Himoura Family/Raziel III

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Raziel III
Weapon: Midnight.
Titles: Marshal of the First Ithillian Dragoons

Raziel III was schooled in the finest academies of war, science and finances. His education was paid for by his father, who gained the money through his position as head of a massive criminal organization. Raziel always loathed being in his father's shadow and set off to prove himself. He recruited a band of cavalry and joined the Elite Mounted Knights of Minas Ithil. Raziel fought for years against the Vikings, earning many scars, hardening both his body, and his heart. He was soon rewarded with the title of Baron of Dunstoke, his right by heritage. He had found the lack of tradition and lack of camaraderie in the Mounted Knights stifling, so he formed the First Ithillian Dragoons. He led them on to a string of victories and was eventually made Field Marshal of Minas Ithil, and under his command, ground the Viking offensive to a halt, and was even able to turn the table and go on the offensive. Raziel later retired from this while warring with the Caligan Empire and her cronies. He was captured in battle not long after, and instead of being reappointed, his position was given to someone else. Raziel demanded his Barony back, and was refused. Raziel fumed quietly for some time, and became an infiltrator like his father. Not long after, his King approached him wanting to assassinate a duke of the realm. Raziel not being fond of the Duke, and not fond of his King, said he would, for a price. Raziel's price was the soon to be vacated Duke position. Raziel's King refused. Raziel agreed to do it for the return of his old region. Again, the King refused. Raziel had had enough at this point, his region by right was in the hands of some young upstart who hadn't been in the fight for the realm's survival against the Vikings, and he, a veteran of many, many years, was being treated as a tool. Raziel threatened to expose his King if he didn't give Raziel his region back. The King refused, and Raziel went public, assassinated his Duchess (who had also been involved), and left for Beluterra in the company of his female companion, Kaylan McDowell. Kaylan disappeared before Raziel could realize his plans, and Raziel wandered, looking for battles to lead men into... And found naught but frontier realms skirmishing with monsters and undead. He soon grew restless and returned home, where he is now the Viscount of Rotherthorpe (a larger, more profitable region) and Marshal of the First Ithillian Dragoons.


"Intereo tardus, sileo in pacis."