The Aenilian Times/Guest Articles

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Always wanted to post on article on the Aenilian Times but the problem is you're not an official editor? That's fine, we understand and we want you to have a chance. Just put it bellow and it will be formatted into whatever style we like and we will put it on the next available Issue. Remember!!! No Need To Make It Fancy!!!!! All that's important is the writing. No templates, nothing. Just a nice big piece of juicy writing. We will then get the juicy writing and put it in the Issue, with our own style. Please back of fancy colours and templates. We just want the writing, title and the usual (date, author etc.)

Please don't be alarmed if articles disappear because I will take them down after I see them so nobody else can and save them for the article. It would be ridiculous if it sat there for everyone to read then we release it on an Issue.

Remember, not all articles will make it into the Issue.

Aenilia is suddenly at war with Cathay. A border dispute over Ahael no doubt. Why does Cathay continue to assert herself upon the Far East? A once honourable realm steered towards darkness by Brian the Deathbringer. He who invaded many of his allies, and arrogantly transformed the Noble beacon of Cathay into a brainless thug bent on conquest. Cathay is weak, the timing is correct. The question now is if Arcaea or Ohnar West will interfere, and what we might do to stop them.