Ashrak Imperialist/Winter 19YD Election

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Election Winter 19 YD

Former Grandmaster Garad's resignation

Letter from Garad Jhaelen Irsei Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)

Realm mates,

as I've anticipated to some of you tomorrow morning I'm going to step down from the Grandmaster position. Then I'll wait for the election outcome in order to transfer to the new Grandmaster the funds I've collected as royal and leave to him the Margraviate of Muspelheim and the sponsorship of the Maddening Star Army. Then I plan to retire for a long time from public life.

I'm more than sad for this decision, but it's due. After my duel with Queen Charlotte my body did not recover fully but also something broke inside me. I realized many things during the days I spent half dead and now I feel I cannot rule Morek as it's should be and that it's better that a more confident and active Grandmaster takes my place and lead this great realm to its destiny.

Many of you I consider more than friends or comrades, I wish you all the well and that you may reach in your life the Balance of the Stars and the Soul Enlightment, something I'll try to achieve in solitude.

Truly Yours

Garad Jhaelen Irsei
Grandmaster of Morek Empire, Duke of Muspelheim, Margrave of Muspelheim

Ruler stepped down
message to all nobles of Morek Empire

Garad Jhaelen Irsei, Grandmaster of Morek Empire, Duke of Muspelheim, Margrave of Muspelheim has stepped down from his position as ruler of your realm. He has given this reason:
Unable to take care of the realm as it should deserve
A referendum will be started within the day to elect the next Ruler.

The Election Begins

Request from Ingi Vlad
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)

Nobles of Morek Empire,

Today I announce you that I plan to run for the Grandmaster position. My plans will be simple, make our empire the greatest power in all western dwilight, keep trying to convince the Liberites to join us by their free will, gain more nobles by making them offers and expanding the empire. Regarding the Flowrestown colony, I will make all the efforts to finish the war with summerdale quickly, take Nifel and Nifelheim, tell the younger nobles of summerdale that they are free to join us and that they can join our colony in Flowrestown as it will need a good noble base.

Once we achieve those goals we can look into the south, see that our long lasting claims are not forgotten. I know that some of us look at solaria as a possible enemy, we would have to see that.

I hope that new candidates arise for the more candidates the better for all to choose who will guide Morek into it's new future.

Truly yours, Ingi Vlad
Ordermarshall of Morek Empire, Margrave of Aegir's Deep

Letter from Pierre von Genf
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)


Some of you have asked me if I would run for Grandmaster. I will not, this time. I feel there is much I can do from the position I am currently in, and I do wish to do more for the next Grandmaster, rather than taking the position myself.

Lord Ingi is a great warrior, a loyal Morekian and a dedicated praticant of the Faith; as such I feel he makes for a great candidate. I am glad to see that whatever happens, Morek will always be in safe hands.

Pierre von Genf, Priest of Sanguis Astroism
Duke of the First Temple, Margrave of Caiyun, Ambassador of Morek Empire

Request from Katrina Dragul
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)

Nobles of Morek,

I would like to add my support to Lord Order Marshal Ingi. I have found him to be a capable leader, and a wise strategist. Aegir's Deep has flourished under his control, and I believe that Morek would as well.

I also believe him capable of dealing with the twisted diplomacy that is prevalent here on Dwilight. He would be well able to deal with the grandiose ambitions of the other realms and keep Morek strong and safe.

Please join me in making Lord Ingi our new Grand Master for the betterment and welfare of Morek, as I pledge his support as the Duchess of Aegir in his quest.

For a stronger united Morek

Katrina Dragul
Duchess of Aegir, Margravine of Aegir

Letter from Kyp Duron
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)


I too would like to throw my support behind Ordermarshal Ingi. As a fellow and veteran warrior, I have seen him lead us fearlessly in battle in the north. Fighting by our side, he has won the trust and respect of myself and my men.


Kyp Duron
Count of Nimh

Letter from Andrew MacManus
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)

Then I'll propose something else. Ingi is in a very good position as is as Ordermarshall. I would like to offer Lord Bowie Ironsides up for the position of Grandmaster given that he has been keeping the realm financially prospering for some time, that is until the position was filled post-duel. It would only be in the fairest sense to offer him a chance, and I gladly show him my support.

Andrew MacManus
Count of Stratford

Letter from Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)

The Ordermarshal has my support for the Grandmaster position as well. I know his since an uncountable amount of time and worked shoulder to shoulder in many situation. He has my trust and my advice in case he needs it.

Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico
Coffermaster of Morek Empire

Letter from Katrina Dragul
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)

Count Andrew,

You speak highly of Count Bowie, but one has to wonder of his ability to handle the diplomacy of the realm, when he couldn't negotiate his way out of a petty duel that cost him his position in the government.

Some speak of duels as honor, I see them as excess ego turned into a petty fight. When our Grand Master Garad fought with Charlotte, that was for honor.

But each must choose as his or her heart decrees.
To you Count, I wish good health
to the candidates for Grand Master I wish success and may the best ruler for our realm become Grand Master.

