Nosferatus Family/Abbot/Roleplay12

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The Mad Fever

Abbot entered the dim candle lit room of one of the towers medical quarters. He held his hat on his breast as he difficultly walked in.

The young, strong and o so healthy Lord Admiral Luan layed in one of the beds, oozing gurgling and ranting. He had the mad fever, and he had it badly.

Luan didn't even notice Abbots presence as he walked in. Luan was in another world.

"Perculiour... isn't it?" Froma dark corner an old healer carefully walked towards Abbot, dressed in white robes, supporting its crooked body on a firm walking stick.

Abbot turned left surpised, towards the healer. "Excuse me?"

"Well..." The healer continued.

"Havn't you heard the rumours? mhhh? many other have fallen ill as well, they have all gone mad... preculiour isn't it? mhhh?" As the healer came closer and close, the candles revealed the strange contours of his face. He was grinning widely, though in an almost disturbed kind of way. The healer took one of the candles and shined it's light over Luans agonized body. He was sweating and shaking and mumbling complete nonsense as if he was in some sort of panic attack.

"He is not the only case I have heard, there seems to be a trend. ghe ghe ghe" An unhealthy laugh came from the healers lungs and his gesture showed he was enjoying his own story very much and his excitement rose and rose with every step he set closer towards the Governor going more and more into detail of the horrible symptoms of this agonizing curse. But before the man could finish his story, Abbot interrupted him upon drawing his sword and with a subtle motion, it's sharp point slightly touched the healers neck. He shivered.

"Enough with the ramblings! I can't look at this any longer... you filthy old man, I won't stand your disturbed sickened face any longer, you better make sure you fix him up or you will lose that silly grin of yours! Hes the last in line of the house Agenor, this is very important!"

Abbot gave the man one more disgusting look before he sheathed his sword once more and left the room.

"Now go to work!"