Malitia Family

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Uther Malitia, a wealthy land owner in Abadan, had many wives, many wives had Uther Malitia. Each one bore him a son.

Osvaldo, son of Maria, fled home to escape the scandel derived from
that his mother was a maid. He can currently be found freeing the
people of the Far East from tyranny. He is the rightful Baron of
Razrpot. He has struggled to defend the city of Zonasa against the well trained enemy legions. After the peace was signed, he was appointed Duke of Zonasa as the right hand man to the new King Morgan.

Horace's mother was a noble Ptaphocan, and she
passed away at birth. He was sent to be educated by his uncle,
and served loyally against the Darkan betrayers as the
Marshal of the Army of Ptaphoc. He has taken a liking to telling jokes. He is technically the third highest military officer, and in respect for this honor, he has pledged himself to the Hero's life.

Yuri's mother was from Domus,
so he was raised in Caligus. He served Abadan as well as he
could, but the Yssarian hordes have overrun the province, and he is
committed to exterminating the southern menace or die trying. His
archery unit felled many Yssarians during the 1st and 2nd battle of
Domus. He has recently been seen drinking less and meditating more, and his new helmet is adorned with deer antlers.

Malitia family motto:
Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster and if you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes into you.