Katrina Dragul
Duchess of Aegir, Margravine of Aegir

Letter from Ingi Vlad
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)


I'm counting on Lord Bowie to run for the position as he did the last time, he is an incredible oponent with many skills and I think we will all be greatful for having him run for the office, if there is a man as swift with the pen as is with his tongue that must be Lord Bowie Ironsides, or as he delights The Demon of Dwilight.

Ingi Vlad
Ordermarshall of Morek Empire, Margrave of Aegir's Deep

Letter from Darius Malo
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)

Nobles of Morek,

I have know Ordermashall Ingi Vlad for many years now. He is a man of great honor and respected by all of Dwilight. I would like to voice my full support for him to be the next grandmaster of Morek.

Darius Malo
Duke of Donghaiwei, Margrave of Donghaiwei

Letter from Helm Altenahr
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)


Although I have not been here long, and do not know the candidates well. I also declare support for the Ordermarshal. He has been a good General, and works hard for the good of the realm.


Helm Altenahr
Marshal of the Order of the Auspicious Star

Letter from Helm Altenahr
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)

Ah, It seems my support will only be of a moral nature:

"Only lords will vote, representing their region."

Helm Altenahr Marshal of the Order of the Auspicious Star

Question and Answers, Plus Speeches

Letter from Abbigal Pike
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)

My Fellow Realm Mates,

Assumptive that Count Bowie will be running we have to excellent and very different candidates. Ordermarshal Ingi is a war hero is has fought many battles and wars. Ingi is a skilled tactician and knows how to keep those working with him on task. Count Bowie on the other had fights his battles mostly with the pen. Bowie is a skilled trader and knows how to work with people. Both of them are honorable men that I am sure could help lead Morek. The question is who will we chose to be our leader. If the candidates are willing I have a few questions for them to help us learn more about them.

Both Candidates:

What special skills or qualities do you have that will make you a good ruler?

What have you done in the past to prepare you for this position?

What are Moreks strengths and how do you plan to build on them?

What are Moreks weaknesses and how do you plan to help fix them?

Are there any changes you would like to make to Morek?

Count Bowie

You have had past problems with the Zuma nation that ended up with you being removed from office and exiled from your realm. Do you think this will be a problem if you are elected as Grandmaster?

Traditionally you have not been a part of the armies of Morek and not played much of a military role. Will this change if you are elected as grandmaster?

Ordermarshal Ingi

You skill as a warrior and Marshal/Ordermarshal are beyond questioning. Though do you have as much skill with diplomacy as you do in battle?

I am assuming that if you are elected Grandmaster you will be steeping down for the positions of Ordermarshal and vice-marshal of the Madding order. Do you think doing so will have any adverse effects on finishing the war against sumerdale?

Abbigal Pike
Countess of Shomrak, Marshal of the Order of the Maddening Star

Letter from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)

Thank you kindly Lord Andrew, behold my finest attempt to impress the nobility of our Empire. I dedicate this campaign to you and to the hopes of the quiet few who believe in more than the usual run of the mill.

Yes, Empire, I will campaign for the Throne. My first speech will detail why you should even consider me a candidate (because some go so far as to say my candidacy is illegal). After that I will explain to you my vision for Morek and why I believe that vision will elevate the Empire to new glory and grandeur. Keep that thought in mind for later, however. So let's start with my legitimacy.

Empire, notice all of the voices who have already spoken in favour of Ordermarshal Ingi (a good an honourable man whom I respect and consider a friend), each of them holds positions tied up to the current order of the Empire. Presently Morek is a theocracy and hence we know them as theocrats. Everybody knows I am not a theocrat, nor do I belong to the religion that empowers their politics. It is theocrats who would outlaw my candidacy simply because I do not worship in their Church. It is theocrats who gain most by continuing the run of the mill. My argument starts by saying that nobody but the theocrats (not even our average Astromancer who is a faithful but not a theocrat) benefit from a theocratic Grandmaster. Consider the history of the Empire up to now and you will see my point proven. The actions of the realm, save for Grandmaster Garad's regarding the war between Summerdale and the Libero Empire, have favoured the Church in every sense. The Morek Empire is a realm that defends and promotes the faith of Astromancy-only. I believe that this is to the detriment of our future because Astromancy can only be stretched so thin and once you get to that knot in the thread everybody sits down. We reached that point before, about the time Former Grandmaster Bustoarsenzio retired. When people sit down the realm decays and becomes ill. Grandmaster Garad revitalized the realm when he began his reign but he did so not by heeding theocratic policies but by applying imperialist ones. Ah, and there's the rub for you theocrats. I am a legitimate candidate for the Throne of the Morek Empire because I do not strictly adhere to theocratic policies (as a theocrat would) but apply imperialistic policies which are much wider in scope and inclusive (even to the point of beneficial) of the average Morekan noble. Theocrats benefit from a theocrat Grandmaster, but everybody benefits from an imperialist. You may view me as the alternative (a better one) to the run of the mill, and therefore you must consider me a legitimate candidate in this campaign.

