Fair Rules

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Rules to Antanian Style Fairs

1) Any roleplay concerning the fair is to begin and end with an asterisk (*).

This will allow all those who do not wish to hear about the Fair a chance to skip past the roleplays.

2) All roleplays MUST be in good taste.

If there is any ruthless slander, explicit roleplaying, or unacceptable material the Fair Master holds the right to revoke you from roleplaying after ONE warning.

3) You shall not force RP another character to do an action against their will.

It is acceptable to use another character to say lines, or to help advance the plot slightly. You cannot however roleplay another character’s participation in an event. You can roleplay watching them perform an event, AFTER their roleplay. For example, this is acceptable after X’s roleplay of hitting the target: “Antan smiles as he sees X hit a perfect bulls eye. Antan walks up and congratulates X on his shooting ability, which X thanks him for.” IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO, before X’s roleplay of hitting the target: “Antan laughs as X completely misses the target, dropping his bow as a giant fish of doom attacks him, forcing X to fall off of a bridge, removing him from the competition.”

4) All roleplays are encouraged to branch.

If X makes a roleplay, I should, if possible in anyway involve myself into their plot. This creates for a good chronology of events. Use MANY TIME DESCRIPTORS!!! They just help out the feeling of roleplay. For example, X roleplays: “*X walks out of his tent early in the morning, smiling as the sun rises. He walks out to the archery range, with the dew still on the ground. He fires off his three shots, which are all 9s.” Then Antan should do something like: “Antan wakes late in the afternoon after a long night of drinking. He goes to the archery range, where he has been informed that X has already scored a 27 earlier this morning. Antan grimaces a bit at this high score and then settles in to do his shooting.” See how I connected X’s post with Antan’s?

5) Don’t make your person a superhero.

It is much more fun to roleplay messing up in a humorous way than always winning everything. For example one time, in a great scene with me and a few other players. The contest of the day was a brawl. Since no one signed up I used the peasants. I roleplayed this mountain of a man coming and knocking me out. One of my brave knights jumped in to help me. Then he roleplayed the guy’s buddies coming down to help the guy. Then more knights came to help the other knights. We just kept going until there was a massive brawl across the whole city! All with me being defeated by a measly NPC.

6) Feel free to use NPC characters.

They can be a great vehicle of roleplay for the fun. Just don’t make them anything too important. Otherwise, you need to continue RPing them throughout the rest of the realm’s life. They are more for the use as bystanders who the RPer can involve for a moment or two to keep the plot fun. They are great fun to just have show up and be comedic relief or start a plot.

7) Have fun.

This is the most important rule of them all. If no one is having fun, then the festival is not working in the least. Try to keep it fun and exciting for everyone.

8) Keep things friendly.

It is alright to have factions set up for competitions, but do not send hateful RPs to each other. This just makes the whole experience less fun for everyone. No one likes all the hate running around.