Serpentis Family/Henrich/To revise

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Challenged to a duel (25 days, 3 hours ago)

Boron de' Striguile (Knight of Mansbridge) has challenged you to a duel of honour till death. You have 3 days to answer the challenge. In order to resolve the duel, both of you have to be in the same region.

His challenge was accompanied by these words: Time to make good on those words. I, Boron de'Striguile, knight of Mansbridge, armsman in service to King Sidd Kingsley of Minas Ithil do openly challenge you, Sir Henrich Eyolf Serpentis, to a combat of arms until Death.

Report from Boron de' Striguile (25 days, 3 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Winham (24 recipients) Time to make good on those words, Sir Henrich.

I, Boron de' Striguile, knight of Mansbridge, armsman in service to King Sidd Kingsley of Minas Ithil do openly challenge you, Sir Henrich Eyolf Serpentis, to a combat of arms until Death.

Boron de' Striguile (Knight of Mansbridge)

Letter from Boron de' Striguile (24 days, 21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Winham (24 recipients) Sir Henrich Eyolf,

I am surprised you are so eager to talk your way out of a fight when you so gleefully talked your way into one last time we met. Your family and what you see as inherited glories are nothing and irrelevant to this. If you don't know me it is only because you are easy to run your mouth carefree without the self control to note to whom or with what comment you are addressing others. After our last battle you said enough for me to note your name, you would have done well to do so in return. I promised to be back to settle the matter, and so now here I am. Honour in any regard is worth dying for, even in these circumstances. This has nothing to do with our realms, this is between me and you.

You have been knighted, so assuming your realm has even basic cultures of chivalry you have recieved the three strikes, the last actions of insult you may take as a man without the need to seek redress for them. Here I am calling you out. Step up to the mark or bow before me and take the dishonour. Either one marks you as a man in one way or another more prominently than your family's history. You are not those men.

Boron de' Striguile (Knight of Mansbridge)

Letter from Boron de' Striguile (24 days, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Winham (24 recipients) Sir Henrich,

No, I'm afraid not, that’s not the issue at all. That battle was just one of many battles where we have fought. As I have said it was your arrogance well over a month past and observably so in multiple instances hence, like as now, that determined we should duel. You claim not to remember me yet it begs questions how, or why, or indeed to what motivation I would march to face a massive force and seek out a specific opponent by name if I didn't have cause nor reason to do so.

I openly declare you a Coward, and a cur, who deals only in misconstructions and delusions of his own grandeur served with a contemptible arrogance. Now, either you accept those insults as a man, not as a Taran or a Knight of your realm, but as a noble in this exchange between nobles, and allow your much voiced and self-exalted honour to be so slandered in retort to that which you cast against me, now in multiple instances, or you step up and allow us to fight this out between us.

Hide behind your army if you like, for every time we meet I will demand this duel of you until I have satisfaction or meet with death. Whether my army is victorious or yours, whenever and wherever we so meet, and publically so, it shall be known hence and afterward of every meeting that you are Henrich Eyolf Serpentis, coward, cur, arrogant self-aggrandiser, avoider of duels and self-preservationist, the dishonoured and discredited knight of Tucha.

Boron de' Striguile (Knight of Mansbridge)

Letter from Henrich Eyolf Serpentis (25 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (49 recipients) Sir Boron,

My family have a name. I don't know you or your family. And despite being here fighting against your people with honor in the battlefields, you can give more reasonable reasons to duel until death?

I don't want to fight just because you or your realm cannot win in the fields. If you find a good reason to fall under my sword, I will be glad to accept your offer.

Kill me will gave another breath to your realm and the honor to say: "I killed Sir Henrich Eyolf Serpentis, son of Gregor Eyolf Serpentis, Legendary Hero of The White City, Papania and Ohnar West and uncle of Yeux Serpentis, Great Maharshi of The Bloodspeakers, Duke of Agyr and The Last Hero of Falasan and Erik Eyolf Serpentis, Duke of Avamar, The Silver Dragon of Sirion and High Commander of The Silver Legion!". If I kill you, what can I say to my people in Tara?

I am eager to prove my value in a land where many people hate me just by my name, but kill you will not prove anything if I cannot see a good reason to do it.

Henrich Eyolf Serpentis (Knight of Tucha)

Letter from Henrich Eyolf Serpentis (25 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Winham (24 recipients) Sir Boron,

My family have a name. I don't know you or your family. And despite being here fighting against your people with honor in the battlefields, you can give more reasonable reasons to duel until death?

I don't want to fight just because you or your realm cannot win in the fields. If you find a good reason to fall under my sword, I will be glad to accept your offer.

Kill me will gave another breath to your realm and the honor to say: "I killed Sir Henrich Eyolf Serpentis, son of Gregor Eyolf Serpentis, Legendary Hero of The White City, Papania and Ohnar West and uncle of Yeux Serpentis, Great Maharshi of The Bloodspeakers, Duke of Agyr and The Last Hero of Falasan and Erik Eyolf Serpentis, Duke of Avamar, The Silver Dragon of Sirion and High Commander of The Silver Legion!". If I kill you, what can I say to my people in Tara?

I am eager to prove my value in a land where many people hate me just by my name, but kill you will not prove anything if I cannot see a good reason to do it.

Henrich Eyolf Serpentis (Knight of Tucha)

Letter from Henrich Eyolf Serpentis (24 days, 17 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Winham (24 recipients) First of all, Excuse me Sir Boron,

I just couldn't remember your name. It happens. And asking my scribe to see what happened, I can see clear like water now.

Scipio Highland (Noble of Hammarsett) has been wounded by Stormbringers. Boron de' Striguile (Knight of Mansbridge, Minas Ithil) has been wounded by Stormbringers. Gucky Zotral (Lord of Barony of Makar) has been captured by Stormbringers. Leonora Arindal, Countess of Nemaha has been wounded by Stormbringers.

Gucky Zotral. I wounded him. He can ask me a duel someday. I will accept. His name is famous. His family is a great family. Like mine. We share something from the golden times.

Excuse me if your name was just a small one of a victorious warrior who won many battles and wounded many opponents in the fields. In a shield wall with swords, axes, spears and arrows.

I wounded you, I announced my victory. I'm here again. Learn. Under my wolf eyes you don't deserve or need a duel. I want to step here and see you once again. Under the flags of Tara. Face you in the fields and let the Stormbringers take care of your defenses. Breaking the frontlines.

I value the duel as a sacred honor and art. And you do not deserve this honor and art. Come here once again to be defeated by our swords.

We are many.

Henrich Eyolf Serpentis (Knight of Tucha)