Second argument: it would be wholly ignorant and realm-draining to not consider me a fair and legitimate candidate on the grounds of my religious faith. I do not belong to Astromancy. Does that mean I am not a skilled and experienced noble? Ask yourself this question; when you look at a noble and size him up, do you stop your review the second you find out he does not belong to your faith? If you do you are a theocrat, and you are a zealot at that! You cannot write off a noble simply because of his faith. Therefore, you must judge me based on other things, things such as my service to the Empire (as the Count of Ashrak, as an active trader, and as a profitable and far reaching Coffermaster for example) not to mention my seasonal discourse on the realm. What does a theocrat bring to the table except the fact that he belongs to the faith? Ordermarshal Ingi has proven his quality in service during the war. I have proven my quality in service through the food share. I am not a soldier. I haven't fought in a war since the Aquilegion Civil War. I put down my weapons, but I still serve. Therefore, you must consider me a legitimate candidate on the grounds of my service and my quality rather than simply on my faith (or in your opinion, lack thereof).

Chew through my speech, Empire, and let me know if you still want me to campaign. Because if the realm is populated to the max by theocrats well then I'll just go back to my campus in Ashrak and write some more history. Or, I can continue and teach you how to be an imperialist. Once you accept that responsibility, we can construct a realm of incredible might and image.

One more thing, there was some comments on my duel (and maybe some other things). Please ask again. Those answers did not fit the theme of my speech and should be a more informal talk.

Bowie Ironsides
Count of Ashrak

Letter from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)

Excellent questions Countess, you are a clear-sighted noble. I hope that you find each of our answers to your satisfaction and will go so far as to say that whichever of us satisfies you will be the better Grandmaster.

I have a tendency to write an ingot when it comes to political speeches so I will try hard to keep my answers brief.

General Answers:

1) Asking about my qualities as a ruler: Many who meet me find me thorough and creative in my tasks. Whether it is managing regions (rurals or cities) I maintain, whether it is positions or responsibility I commit, and when it comes to solving problems I conclude with certainty.

2) Asking about my past experiences: Well, quick list, I have been a Judge, a Banker (twice), a General, a Duke (three times) a region Lord (twice), I am involved or connected to all the important guilds of Dwilight (co-founding some of them) and have experienced a variety of different types of realms, including theocracy, monarchy and republic.

3) Asking my thoughts on the Empire's strengths: First thing that comes to mind is that we are the reigning pole of High Toprak, and potentially all of Dwilight. Second thing is that we are populated by excellent nobles, many of whom have been in this region for a very long time and have a great deal of experience behind them, and many others of whom are newer and have a great deal of new ideas and spirits to contribute. In combination, the Empire would glow brighter than any realm Dwilight has ever seen. And to be frank, isn't that what all of this is about?

4) Asking my thoughts on the Empire's weaknesses: I've been criticizing them since I landed here to be honest, and if anyone actually followed my polemic journal (Ashrak Imperialist) they'd know what I mean. My intentions have always been for the betterment of the Empire. Always. Quick summary: die-hard clinging to old and stale mentalities (theocracy), and the inability to innovate to new mentalities (imperialism). I strongly believe that the conversion from the old to the new would make all the difference. The difference being the amount of activity and involvement we see from our nobility, the level of prestige and glory our realm deserves, and the furtherance of our Empire's saga.

5) On my thoughts as to what I can do to change the realm: Install an imperialist mentality and soften the theocratic burn. That is a loaded answer, but I will detail it more in my next speech a bit later on.

Personal Answers:

1) As for my feud with the Zuma: I absolutely do not believe it will make any difference. In fact, we are already at war with the Zuma, albeit a cold war. That war began on account of Dame Tesa who did a far worse action than I did. My feud with the Zuma is over a social matter. It is a bit of a tale to explain, but the end result was that I am barred from living in the Occidens. Really, they wronged me with their behaviour by extorting the poor Barcans to ban me. You can contact the ranking nobles of Barca to check that if you wish. I am unsure how many of them remain, but I know Lord Julius is certainly still there. If the Zuma had left things resolved the way they were everything would be fine. And if they leave things resolved the way they are now everything will be fine. If they decide to elevate the war for my sake I say bring it on. Former Grandmaster Bustoarsenzio did not back down when they pressured him. I, of all people, will sure as hell not back down from their next attempt.

2) As to whether I will join an army: Probably not no. I am getting old and when I get wounded (such as my recent duel) I tend to get seriously wounded. My lifestyle has adjusted to trading and politiking. I am a social noble, a merchant noble, a diplomatic noble, but I am no longer a militant noble.

Bowie Ironsides
Count of Ashrak

Request from Abbigal Pike
Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients)

First I would like to thank Count Bowie for answering my questions. I have a few more if you are willing. Ordermarshal if you have time as well some of these I would like you to answer as well.

Just for Count Bowie.

What guarantees can you give that no harm will come to any of Sanguis Astroism if you are elected Grandmaster?

For both Canidates about the Flowerstown Colony.

What help do you plan to give for this effort?

