Ashrak Imperialist

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About Us Journal Volume: Autumn of 19 YD Archives
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Editorial Meditations Corner
“The Imperial Consensus – We Are Who We Say”


A few Seasons ago I spoke against Theocratism as an outdated policy and one that hinders the Morek Empire from progress. Since then we have seen some small changes in the Empire, including the election of Grandmaster Garad, an imperially inclined noble, my election as Coffermaster, and our involvement in the war against Summerdale. These are steps in the right direction and we should applaud our progress. I must point out, however, that there is much more we can do. Mainly, we can imbibe our nobility with a sense of Imperialism to enhance our Morekan identity. I have often said that theocracy is a passive stance for the Empire. It is reactive rather than active. Imperialism, its thinking and goals, should be the contemporary drive of the realm. Nobles of the Morek Empire must be taught to think and act as an Imperialist to uphold our Empire’s glorious image. So, let’s define the Imperial identity of a Morekan.

At its basics, to be a Morekan means to have an estate in the Empire, whether in the East, the West or on the Frontier. It means you are a contributing member of its society; either in the military, as a trader, as a bureaucrat or as a priest. The majority of Morekans are Astromancers but there is a minority of us who are non-faithful. An Imperial Morekan will be composed of these qualities: dutifulness, piety (to Astromancy or not), a personal concern for the community, a desire to improve the Empire with the methods available to you, a sense of pride for the Throne, its heritage, and the pursuit of its glory.

These things seem common enough, things that all nobles should possess and value, but I charge theocrats with putting the Church before the Throne. This is a detriment to the Morek Empire. Members of Astromancy may keep their faith and uphold its tenets, but an Imperialist knows the realm is the greater power. It is your home and it must be cherished. A personal concern for the community means you should be involved in the realm’s social scene. Speak to one another in public, host events, engage with your community. Your peers have lots to offer if you seek them out. You should desire to improve the Empire with any methods available to you. If you are a soldier follow orders and fight with zeal on behalf of your Empire. Get involved with the strategies of the battlefield. Make the Empire’s victories your personal victories. If you are a trader, actively trade to satisfy the hungry and share the surplus of your region. Your activities benefit the Empire and you should always seek to be more active. This in communion with having a concern for your community will build new networks for you and grow a better society in the Empire. Pride of the Morek Empire is paramount to an Imperialist. Our Throne is the finest, the highest, and most glorious on the continent. It is right to pay it respect and admiration. Contribute to its glory and you will have a personal hand in its success. The Empire belongs to you, past present and future.

The point of this article is to create the sense of Imperialism amongst our nobility – to find an Imperial consensus. Many of you behave and act Imperialist but don’t know it because you’ve never identified yourself as one. Some of you are still stuck in the mindset of theocracy, that your Church is the active power in your life and the shaper of your character. That is not true; you belong to the Morek Empire first. The Empire provides you with your livelihood and values. This is the correct view of an Imperialist.

All Hail the Throne!


(Inclusive of last season)

• Early Morekan victories ebbed by defeat in Nifel

• Ordermarshal Ingi Vlad captured by Summerdale, promptly released.

• Victories for the Morek Empire and Libero Empire in Torrent’s Breath.

• Conquest of Storm’s End by the Libero Empire.

• Takeover of Odenir in process by the Morek Empire.

• Duchy of Valkyrja, including Yggdramir, Hvergelmir, Ymir’s Falls and Helhhir, abandon Summerdale in favour of Astrum.

• Grandmaster Garad defeated in a death duel against Queen Charlotte, both survive, both critically wounded.

The Morek Empire The Fundamentals of Mysticism
"Son of Imperialism"

I have been participating in the Flowrestown Dominion group discussing the colonization effort of the Flow Peninsula. This group is integral to creating the core of the new realm. Many proposals and ideas have been shared and deliberated on but I have come to wonder what an Imperial colony would look like. If the Morek Empire spawns a new colony, and it carries with it Imperial ideals and values, what would it be? How should it act? I believe the colony of the Flow Peninsula, if founded with pure Imperialist ideas, would be this.

A Political Summary of the “Flow Peninsula Colony,” the Southern Province of the Morek Empire

Government: Republic

Leader: Governor Superior (elected every three months)

Judge: Prefect (elected every three months)

Banker: Magistrate (elected every three months)

General: Imperial Marshal (elected every three months)

The realm will be ruled by the Governor Superior and an Imperial Court composed of the government council, all land holding nobles and select nobles of quality. A second Court will be established for Military concerns. The laws of the land will be designed to be as open and inviting as possible to all nobles. No one noble can hold more than two positions, and no one noble can hold more than one government position, unless necessary (low population). No one noble can hold a government position more than twice in a row. If they hold that position for two terms they cannot run for a third. After that their service is reset and they may once again run for office. The Governor Superior will be subject to the measure of leadership decreed by the colony and enshrined in a constitution. Many activities and interests will be welcome, but there will be no emphasis placed on any one religion. The character of the realm will be Imperialist, preferring expansion, martial talent and cosmopolitanism (the sense that all nobles should serve the Empire) rather than isolationist and exclusive. The colony will hold close ties to its parent realm, the Morek Empire, and consider it its foremost ally. The interests of the colony will be involved in Lower High Toprak and Toprak Minor. It will be the seat of Imperial authority for that region just as the Morek Empire is for High Toprak. The colony shall pursue glory as its first objective.

Wouldn't that be something?

The Demon of Dwilight Has Spoken!