Sorraine/The Sanctus Magnum Concilium

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To Praise, To Preach, Sartan


The Council was created under the rule of the first Sartanian King and Founder of Sartan's third Domain, Caspius Arundel. All superior nobles ((OOC: Every Character)) is granted membership to the King and Church's Advisory Council, the Sanctus Magnum Concilium, and is immediately granted several rights and regulations. The functions, rights, and regulations are stated below:

The Function of the Council

The Sanctus Magnum Concilium is lead jointly by the Crown and the Supreme Leader of the Church within Sorraine, resisting the abuse of power through the balance of both significant forces. The Crown reserves all powers of diplomacy, several judicial powers - ruling decision over petty treason, capitol treason, arson of Crown property, exile - and ultimately represents Sartan's domain as its rightful owner. The Tribune Ecclesiarch reserves the majority of all judicial powers, the power to accept the heir apparent, and represents Sartan's power within the realm as his link to our world.

All remaining members have the power of voice and ink; advisers of the court and representatives of their respective roles. The Faithful of Sartan will have dominance over their unaligned peers, as the latters' opinions express potentially twisted and malicious intents.

For example:

I. The heir apparent is the sword of our Lord Sartan, leader of our armies, while Marshals and Vice-Marshals are granted significant sway in their superior's decisions. Yet any member may contribute to these talks, potentially lining up said nobles for a career in military leadership.

II. First among Lords, the Lord Overseer is the Crown's hand in matters of regional preservation and economy, while the Dukes, Lords, and stewards hold significant sway over these responsibilities, as they are the owners of their respective counties and the food it produces. Members outside of those titles who participate in the well being of our realm may find themselves favored for future titles.

Rights and Clauses

I. The right to call a referendum concerning a law may be presented if significant disagreement is shown. It must have the support of four nobles, but can only be initiated by the Tribune Ecclesiarch in order to preserve our holy laws.
Ia. The above right is only available to the faithful of Sartan.

II. The right of protest. It should be noted, those not faithful to Sartan may be suspected of sedition and potentially investigated if a lack of faithful support is shown.