What do you expect from the Colony?

What requirements will you put on how the Colony should ran? For example should we require any positions to be member of Sanguis Astroism or must Sanguis Astroism be the only temples.

Abbigal Pike
Countess of Shomrak, Marshal of the Order of the Maddening Star

Letter from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients)


It seems my opponent has no need to campaign in the election. Fortunate for him! I on the other hand have to prove my worth.

I'll answer the Countess' next round of questions and then make a speech a bit later on, maybe even tomorrow.

1) My assurances to Astromancy: I have lived in Ashrak for a very long time and have done nothing to harm the temple there. I have no ill will toward the faith or malcontent. The only thing that could hurt your religion is the voices of Brance Indirik, Allison Kabrinski, Gustav Kuriga and Branthorpe Silverbear. They are zealots, you see, and will use their voices to condemn me. But once their commotion subsides relations between the Empire and its faith will continue business as usual. I've had conversations with the Prophet before, he has no problems with me and I have none with him.

2) Colony assistance: I intend to give it all the help I can. I have a history with Flowrestown and I would love nothing more than to see a healthy orderly realm flourish there. I know it can happen, it just needs the right combination of nobles and common causes. Financial, food, military defense, and friendly relations are all ways to nurture Flowrestown. These things I pledge in the plenty.

3) My expectations of the colony: Well that depends on what the group wants to make of it. I have my own theories and proposals on how it should work, but they rest on the consent and participation of the colonial group. I should hope it is something that is inclusive of every noble (therefore not a theocracy), and something that is aware of and actively seeking to improve its continental position. That is one of the most important things to install in a new realm, pride and the pursuit of glory. Without it the realm will lose direction and sink into silence and apathy (one of the things that killed Aquilegia, and nearly killed this Empire).

4) My requirements on the colony: You know that I am no theocrat, therefore I could not demand that behaviour in the colony. Perhaps the opposite? A realm forged where every noble is equal, with full rights to prove themselves and earn their just rewards. More meritocratic and less theocratic.

Bowie Ironsides
Count of Ashrak

Letter from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients)

Nobles, I am going to make my second speech and then wait for more questions and to allow time for Ordermarshal Ingi to campaign. I feel like my words have taken too much of the stage and that is not fair.

This second speech is called "I Have A Vision."


Some of you may not know that I came to this realm as a refugee escaping the temper of the Zuma. It took some time before I was fully accepted into the realm. I had restrictions placed on where I could travel in the Empire, for example. Some nobles disliked and mistrusted my presence, even going so far as to wish me banned and deported. Over time I made new friends and re-earned my title as Lord of Ashrak. Even more time still I rose higher to become your Coffermaster. Each step of the way I gained more rights as a noble of the Empire and proved myself to the skeptics. My last speech was an argument to remove the final restriction on my head: That of holding the title of Duke and Ruler. This right is an important step for me, but more importantly for the Empire. If we offer welcome to nobles of diverse backgrounds and ideas, then we can gain the best of the best. Nobles from all over will consider our realm an opportunity rather than a glass roof. The reason why I have made such an effort to gain these rights is because I have a vision.

I have a vision for the Morek Empire to become something no other realm on this continent has ever achieved. Escaping the Zuma, I could have chosen another realm to hang my hat but I came here. This vision sees a glorious and powerful Throne ruling the region of High Toprak. It sees nobles of conscience and community actively promoting and spreading the ideals of Imperialism. My vision sees nobles from other realms leaving their old ways behind and joining us in our ascension. It also sees other realms desiring to emulate us in our way of living. Presently, we do not have these things. Presently, we have a one dimensional realm that has no sight beyond its singular lens. Imperialism is the answer. My vision of Imperialism is a new mentality. It is a behaviour. We must view our realm as it properly should, that of a strength and power in High Toprak. Each noble must be a committed imperialist, which means that they hold the progress of the Empire as their personal responsibility. We cannot let our fate be decided on theocratic terms because that will only pigeon hole our future (and I insistently argue that it already has). Imperialism offers a wider future, one of opportunity and growth. My vision for the Empire is to build a new era, a golden age, where our banner flies, in one way or the other, from the top to the bottom of the continent.

I know you want this too. I know that deep down you want all of the things that Imperialism offers, but you are too afraid to say it because you fear the reprisals of theocracy. I am here to prove to you that this is not true. Religion can be a source of strength and unity, not a source of oppression and exclusion. Those who follow a faith that punishes rather than tolerates is wayward! The Morek Empire suffers from theocracy in the way that it throttles its expansion and development. My vision of Imperialism encourages and rears nobles of strength and pride. If Imperialism is accepted by Morek, we will see a drastic change in the society of our realm. We will see the interest of our nobles pique, we will hear descriptions of Morek such as "that glorious realm," or, "only in Morek could something like that happen." Imperialism is not a revolutionary idea, it is not a challenge to the Church of Astromancy, it is a way of doing things, of seeing things, and of allowing things.

I have a vision of an Empire that commands awe and respect from its neighbours and allies. One that even the Zuma must kneel to. This campaign is an attempt to realize that vision, but it cannot be manifested without you. This election is an opportunity for advancement. It only comes around once and a while, if ever. Remember, nothing can be gained or lost without change and that stagnation blooms in idle minds. If you want the droll of theocracy than the Ordermarshal is your man. If you want to personally be responsible for the elevation of this realm than vote for me. Grant me the right to rule Muspelheim and the Throne.

It's time to practice what I have been preaching. It's time to realize my vision. It's time for Empire!

Bowie Ironsides
Count of Ashrak

Letter from Ingi Vlad
Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients)

Nobles of the Empire,

Something that we and Count Bowie have is that both of us are Imperialists, although we differ in some points we both think Imperialism is a good thing, I look at it as a way for all nobles to express and innovate through political discussion. I do not think that this goes against the main religion, as the matter of fact I think religion can be benefitted by it if good ideas get explited.

Now aswering Countess Abbigal questions:

What special skills or qualities do you have that will make you a good ruler? I think a ruler should have prescence, temper, quality of speech, thoughtful desicions covered by the back up of the council and have clear goals. I think I posses most of them and the others will improve with time.

What have you done in the past to prepare you for this position? I'm not as prepared as Count Bowie, but I had my share of political discussions and agreements with thid political parties thus giving me the cincture needed to deal with foreign rulers.

What are Moreks strengths and how do you plan to build on them? Being the birthplace of Sanguis Astroism is one of Morek's strengths, this means we have the backup of most of the theocracies of Sanguis Astroism, it would require a peer to be in touch and keep nursing and growing the relationship between theocracies. This opens the door for us to trade with them, negotiate military assistance (if needed) and also have the chance of proyecting our views in matters such as non-astroist integration as we do now. Also we are the greatest power in the western dwilight, I plan to keep improving this by sharing the knowledge I have in warfare and teach it to the younger nobles and all those who wish to learn, this will improve our military thus enhancing our strenght.

What are Moreks weaknesses and how do you plan to help fix them? Our major weakness is our low noble base, I plan to improve this by spreading our politics regarding both astroists and non-astroist integration, to share our view in politics to other nobles in dwilight and convince them that in Morek they have a bright future. I plan to continue Garad's line and keep trying to add nobles to our cause, trying to get more nobles involved in active politics and spreading our views.

Are there any changes you would like to make to Morek? Yes, I want Morek to be the greatest and biggest empire in all dwilight, have it's nobles involved in active politics and be a cosmopolitan gathering place for astroists and non-astroists. This I learned from my friend Bustoarsenzio, his preachings in tolerance and rate the individual by it's acts rather than beliefs is what made me what I am now.

Though do you have as much skill with diplomacy as you do in battle? I hope I have, I'm not as skilled as Bowie but all can be improved in due time and with proper assistance.

Do you think doing so will have any adverse effects on finishing the war against sumerdale? I will step down from all my positions including the Lordship of Aegir's Deep to assume the role of Grandmaster if elected. Regarding our war agains Summerdale, no, I don't think having me as Grandmaster will have any adverse effects as we have the military council which is well prepared for any inconvenience like the time I got captured and the realm kept it's composure and stood firm in my abscense.

Flowrestown colony What help do you plan to give for this effort? Guidance and support is all that I can give, as Grandmaster I will ensure the colony endeavour is provided with food, gold and military aid until it can take it's first steps by it's own.

What do you expect from the Colony? An ally, not a vassal, not a puppet, but a realm in which Morek can count when in adverse conditions and viceversa.

-- I hope this fills the gaps of what my thoughts are and what I see and think of the future of Morek.

I want to remind all nobles that you choose whom you think will do better for Morek regardless of what sympathy you have for each, I want this election to be based upon what we as a realm want and not what an individual can do for one or two.

Respectfully yours,

Ingi Vlad
Ordermarshall of Morek Empire, Margrave of Aegir's Deep


Letter from Creed Avon
Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients)

Realm mates,

Many here know me either for my actions within the church of SA or my actions personally with you. I have seen many leaders but none have been able to inspire me and give me a purpose other then my own goals. Count Bowie is the only man in which has been able to inspire me to see more then what is right of me. To see more then just a realm or Morek but what Morek can be and will be with the right guidance. Count Bowie is many things but one thing he is not is a bad leader. He is the sort of man that will be willing to make the difficult choices that may not be popular at the time but the right thing for us. He is the type of man that would not sell you out because of pressures of a outside influence. I believe in this era where stagnation and complacency has become the norm we need a new form of leader that can take us out of the darkness and into the light and show us what we can be.

I am throwing my support fully behind Count Bowie and ask all others within our realm to do the same I promise you that he is the right man for the job with the ability to rejuvenate our realm with his visions of the future, his conviction and his ability at diplomacy.

I ask all to vote for Bowie.

Creed Avon
Count of Bohai

Letter from Pierre von Genf
Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients)

There were three falsehoods in the speech of Count Bowie, which I feel the need the redress.

The first falsehood is that a theocracy of Sanguis Astroism could be lead by a non-religious man. It could not be so, as this is a contradiction in terms. The realm of Morek was founded on the idea of the church; this is its bedstone. If you remove it, then a void opens under our feet, and all that we were will be destroyed. What Count Bowie really means is that out of the ashes, he hopes to rebuilt something more to his image, but Morek will be gone forever. This is the maddening lie.

The second falsehood is that the colony in Flowerestowne could be anything else than a theocracy. If a new realm comes from our womb, then it will be made to our image, as all things that are made are. It will not be exactly the same, as it will face different circumstances, but whichever way the wind blows what grows out of a maple seed remains a maple, and what grows out of a theocracy remains a theocracy. This is the austere lie.

The third falsehood is that only a heathen could embody an imperialist spirit for Morek. Count Bowie's idea of Imperialism has been well received in Morek, and many have sunscribed to it, including myself and General Ingi, as he has stated. Morek has grown in the time of Grandmaster Garad, and will grow again; but it can only do so by leaning on its strength. This is the auspicious lie.

Pierre von Genf, Priest of Sanguis Astroism
Duke of the First Temple, Margrave of Caiyun, Ambassador of Morek Empire

Letter from Creed Avon
Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients)

Duke Pierre,

You are the one that is giving falsehoods here. For what reason would Morek cease to exist if a man not of the faith was its ruler? Count Bowie is not looking to throw away your ideals for he can not he does not have the power to do this no one does. Morek is what it is because of its nobles not one man that is its leader. As for the colony we were all promised that the colony creation would be in the hands of the colonist for it is we that will have to live in it. You can not go back and resend this due to the fact our past ruler had to leave due to circumstances. The colony will be what it will be based on who the nobles founding it and the ones founding do not wish for another theocracy. We wish for something new not the same thing that already exist. The colony was promised that it would not be a puppet and we will not be but telling use what type a government and what type of realm we must be sounds like a puppet to me.

Now for the third statement about a heathen leading us I am not even going to justify this statement it is just rhetoric from the church. Also calling a candidate for our ruler names is not noble. If you do not like him then fine don't vote for him but do not make false statements because of it.

Creed Avon
Count of Bohai

Letter from Helm Altenahr
Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients)


I feel Lord Bowie's vision is dangerous to the realm. If it were followed, I believe the following would happen:

1. The realm would split down the middle, with traditional theocrats against Bowie's Liberals (for want of a better word).

2. Astrum and Corsactum, and Kabrinskia would likely intervene to restore the church as pre-eminent. Already there are plenty of Ex Dalians in Astrum who hate us unjustly for the destruction of Summerdale.

3. If we were crazy enough to follow the imperialist policies and expand we would hit the twin problems of not enough nobles, and the Solarian Alliance to the south.

As a result, Morek would likely suffer badly. I canot think of any policy more likely to lead to the destruction of Morek and the weakening of the SA church. As has been said by Lord Pierre, the church is our strength, anyone who cares for Morek should protect our strength, not seek to weaken it.


Helm Altenahr
Marshal of the Order of the Auspicious Star

Letter from Abbigal Pike
Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients)

Lord Helm and Duke Pierre,

With the exception of not being a member of the church what exactly has Count Bowie said in his speeches that would harm Morek or the Church. Bowie desires for the realm to grow by whatever means possible. Bowie wants to see people judged by their abilities, actions, and words. Not on their faith. How is this a bad thing? One thing I still do not understand about the church is why they are so scared of sharing power with people not of their faith. Has Count Bowie denied that the church is not a part of what makes our realm. Count Bowie is arguing that the church is not the only part and that it should not be the most important part. That we should think what is best for the realm first and what is best for the church second. Yes the two may be tied very close together but some times they are not exactly the same.

Also why would or should the SA church intervene against Morek in a secular mater such as the election of the grandmaster. Now I could understand if Count Bowie where elected and did something against another realm of the faith that could cause problems. I also think that it would cause more problems then if the Ordermarshal is elected and if he where to attack a realm of the faith. Why should the simple fact of being elected and not being a member of the faith cause other realms to attack. Why will it cause the realm to fall apart or split. It is a fair election and proper election. What is the problem. Now I can see where some of Count Bowies Ideas may cause the realm to split and may cause cause the Church to come down on Morek because he is not of the faith.

My Realm Mates,

Both candidates have specified that they want to make this realm great. Both candidates desire for those of the faith to work together with those not of the faith. Both candidates I believe want for nobles to grow and thrive regardless of faith.

Are we to judge a person by his ideas or of his faith.


You want for both nobles of the faith and not of the faith to thrive. As a grandmaster would you still require that a person be a follower of the bloodstars in order to be appointed to a Ducal seat.

While it is up to the noble what their faith is. Do you think there will ever be a time where it will be acceptable for the local lord to be allowed to erect temples not of the SA faith? They would of course deal with the possible displeasure of their Duke/Duchess. Will their ever be the chance for those who do not follow the blood stars to celebrate their faith at their own temples. I would even go as far to say that by doing so it may even draw more nobles to our realm. Not many nobles are willing to serve a realm where their faith is to be denied.

In response to a point Duke Pierre brought up about his belief that the new realm must be a theocracy. The Flowerstown colony group has already voted on the government to be used and has decided on a republic. Grandmaster Grand accepted and respected our choice and promised it was our choice to make. If elected grandmaster will you do the same? Will you respect the colony choice?

Abbigal Pike
Countess of Shomrak, Marshal of the Order of the Maddening Star

Letter from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients)

There has been a lot of great points brought up and I am very pleased to see a discussion arising. Those who have spoken in my defense have done well and I need not repeat their answers.

Some things I will address, however; first, Duke Pierre has commented that my election would mean this theocracy would be lead by a non-religious man. I am a religious man, Duke, only I am not of your religion. I have full respect for your religion and its members (although politically and spiritually I disagree with it). It would be cruel and horrifying if I were to attempt to purge the Empire of Astromancers. I believe the word for that is insanity. Moreover, I am friends with all of you. Just as you have welcomed and tolerated me in your realm, so to will I welcome and tolerate you. Mutual interest and common cause bring us together as brothers and sisters of the Throne. That is what Imperialism stresses, not brothers and sisters of the Church only. That's the difference.

Second, the theocratic realms of Dwilight will not condemn the Empire for shifting its views. In fact, two things might happen. For one, the die-hard foreign theocrats who I named earlier (Brance Indirik, Allison Kabrinski, Gustav Kuriga, and Branthorpe Silverbear) will cry woe on us in the Church. But the majority of nobles in those realms will not mind at all. This brings us to the second potential effect of my election. It just may happen that other realms take our lead and begin to shift their views as well. Let it be said that the Morek Empire is the single greatest realm on Dwilight, I know, I've lived in many before coming here. What we do and say causes tides in other realms. Our strength makes a difference in our world, and very soon our wisdom will too. Wisdom in the way of foreward political thinking. I have warned that theocratic thinking leads to decline. When we experienced this I developed the solution of Imperialism. It is working in piecemeal, but we must embrace it wholeheartedly. That is what I will do as Grandmaster.

Third, Ordermarshal Ingi follows Imperialists thinking too, just the way Former Grandmaster Garad did. This is a political view I have been developing over the past nine seasons or more. Wouldn't the Empire be better served by the pure origin of these policies than a filtered version of it? That is not to say that if the Ordermarshal is elected I will not advise him with my thoughts and views, or that he will do a poor job of applying Imperialism, but I feel thatthe driver of the Empire should be a through and through Imperialist so that things would bloom much better. This election then, is really over two things: A) Whether or not it is acceptable to have a non-Astromancer as Ruler and Duke, and B) Which Imperialist would make a better Grandmaster.

Sir Helm, I very much hope that my election will not cause a schism in the Empire. If it were to, the fault would lie in the theocrats for being prideful and spiteful, not in Imperialism.

Let it be known that I do not intend to vanquish Astromancy. I simply believe the Morek Empire will grow greater by creating a second, higher priority - the Throne. As it was said earlier, every noble can be loyal to the Throne, but only Astromancers can be loyal to the Church. If the Church rules the realm why invite the rest of us?

Bowie Ironsides
Count of Ashrak

Letter from Ingi Vlad
Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients)

Nobles of Morek,

To keep answering questions:

If elected grandmaster will you do the same? Will you respect the colony choice? Of course I will respect the colonists choice, it is something Garad as Grandmaster would've wanted and I want the colony to prosper with whichever goverment form they choose. For me this is simple, I wish the colony to rise as a bastion in the south, as brothers who have shared their lives with us and now go on their own way taking their first steps independent from us. As many have told me the colony plans to have Sanguis Astroism as their main religion, this both gratifies and enhances my vision of them as they seem in the right path to my eyes.

Do you think there will ever be a time where it will be acceptable for the local lord to be allowed to erect temples not of the SA faith? I do not think it is a viable action, erecting a temple of another faith will make the peasants revolt as such the region will be a very unstable place to be and will have to be constantly monitored to keep it under control. We all know that almost all the lands of High Tropak are abundant in astoists followers and most of them have shrines to give offerings. --

I do not believe that having a follower of Sanguis Astroism -a theocrat- as Grandmaster will be detrimental to the future of the empire as Count Bowie states, I believe that within the mixture of astroist-imperialist it is the betterness of what we can achieve, having someone as Grandmaster who knows the two sides of the coin can be very productive and can induce the new politics of the empire to the other theocracies and it's nobles. Gaining their attention at first and then hopefully gaining some as nobles willing to join us in the improving of our empire. Who do you think the leaders of other theocracies will listen more carefully? a peer theocrat or a non-theocrat? Due to this comment I feel I need to say again that I have nothing against Count Bowie as I expressed so many times. Also I think that the same argument can be used with the opposite example, it sounds logical that a non-theocrat will listen more to a peer of him rather than a astroist. I intend to change what most non-astroists think of astroists, when Count Bowie speaks of it it makes all astroists look like zealous men and women that do not admit nor can coexist with others that do not share their faith, then I ask you, what has Morek Empire been in all this time? It is nothing more than the living proof that it can be done. When the church condemned our empire for having Count Creed as a lord we made them understand that his faith had nothing to do with his skills as lord, it was thanks to those inside the church that continuosly work to make us all understand eachother better and as a result of it we together advance.

I ask you to let me be the Grandmaster and lead our realm to it's continued improvement, applying both Imperialist and Astroist thinking we can be more than anything ever imagined.

Respectfully yours,

Ingi Vlad
Ordermarshall of Morek Empire, Margrave of Aegir's Deep

Request from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients)


If you have the time, I'd be pleased if you answered a few questions I have. Part of the discussion we've been having in this debate is the degree to which our Empire should be theocratic. My view of Imperialism is a way to make the realm accessible to nobles of different faiths and different philosophies. In what ways will your mixture of Imperialism and Astromancy improve the realm? It took me quite a while to be allowed to campaign for Coffermaster. Will you allow non-theocrats to hold other positions, say Duke for example?

Additionally, I have some ideas that will improve the image of the Empire, shifting it away from strict adherence to the Church-only and into a Throne based system. This concept has to be instructed and constructed for it to work (which means a bit of time and effort from everybody - finally a group activity!), but I believe it will be the seed to the Empire's future. What sort of things do you believe will invigorate and stimulate our nobility? What sort of things do you believe will elevate the Empire? We know you're a good man and a true noble, but I'd like to know your vision.

I criticize theocracy because I believe it has run its course. It has brought us as far as it can and now is exhausted. I developed Imperialism as a way to solve the inevitable problem of exclusion of new nobility and the dead-end policies of theocrats. Ordermarshal, what good qualities do you believe theocracy has? In other words, if this campaign is about changing the Empire, what is it that you defend?

Bowie Ironsides
Count of Ashrak

Letter from Ingi Vlad
Message sent to everyone in your realm (46 recipients)

Count Bowie,

Asnwering your questions:

Will you allow non-theocrats to hold other positions, say Duke for example? Yes, I will allow a non-theocrat to hold other positions as long as the realm maintains the majority of ducal seats with astroist positions, this will benefit the realm as it will make astroists and non-astroists work hard to fulfill the duties they are tasked and also help improve in whichever way they think useful.

What sort of things do you believe will invigorate and stimulate our nobility? A clear example is allowing every member of the realm to hold a ducal seat, make the nobles involve themselves in political subjects and compete to see who achieves a greater grade of productivity. Another thing that if elected will do is to involve all the realm in the decisions of foreign policies, involving all into expressing their opinion and know that they can actively contribute into forging the realm's policies will stimulate our nobility and make them choose whether stay silent or speak their mind.

What sort of things do you believe will elevate the Empire? The renewal of the council positions will elevate the empire as it will allow new ways of expression and new ideas, right now I don't have a clear example or goal of how to elevate the empire but as long as we keep our agenda busy and all our nobles involved in active politics we will come across ways to enlarge our empire greatness.

What good qualities do you believe theocracy has? In other words, if this campaign is about changing the Empire, what is it that you defend? If I didn't believed in theocracies I wouldn't be running for the office, think of this, it is a theocracy that has brought us up to this place, why have such a bad feeling towards it? Morek Empire in all it's forms (Morek in the beginning, Xinhai when duchess Anabellum West seceded the Donghaiwei duchy and the current Morek Empire) have always been Theocracies and have survived, bloomed and flourished under this government system. I defend what must be defended, we as empire are the birthplace of Sanguis Astroism and as such we will honor it by being a theocracy, we must honor, accept and understand our past in order to advance into the future. Why you so fervently wish for our government to change? Why you fight against it instead of trying to perfect it's flaws? I'm not against the empire nor it's government, I think that there is a way to improve things and not loose ourselves and that is what I fight to defend.


Ingi Vlad
Ordermarshall of Morek Empire, Margrave of Aegir's Deep

Closing Remarks

Request from Abbigal Pike
Message sent to everyone in your realm (46 recipients)

It would appear that the scribes running the election have finally figured out how to go from 2 days to 1 day. Count Bowie, Ordermrshal Ingi do either of you have any closing remarks on this (hopefully) last day of the election?

Abbigal Pike
Countess of Shomrak, Marshal of the Order of the Maddening Star

Letter from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in your realm (46 recipients)

Closing remarks? Hm, yes I believe I do have a few.


Whether I win or lose the election know that Imperialism is here to stay. It has already shaped this realm in its own subtle ways and if I have the opportunity to continue preaching its politics than it will become even more prevalent. Imperialism, its values and principles, is the future of the Morek Empire.

You may embrace the inevitable tomorrow or the tomorrow after. Someday, the Throne shall rise!

Also, good luck Ordermarshal! This has been a great contest. One of my favourites in a long time.

Bowie Ironsides
Count of Ashrak