Old Grehk/Imperial Merits

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Imperial Awards System -
A list of the current medals, orders and decorations of the Grehkian Empire:

Complete Name Ranks / Post-nominal letters Ribbon Established Current Recipients Description
Imperial Star IS October 2012 For most conspicuous bravery, or some daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self-sacrifice, or extreme devotion to duty in the

presence of the enemy.

Karim Star KS October 2012 Awarded for acts of the greatest heroism or of the most conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme danger.
Circlet of the Azure Dragon CAD October 2012 Awarded for an act or acts of conspicuous gallantry during active operations against the enemy.
Grehkian Star GS October 2012 For gallantry whilst serving in the Grehkian Imperial Legion and during active operations against the enemy.
Ossmat Star OS October 2012 Awarded to honoured knights of the realm who have given their lives in service of the Empire.
Vozzessdor Star VS (Hon) October 2012 Award for long, faithful and honourable service.

All medals, orders and decorations are awarded by the reigning Monarch only.

Imperial Honour System -
The honour system is the title automatically bestowed upon a retiring member, be Emperor, Duke or Count they will

automatically be bestowed the highest honourary title to their highest retiring title. Though automatic for those retiring, those

who are forced out of their positions in disgrace are not granted such privilege unless deemed so by the Monarch.

Retired Title Retired Style Retired Spoken Style Honourary Title Honourary Styles Honourary Spoken Style
King, Queen, Emperor, Empress, Prince-Regent, Princess-Regent His/Her Royal(or Imperial) Majesty, Name, Title of the Grehkian Empire Your (Imperial) Majesty Prince/Princess His/Her Royal(or Imperial) Highness, Name, Prince/Princess of the Grehkian Empire Your (Imperial) Highness
Duke/Duchess Name, Duke/Duchess of Duchy Your Grace Duke/Duchess Name, Duke/Duchess of Old Grehk Your Grace
Baron/Baroness, Count/Countess, Viscount/Viscountess, Margrave/Margravine Title Name of Region My Lord/My Lady Lord/Lady Lord/Lady Name of Old Grehk My Lord/My Lady

Therefore currently, the Emperor is "His Imperial Majesty, Michael I, Emperor of the Grehkian Empire" and shall be spoken to as

"Your Imperial Majesty", where as Prince Askarn Iltaran would be "His Imperial Highness, Askarn I, Prince of the Grehkian Empire, Margrave of Ossmat"

But if you take Marcus Turner, a retired Duke but a regional Lord, he would be "Marcus, Duke of Old Grehk, Margrave of Vozzessdor" and Count Kyler would be "Count Kyler of Mekoter" but if retired would be "Lord Kyler of Old Grehk"