Whispering Tome of Life

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Blimp Belios has started making a name for himself. He has already killed many the undead champions. Now he wants to kill a leader of monsters. Blimp wandered the countryside looking for monsters. Finally in the Howling Waste he stumbles into a village the was recovering from what looked like a fight. He went to the elders and they told him of a group of monsters that came in and killed many of the people and ate their food. Blimp asked them which way they went and he told them south. Blimp took off south.

A day later he found tracks and tracked them to their lair. He waited till night and that night started his attack. He quickly took out 2 guards and snuck inside the camp. Around the corner he found 3 more monsters and the fight began. Unfortunately, the fighting woke up more monsters. By the time he took out the 3 monsters there were more coming. Blimp fought hard and the body count started rising. Before he knew it, he was in the middle of the camp and almost surrounded. Then her heard a mighty roar and the monsters parted and the biggest and ugliest monster Blimp had ever seen marched up to him. Before he knew it the battle was on. Luckily agility was on Blimps side. He constantly jumped and dodged out of the way of the might club the monster was using. While all the while stabbing and slashing the monster. After what seemed like a couple hours, which was only about 30 minutes the monsters started slowing down. This is when Blimp went in for the kill. He dodged under the legs of the monster and sunk hi blade deep in the back of the monster. The other monsters stood there stunned for a minute and then quickly dispersed into the hills.

Blimp recovered what he could from the town and returned it back to them. For his reward the town gave him the Whispering Tome of Life. The people said the ancient book had magical properties. Blimp thanked them and left with the book.