of Nighthelm. Quickly coming to care for this new realm, Thraymn has held the titles of Duke of Masahakon, High Marshal, and Arch Priest, reaffirming his faith and guiding a few of the other nobles to the patheon of the Elders. He now guids the realm as King, watching over the people and doing what he can to protect them.

Demonte - Originally an easy going man, Demonte followed his uncle's footsteps to the small realm of Southasland, to again give his service among the honourable nobles there. When the uprising took place, Demonte raged, but in the end was forced to abandon the city and realm he had come to love, declared rogue by the new power on the throne. Cursing his fortune and becoming a bitter and silent individual, Demonte travelled north to Minas Ithil where he gave his services as an unaligned noble, participating in the final destruction of the tyranical rule that had risen in Southasland. Seeking better fortune and a place to heal his thoughts, Demonte left Minas Ithil and Atamara altogether, crossing the ocean to Beluaterra where he has put his sword and hunting bow to good use versus the undead and other monsters tearing the country apart.

Veir - Little is known of the half-elf Veir, even by his own family, for he was born to the Eastern Isle, his mother dying in childbirth. From what he learned of her, she had fought a long while for the realm of Eleador, before retreating into solitude, her taste for blood vanishing the longer she stayed in the great forests and plains of the beautiful continent. Eventually marrying an elf, she named her first-born by the same name of his uncle, the great Veir of the Barony. Much like his uncle, Veir is quiet, refining his skills with his composite hunting bow, or soothing his thirst in the nearest tavern after a days hard battle. When his emotion does boil to the surface, he says much of what is on his mind, thinking about consequences later, and words first. In battle, he is almost eerily quiet, the sharp call of his bowstring often the only thing heard from his position.

OOC: E-mail incase anyone would like or desperately needs to get in touch with me: