Old Rancagua Press/23rd February 2006

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gondortree.png Old Rancagua Press
Price Free Editor: Sam, Count Of Juazeiro Issue No21 23rd February 2006
Printed In Oroya
A Prince Is Born!
A few days ago, news spread around the realm of Old Rancagua that Queen Ragnell, had given birth to her first son. Joy and celebration erupted around the land, as news of a healthy baby boy appeared. The news was not limited just to Old Rancagua, sources have told me that Oligarch has also heard about the new Prince, but as always they are starting to say the child, is not his. They like a good gossip those Oligarchs.

Queen Ragnell, did not have to suffer the pain of child Birth alone, as her husband was there with her, taken time out of his busy schedual of beating the Orcs, to be with her.

And as a valentines gift to his wife, he made gave her the region of Poiters, her home for many generations. A beffiting gift for a man of his stature. At the moment no name has been mentioned for the child, but we will report that as soon as iot is announced.

Three cheers for the new Prince!

Poiters Is Ours Now
We have succsefully relased Poiters from the grasp of the orcs. After a long Take Over we managed to take Poiters while the Orcss intentiones were focused more inland and in Fontan. Reports have come in that a raiding force has ventured in to Fontan territory and started making a nuicence of themselfs. But earlier today most of that force was destroyed while it was disorganised, behind the lines. Also Donna Ragna, was captured By fontan forces as she raided deep into their territory, the same Donna Ragna that deported two of our fellow TL's.

As A gift King Funiur gave his wife, Queen Ragnell, Poiters. This is a very nice gift indeed, having recived one myself, but under different cercumstances. We here at the Old Rancagua Press wish her well with the new appointment, and the new child in her life.

Party For The Prince
Sources have told me that Sir Jacket, A loyal and Trusted knight is organising a Party for the new prince. This will be his first offical Royal Party, and he will recive gifts from all the well wishers and friends alike. Word ahas it that he is to become a great fighter like his dad, so a short sword has been brought for him. Also he might like to take up archery like his mom, and a small bow has also been aquired.

Sir Jacket, when question about the party, said he had a little surprise up his sleeve for the little prince and guests. He wouldnt mention what it was but he did mention a "China" man and something going off with a bang. All we can do is wait and see.